17 research outputs found

    The effect of fructose rich diet on the expression of renin-angiostensin system components and inflamatory molecules in the rat heart: sex specific differences

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    Ishrana bogata fruktozom predstavlja bitan faktor u razvoju metaboličkog sindroma koji je povezan sa povećanim rizikom za nastanak kardiovaskularnih bolesti. Smatra se da hronična inflamacija ima bitnu ulogu u njegovoj patogenezi. Ženke su zaštićene od ishranom izazvanih metaboličkih poremećaja i hipertenzije u reproduktivnom periodu. Estrogen, koji utiče na normalno funkcionisanje kardiovaskularnog sistema, bi mogao doprinositi uočenim polno specifičnim razlikama u nastanku simptoma metaboličkog sindroma. Proteinske komponente renin-angiotenzin sistema (RAS) imaju bitnu ulogu u nastanku inflamacije, hipertenzije i insulinske rezistencije i na njihovu ekspresiju utiče estradiol. Ova doktorska disertacija je za cilj imala da ispita da li pol i estradiol doprinose promenama u ekspresiji komponenti RAS-a [angiotenzin konvertujućeg enzima (ACE), angiotenzin konvertujućeg enzima 2 (ACE2), angiotenzinskog receptora tipa 1 (AT1R), angiotenzinskog receptora tipa 2 (AT2R) i kolektrina] i medijatora inflamacije i remodelovanja tkiva srca [nuklearnog faktora κB (NFκB), matriks metaloproteinaze-9 (MMP-9) i liganda 16 iz familije hemokina CXC (CXCL16)] kod animalnog modela metaboličkog sindroma. Mužjaci i ženke pacova koji su pili 10% rastvor fruktoze umesto vode u trajanju od 9 nedelja predstavljali su animalni model metaboličkog sindroma korišćen u ovoj studiji. Radi ispitivanja efekata estradiola jedan deo ženki pacova je ovarijektomisan i podeljen u tri grupe pri čemi je jedna grupa pored standardne laboratorijske hrane pila vodu, druga grupa je pila 10% rastvor fruktoze, a treća grupa je pored rasvora fruktoze primala i supstitucionu terapiju estradiolom. Ishrana bogata fruktozom je uzrokovala povećanje krvnog pritiska samo kod mužjaka pacova. Ovaj tip ishrane nije doveo do promena u masi srca niti u odnosu masa srca/masa tela ni kod jednog pola, kao ni kod ovarijektomisanih životinja što ukazuje da se hipertrofija srca nije razvila...Fructose rich diet (FRD) represents an important factor in the development of metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is associated with increased risk for cardiovascular diseases occurrence and chronic inflammation has a major role in its pathogenesis. Females are protected from diet-induced metabolic disturbances and hypertension in their reproductive period. Estrogen, which influences the cardiovascular system, could contribute to the observed gender-specific differences in the onset of metabolic syndrome. Components of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS), the synthesis of which is mediated by estrogen, have an important role in the inflammatory processes, hypertension and insulin resistance. Almost all of the components of metabolic syndrome increase the activity of RAS, which finally results in increased oxidative stress and inflammation. The aim of this doctoral dissertation was to investigate sex specific changes and role of estradiol in the expression of RAS components [angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE), angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), angiotensin receptor type 1 (AT1R), angiotensin receptor type 2 (AT2R) and collectrin], as well as mediators of inflammation and remodeling of heart tissue [nuclear faktor κB (NFκB), matrix metalloproteinse-9 (MMP-9) and CXCL16 chemokine] in the animal model of metabolic syndrome. Male and female rats, which consumed 10% fructose solution instead of water for 9 weeks, represent an animal model of metabolic syndrome that was used in this study. In order to examine the effects of estradiol in the context of FRD, female rats were ovariectomized and divided in three groups: fed normal diet, fed FRD, and fed FRD and subjected to estradiol replacement therapy. FRD increased blood pressure only in male rats. This diet regime didn't cause heart hypertrophy neither in intact males and females, nor in ovariectomized females..

    Oestradiol Treatment Counteracts the Effect of Fructose-Rich Diet on Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 Expression and NF kappa B Activation

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    Fructose-rich diet induces metabolic changes similar to those observed in metabolic syndrome. Among other matrix metalloproteinases, MMP-9 has an important role in adverse cardiac remodelling and might have a role in the development of cardiovascular disorders associated with metabolic syndrome. The changes of MMP-9 expression could be mediated via the NF kappa B pathway. In this study we investigated the effect of fructose-rich diet on MMP-9 expression in the heart of male and female rats, along with the effect of fructose-rich diet and oestradiol on MMP-9 expression in ovariectomized females. We further assessed the effect of fructose-rich diet and oestradiol on NF kappa B activation, measured as the level of p65 phosphorylation at Ser 276. The results showed that the diet regime did not affect the heart mass. Higher MMP-9 gene expression was found in cardiac tissue of male rats fed the fructose-rich diet than in females on the same diet regime. In ovariectomized females, fructose-rich diet upregulated MMP-9 protein and mRNA expression in the heart, as well as phosphorylation of the p65 subunit of NF kappa B at Ser 276. Oestradiol replacement therapy reverted these changes in the heart of ovariectomized females. This study has shown that oestradiol could revert the early molecular changes in MMP-9 expression induced by fructose-rich diet that occurred before cardiac hypertrophy development by decreasing phosphorylation of the NF kappa B p65 subunit at Ser 276

    Fructose-rich diet induces gender-specific changes in expression of the renin-angiotensin system in rat heart and upregulates the ACE/AT1R axis in the male rat aorta

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    Introduction: The cardiovascular renin-angiotensin system (RAS) could be affected by gender and dietary regime. We hypothesized that male rats will be more susceptible to activation of RAS in the heart and aorta, as a response to a fructose-rich diet (FRD). Materials and methods: Both male and female Wistar rats were given a 10% (w/v) fructose solution for 9 weeks. We measured the biochemical parameters, blood pressure (BP) and heart rate. We used Western blot and real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to quantify protein and gene expression. Results: In the male rats, the FRD elevated BP and expression of cardiac angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), while the expression of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) and angiotensin II Type 2 receptor (AT(2)R) were significantly decreased. In female rats, there were no changes in cardiac RAS expression due to FRD. Furthermore, the ACE/AT(1)R axis was overexpressed in the FRD male rats aortae, while only AT(1)R was upregulated in the FRD female rats aortae. ACE2 expression remained unchanged in the aortae of both genders receiving the FRD. Conclusions: The FRD induced gender-specific changes in the expression of the RAS in the heart and aortae of male rats. Further investigations are required in order to get a comprehensive understanding of the underlying mechanisms of gender-specific fructose-induced cardiovascular pathologies

    The effect of fructose rich diet on the expression of renin-angiostensin system components and inflamatory molecules in the rat heart: sex specific differences

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    Ishrana bogata fruktozom predstavlja bitan faktor u razvoju metaboličkog sindroma koji je povezan sa povećanim rizikom za nastanak kardiovaskularnih bolesti. Smatra se da hronična inflamacija ima bitnu ulogu u njegovoj patogenezi. Ženke su zaštićene od ishranom izazvanih metaboličkih poremećaja i hipertenzije u reproduktivnom periodu. Estrogen, koji utiče na normalno funkcionisanje kardiovaskularnog sistema, bi mogao doprinositi uočenim polno specifičnim razlikama u nastanku simptoma metaboličkog sindroma. Proteinske komponente renin-angiotenzin sistema (RAS) imaju bitnu ulogu u nastanku inflamacije, hipertenzije i insulinske rezistencije i na njihovu ekspresiju utiče estradiol. Ova doktorska disertacija je za cilj imala da ispita da li pol i estradiol doprinose promenama u ekspresiji komponenti RAS-a [angiotenzin konvertujućeg enzima (ACE), angiotenzin konvertujućeg enzima 2 (ACE2), angiotenzinskog receptora tipa 1 (AT1R), angiotenzinskog receptora tipa 2 (AT2R) i kolektrina] i medijatora inflamacije i remodelovanja tkiva srca [nuklearnog faktora κB (NFκB), matriks metaloproteinaze-9 (MMP-9) i liganda 16 iz familije hemokina CXC (CXCL16)] kod animalnog modela metaboličkog sindroma. Mužjaci i ženke pacova koji su pili 10% rastvor fruktoze umesto vode u trajanju od 9 nedelja predstavljali su animalni model metaboličkog sindroma korišćen u ovoj studiji. Radi ispitivanja efekata estradiola jedan deo ženki pacova je ovarijektomisan i podeljen u tri grupe pri čemi je jedna grupa pored standardne laboratorijske hrane pila vodu, druga grupa je pila 10% rastvor fruktoze, a treća grupa je pored rasvora fruktoze primala i supstitucionu terapiju estradiolom. Ishrana bogata fruktozom je uzrokovala povećanje krvnog pritiska samo kod mužjaka pacova. Ovaj tip ishrane nije doveo do promena u masi srca niti u odnosu masa srca/masa tela ni kod jednog pola, kao ni kod ovarijektomisanih životinja što ukazuje da se hipertrofija srca nije razvila...Fructose rich diet (FRD) represents an important factor in the development of metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is associated with increased risk for cardiovascular diseases occurrence and chronic inflammation has a major role in its pathogenesis. Females are protected from diet-induced metabolic disturbances and hypertension in their reproductive period. Estrogen, which influences the cardiovascular system, could contribute to the observed gender-specific differences in the onset of metabolic syndrome. Components of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS), the synthesis of which is mediated by estrogen, have an important role in the inflammatory processes, hypertension and insulin resistance. Almost all of the components of metabolic syndrome increase the activity of RAS, which finally results in increased oxidative stress and inflammation. The aim of this doctoral dissertation was to investigate sex specific changes and role of estradiol in the expression of RAS components [angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE), angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), angiotensin receptor type 1 (AT1R), angiotensin receptor type 2 (AT2R) and collectrin], as well as mediators of inflammation and remodeling of heart tissue [nuclear faktor κB (NFκB), matrix metalloproteinse-9 (MMP-9) and CXCL16 chemokine] in the animal model of metabolic syndrome. Male and female rats, which consumed 10% fructose solution instead of water for 9 weeks, represent an animal model of metabolic syndrome that was used in this study. In order to examine the effects of estradiol in the context of FRD, female rats were ovariectomized and divided in three groups: fed normal diet, fed FRD, and fed FRD and subjected to estradiol replacement therapy. FRD increased blood pressure only in male rats. This diet regime didn't cause heart hypertrophy neither in intact males and females, nor in ovariectomized females..

    The effect of fructose rich diet on the expression of renin-angiostensin system components and inflamatory molecules in the rat heart: sex specific differences

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    Ishrana bogata fruktozom predstavlja bitan faktor u razvoju metaboličkog sindroma koji je povezan sa povećanim rizikom za nastanak kardiovaskularnih bolesti. Smatra se da hronična inflamacija ima bitnu ulogu u njegovoj patogenezi. Ženke su zaštićene od ishranom izazvanih metaboličkih poremećaja i hipertenzije u reproduktivnom periodu. Estrogen, koji utiče na normalno funkcionisanje kardiovaskularnog sistema, bi mogao doprinositi uočenim polno specifičnim razlikama u nastanku simptoma metaboličkog sindroma. Proteinske komponente renin-angiotenzin sistema (RAS) imaju bitnu ulogu u nastanku inflamacije, hipertenzije i insulinske rezistencije i na njihovu ekspresiju utiče estradiol. Ova doktorska disertacija je za cilj imala da ispita da li pol i estradiol doprinose promenama u ekspresiji komponenti RAS-a [angiotenzin konvertujućeg enzima (ACE), angiotenzin konvertujućeg enzima 2 (ACE2), angiotenzinskog receptora tipa 1 (AT1R), angiotenzinskog receptora tipa 2 (AT2R) i kolektrina] i medijatora inflamacije i remodelovanja tkiva srca [nuklearnog faktora κB (NFκB), matriks metaloproteinaze-9 (MMP-9) i liganda 16 iz familije hemokina CXC (CXCL16)] kod animalnog modela metaboličkog sindroma. Mužjaci i ženke pacova koji su pili 10% rastvor fruktoze umesto vode u trajanju od 9 nedelja predstavljali su animalni model metaboličkog sindroma korišćen u ovoj studiji. Radi ispitivanja efekata estradiola jedan deo ženki pacova je ovarijektomisan i podeljen u tri grupe pri čemi je jedna grupa pored standardne laboratorijske hrane pila vodu, druga grupa je pila 10% rastvor fruktoze, a treća grupa je pored rasvora fruktoze primala i supstitucionu terapiju estradiolom. Ishrana bogata fruktozom je uzrokovala povećanje krvnog pritiska samo kod mužjaka pacova. Ovaj tip ishrane nije doveo do promena u masi srca niti u odnosu masa srca/masa tela ni kod jednog pola, kao ni kod ovarijektomisanih životinja što ukazuje da se hipertrofija srca nije razvila...Fructose rich diet (FRD) represents an important factor in the development of metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is associated with increased risk for cardiovascular diseases occurrence and chronic inflammation has a major role in its pathogenesis. Females are protected from diet-induced metabolic disturbances and hypertension in their reproductive period. Estrogen, which influences the cardiovascular system, could contribute to the observed gender-specific differences in the onset of metabolic syndrome. Components of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS), the synthesis of which is mediated by estrogen, have an important role in the inflammatory processes, hypertension and insulin resistance. Almost all of the components of metabolic syndrome increase the activity of RAS, which finally results in increased oxidative stress and inflammation. The aim of this doctoral dissertation was to investigate sex specific changes and role of estradiol in the expression of RAS components [angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE), angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), angiotensin receptor type 1 (AT1R), angiotensin receptor type 2 (AT2R) and collectrin], as well as mediators of inflammation and remodeling of heart tissue [nuclear faktor κB (NFκB), matrix metalloproteinse-9 (MMP-9) and CXCL16 chemokine] in the animal model of metabolic syndrome. Male and female rats, which consumed 10% fructose solution instead of water for 9 weeks, represent an animal model of metabolic syndrome that was used in this study. In order to examine the effects of estradiol in the context of FRD, female rats were ovariectomized and divided in three groups: fed normal diet, fed FRD, and fed FRD and subjected to estradiol replacement therapy. FRD increased blood pressure only in male rats. This diet regime didn't cause heart hypertrophy neither in intact males and females, nor in ovariectomized females..

    Estradiol Protects Ovariectomized Female Rats Against Fructose Rich Diet Induced Cardiac Inflammation

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    Congress of the European-Atherosclerosis-Society (EAS), May 29-Jun 01, 2016, Innsbruck, Austri

    Fructose-Rich Diet-Induced Changes in the Expression of the Renin Angiotensin System Molecules in the Heart of Ovariectomized Female Rats Could be Reversed by Estradiol

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    The renin-angiotensin system has been implicated in the development of metabolic syndrome and appears to be a key in the local tissue control of normal cardiac functions. Physiological concentrations of estrogens have been shown to be cardioprotective, especially against the damaging effects of fructose-rich diet. The aim of the study was to investigate the expression of the renin-angiotensin system molecules with potentially deleterious effect on the heart (angiotensin-converting enzyme and angiotensin II type 1 receptor) and those with potentially protective effects, (angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 and angiotensin II type 2 receptor), in ovariectomized fructose fed female rats with 17-estradiol replacement. Real-time PCR and Western blot analysis were used for quantification of gene and protein expression in the heart. Fructose diet increased the expression of angiotensin-converting enzyme and angiotensin II type 1 receptor and decreased the expression of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 and angiotensin II type 2 receptor. On the other hand, estradiol replacement seems to undo fructose diet effects on cardiac renin-angiotensin system. Downregulation of angiotensin-converting enzyme and angiotensin II type 1 receptor, and reversion of expression of both potentially protective molecules, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 and angiotensin II type 2 receptor, to the control level in cardiac tissue took place. Obtained results suggest that estradiol may reverse the harmful effect of fructose-rich diet on the expression of renin-angiotensin system molecules. These findings may also be important in further research of phenotypes like insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and following cardiovascular pathology in females

    Estradiol ameliorates antioxidant axis SIRT1-FoxO3a-MnSOD/catalase in the heart of fructose-fed ovariectomized rats

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    Harmful effects of fructose-rich diet (FRD) were predominantly observed in males, suggesting protective effects of estrogens. Little is known about AMPK/sirtuin-1 (SIRT1)/forkhead box O3 (FoxO3a)/manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD)/catalase signaling in the heart in state of metabolic syndrome and oxidative stress induced by fructose over-consumption. We investigated the effect of 10% FRD on expression of AMPK-SIRT1-FoxO3a-MnSOD/catalase axis in myocardium and potentially beneficial effect of 17β-estradiol replacement. The expression of NADPH oxidase 4 (Nox4) and miRNA-155, unfavorable regulators of this axis, were also investigated. FRD significantly increased AMPK and decreased FoxO3a activity, decreased SIRT1, MnSOD and Nox4 protein expression while E2 reverted these changes, except for Nox4, and increased catalase protein level. E2 diminished Nox4 and MnSOD mRNA level in FRD ovariectomized rats. These results suggest independent response of AMPK and SIRT to FRD treatment. The proposed signaling in the heart should be further investigated in the prooxidative and antioxidative milieu