110 research outputs found

    Earning Inequalities Between and Within Nests: A Multilevel Modeling Approach Applied to the Case of France

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    This paper presents a simultaneously study of the impact of gender and localization inequalities on the earnings of under-graduates. Using multilevel modeling, the framework draws both individual-level (i.e., pertaining to the individual elements of groups) and aggregate-level (i.e., pertaining to the group as a whole) data under a single specification, in order to study their potential interactions. These inequalities are studied with respect to young workers who left higher education in 2004 and who had a full-time job in the private sector three years after graduation (i.e., in 2007). To take into account the process of selection for employment, our multilevel model uses the Heckman two-step procedure. Following this approach, Occupational Groups (OG) are found to capture 59.4% of the earning heterogeneity whereas Employment Area (EA) nests capture 7.6%. This 59.4% figure is explained by two phenomena: (i) OG are dominated by seniors, and (ii) OG are dominated by males with higher earnings. These group characteristics also influence gender inequalities: there is a higher wage penalty for females in (i) OG dominated by males, and (ii) OG dominated by senior workers. In contrast to the gender gap, immigrant inequalities manifest closer links to EA. Policy implications are derived from our results.Multilevel Models, Earnings, Gender Inequality, Local Labor Market

    L'action syndicale dans l'entreprise en Argentine

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    Le puissant syndicalisme argentin est resté très influent malgré bien des bouleversements politiques et une dégradation économique continue depuis les années 50. C'est que les fondements de son pouvoir sont à chercher ailleurs que dans la vie économique et sociale : il est un véritable acteur politique. Mais si les relations à l'Etat prédominent, il n'en conserve pas moins sa place dans les relations de travail dans l'entreprise. Une enquête menée dans un groupe d'établissements industriels en 1987 et 1988 permet d'évaluer la force de l'implantation syndicale, au moyen des oeuvres sociales en particulier, mais aussi par le rôle des délégués dans l'adoption des conventions collectives et la gestion des conflits entre travailleurs et employeurs. Malgré des tensions entre la base et le sommet, ce modèle d'action syndicale est resté longtemps respecté; il devra désormais s'adapter aux nouvelles orientations de privatisation et de réduction du rôle de l'Etat. (Résumé d'auteur

    Earning Inequalities Between and Within Nests: A Multilevel Modeling Approach Applied to the Case of France

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    This paper presents a simultaneously study of the impact of gender and localization inequalities on the earnings of under-graduates. Using multilevel modeling, the framework draws both individual-level (i.e., pertaining to the individual elements of groups) and aggregate-level (i.e., pertaining to the group as a whole) data under a single specification, in order to study their potential interactions. These inequalities are studied with respect to young workers who left higher education in 2004 and who had a full-time job in the private sector three years after graduation (i.e., in 2007). To take into account the process of selection for employment, our multilevel model uses the Heckman two-step procedure. Following this approach, Occupational Groups (OG) are found to capture 59.4% of the earning heterogeneity whereas Employment Area (EA) nests capture 7.6%. This 59.4% figure is explained by two phenomena: (i) OG are dominated by seniors, and (ii) OG are dominated by males with higher earnings. These group characteristics also influence gender inequalities: there is a higher wage penalty for females in (i) OG dominated by males, and (ii) OG dominated by senior workers. In contrast to the gender gap, immigrant inequalities manifest closer links to EA. Policy implications are derived from our results

    Introduction au numéro spécial "Travail, emploi et politiques publiques"

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    Ce numéro regroupe une sélection de sept communications sur les près de cinquante présentées lors du colloque 2012 de la Fédération de Recherche " Travail, Emploi et Politiques Publiques " (FR 3435 - CNRS) qui s'est déroulé à Caen les 14 et 15 juin. Ce colloque était plus particulièrement dédié à l'analyse des trajectoires professionnelles des travailleurs et, plus généralement, aux déterminants et modalités de leur carrière

    Le Salaire, Liaisons sociales, supplément de janvier 1971

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    Bunel Jean. Le Salaire, Liaisons sociales, supplément de janvier 1971. In: Sociologie du travail, 13ᵉ année n°3, Juillet-septembre 1971. pp. 331-332

    J. Julliard, Fernand Pelloutier et les origines du syndicalisme d'action directe, collection l'Univers historique, 1971

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    Bunel Jean. J. Julliard, Fernand Pelloutier et les origines du syndicalisme d'action directe, collection l'Univers historique, 1971. In: Sociologie du travail, 14ᵉ année n°2, Avril-juin 1972. Les professions, sous la direction de Claude Durand . pp. 246-248

    La C.F.D.T., collection politique, 1971

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    Bunel Jean. La C.F.D.T., collection politique, 1971. In: Sociologie du travail, 13ᵉ année n°2, Avril-juin 1971. Conflits sociaux et transformations des relations professionnelles en Italie et en France, sous la direction de Marc Maurice . pp. 218-219

    Ph. Bernoux, D. Motte, J. Saglio Trois ateliers d'O.S., 1973

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    Bunel Jean. Ph. Bernoux, D. Motte, J. Saglio Trois ateliers d'O.S., 1973. In: Sociologie du travail, 16ᵉ année n°1, Janvier-mars 1974. pp. 101-102
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