218 research outputs found

    Projector augmented wave calculation of x-ray absorption spectra at the L2,3 edges

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    We develop a technique based on density functional theory and the projector augmented wave method in order to obtain the x-ray absorption cross section at a general edge, both in the electric dipole and quadrupole approximations. The method is a generalization of Taillefumier et al., PRB 66, 195107 (2002). We apply the method to the calculation of the Cu L2,3 edges in fcc copper and cuprite (Cu2O), and to the S L2,3 edges in molybdenite (2H-MoS2). The role of core-hole effects, modeled in a supercell approach, as well as the decomposition of the spectrum into different angular momentum channels are studied in detail. In copper we find that the best agreement with experimental data is obtained when core-hole effects are neglected. On the contrary, core-hole effects need to be included both in Cu2O and 2H-MoS2. Finally we show that a non-negligible component of S L2,3 edges in 2H-MoS2 involves transition to states with s character at all energy scales. The inclusion of this angular momentum channel is mandatory to correctly describe the angular dependence of the measured spectra. We believe that transitions to s character states are quantitatively significant at the L2,3 edges of third row elements from Al to Ar.Comment: 12 pages, 10 picture


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    Abstrak: siswa kelas Delapan SMP N 1 Sengah Temila-di Kabupaten Landak memiliki kekurangan kosakata. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kosakata siswa. Berdasarkan pengamatan penulis melalui pra-penelitian selama mengajar kosakata siswa, penulis menemukan bahwa banyak siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam menguasai kosakata. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas yang terdiri dari Perencanaan, tindakan, Mengamati dan Merefleksikan. Metode ini dilakukan dalam dua siklus untuk mendapatkan hasil maksimal dari penelitian. Subyek penelitian adalah Semester Kedua Delapan Siswa Kelas. Teknik yang digunakan untuk pengumpulan data adalah observasi. Temuan penelitian ini adalah bahwa siswa membuat kemajuan selama kegiatan belajar mengajar pada siklus 1 dan siklus 2. Skor rata-rata dari siswa pada siklus 1 adalah 53,01 itu meningkat pada siklus 2 dengan nilai rata-rata 72,66. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ada peningkatan antara siklus 1 dan siklus 2. Kata Kunci: pemetaan semantik, meningkatkan, kosa kata. Abstract: The eight grade students of Stated owned Junior High school SMP N 1 had a lack of vocabulary. The writer used semantic mapping as teaching technique. The purpose of this research was to improve the students vocabulary. Based on pre-research during teaching learning vocabulary to students, the writer found that many students had difficulty in mastering vocabulary. The method used in this research was a Classroom Action Research with Planning, Acting, Observing and Reflecting. This method was done in two cycles in order to get the maximum result. The technique used for collecting data is observation. The findings of the research were that the students made progress during teaching and learning activity in Cycle 1 and Cycle 2. The mean score of the students in Cycle 1 was 53.01 it increased in cycle 2 with the mean score of 72.66. It showed that there was improvement between the Cycle 1 and Cycle 2. Keywords: semantic mapping, improving, vocabulary


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    Abstract: The purpose of this research is to help students to cope with their problem in reading comprehension through KWL reading strategy. This research was a classroom action research which was conducted on the purpose to solve the problems that happened in the classroom and to improve the teaching-learning process. The data were collected through achievement test, field notes, and observation checklist. The use of KWL reading strategy in improving students reading comprehension can be seen in every meeting that was observed. Based on the research findings, the KWL reading strategy which was applied to the subject of research showed the improvement the students reading comprehension of report text. The data mean score showed at the students test of first cycle was 54.28 and get improved at second cycle test that was 78.9 and third cycle students mean score was 80.7. Meanwhile, the standard score given was 75. It means that by using KWL reading strategy in teaching reading comprehension in report text the students get improved from time to time. Key words: Reading comprehension, report text, KWL. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membantu siswa mengatasi masalah mereka di dalam pemahaman membaca melalui strategi membaca KWL. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas di mana diselenggarakan dengan tujuan untuk mengatasi masalah yang terjadi di kelas dan meningkatkan proses pengajaran-pembelajaran. Data dari penelitian tindakan kelas di kumpulkan dengan tehnik observasi langsung di dalam kelas melalui tes prestasi, catatan lapangan, dan observasi. Kegunaan dari strategi membaca KWL di dalam meningkatkan pemahaman membaca siswa dapat dilihat di tiap pertemuan yang telah di observasi. Bedasarkan temuan penelitian, strategi membaca KWL di mana telah dipergunakan pada subjek penelitian menunjukan peningkatan pemahaman membaca report teks. Data skor rata-rata menunjukan pada tes pertama siswa yaitu 54,28 dan mendapat peningkatan pada tes putaran kedua yaitu 78,9 dan tes putaran ketiga rata-rata skor yaitu 80,7. Sementara itu, standar skor yang diberikan adalah 75. Ini berarti dengan menggunakan strategi membaca KWL dalam mengajar pemahaman membaca siswa di dalam teks report dapat meningkat dari waktu ke waktu. Kata kunci: Pemahaman membaca, teks report, KWL

    Studio Quiz Used as a Test to Comprehend Listening Skill: Perception of English Education Study Program Student of Tanjungpura University

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    This article is excerpted from research entitled Comprehending Listening Skill through Quiz. The quiz was administered to students of the English Education Study Program as a semester final test of Listening for Academic Purposes subject. The method of research is quantitative and intended to find out whether or not literature, sport, history, and general knowledge on the quiz was a matter for students to comprehend. The quiz administered to test the students was taken from www.bbclearningenglish.com. The primary data of the research was collected by surveying, and the secondary data was the result of the semester's final test. The survey was implemented by distributing a questionnaire to 43 student respondents attending the test. The technique of data analysis is descriptive. The research found that literature, sport, history, and general knowledge on the quiz were matters to students to comprehend. The matters were varied in accordance with skills characteristics such as the spelling of vocabulary, and the writing of phrase, sentence, and number


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    Abstract Oral participation is inherently important in English classroom. The writer observed and found that the grade VIII students of SMP LKIA Pontianak, tended to be reticent when classroom discussion conducted. They chose to remain silent rather than participating actively in the discussion. This study aimed to investigate the reasons for students’ reticence in English classroom using case study method. The participants were three students from Class VIII of SMP LKIA Pontianak. The participants were chosen by the characteristics of reticence such as tending to be reluctant in responding teachers’ or other students’ questions, sitting at the middle/back rows, and rarely asking questions (rarely raising hand). Using direct observation and semi-structured interview, the study found that the main reasons of students’ reticence were anxiety, shyness, unfamiliarity with the topics/materials, low English proficiency, fear of making mistakes, lacking confidence in oneself, and being underprepared. Based on the findings, it showed that affective, individual, and psychological factors had a dominant influence on students’ reticence. Keywords: EFL Class, Students’ Reticence, Reasons.


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    Abstract: This research is to solve students’ problem in improving reading comprehension in descriptive text to the tenth grade students of SMK Bina Putra Sungai Raya. The method used in this research is classroom action research. The sample of the study is the tenth grade students of SMK Bina Putra Sungai Raya in Academic Year 2012/2013. The tool of data collecting was reading test, observation sheet and field notes. The improvement of students’ reading comprehension could be seen from the result of every meeting. Based on the data analysis, the mean score of cycle 1 is 58.83. For each aspect, the mean score of finding main idea is 57 and 33 for supporting idea. There were only 10 students (40%) who got 65 or higher. The mean score of cycle 2 is 70,58. For each aspect, the mean score of finding main idea is 64,5 and 42 for supporting idea. There were improvements in each aspect from cycle 1 to cycle 2. The percentage of the number of students who got 65 or higher rose to 76 %. It can be concluded that teaching reading through pre-reading strategies can improve the students’ reading comprehension. Keywords: Solve, descriptive text, cycle Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengatasi kesulitan siswa memahami paragraf deskriptif pada siswa kelas sepuluh SMK Bina Putra Sungai Raya. Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan. Peserta penelitian adalah siswa kelas sepuluh SMK Bina Putra Sungai Raya tahun ajaran 2012/2013. Alat mengumpulkan data yaitu sebuah tes membaca,lembar pengamatan dan catatan lapangan. Perkembangan pemahaman membaca siswa dpat dilihat dari hasil tiap pertemuan. Berdasarkan data analisa, nilai rata-rata siklus 1 yaitu 58.83. Untuk tiap aspeknya, nilai rata-rata untuk mengetahui ide pokoknya adalah 57 dan untuk ide pendukung 33. Hanya ada 10 siswa (40%) yang mendapat nilai 65 atau lebih. Nilai rata-rata utnuk siklus 2 yaitu 70.58. Untuk tiap aspek, nilai rata-rata untuk mengetahui ide pokok adalah 64.5 dan ide pendukung 42. Ada perkembangan/peningkatan yang terjadi dari siklus 1 ke siklus 2. Persentase siswa yang mendapat nilai 65 atau lebih meningkat menjadi 76%. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa mengajar dengan strategi pre-reading dapat meningkatkan pemahaman siswa atas membaca.   Kata kunci: Mengatasi, teks deskriptif, siklu


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    Abstract:This study isintendedto improve the students’ reading comprehension on narrative text, especially detail information, main idea and vocabulary through Herringbone technique. Herringbone is the technique to help students find important information and main idea in a text by seeking answer six comprehension questions on a diagram. Method of the research is a Classroom Action Research which is conducted in three cycles. The subject of this research is eleventh grade students, numbering 34 students. The data is collected by using observation checklist, fieldnote, and test. The data is analyzed by describing the observation checklist and fieldnote, and by using formula of mean score. The results indicate the students’ reading comprehension on narrative text improve in three cycles through Herringbone technique. Key words: Reading Comprehension, Narrative Text, Herringbone Technique, and Classroom Action Research. Abstrak: Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untukmeningkat kankemampuan siswa dalam memahami teks naratif khususnya, informasi yang detail, ide pokok dan kosa kata dengan menggunakan teknik Herringbone. Herringbone teknik adalah sebuah teknik untuk membantu siswa menemukan informasi penting dan ide pokok didalam sebuah teks dengan menjawab enam pertanyaan pemahaman pada sebuah diagram. Penelitian ini adalah sebuah penelitian tindakan kelas dalam tiga siklus. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah kelas XI IPS, yang berjumlah 34 orang. Data penelitian dikumpul dengan melalui ceklis observasi, catatan lapangan dan tes evaluasi. Data tersebut dianalisa dengan mendeskipsikan ceklis obeservasi, catatan lapangan dan menggunakan rumus mencari nilai rata-rata siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukan kemampuan siswa memahami teks naratif meningkat dalam tiga siklus dengan menggunakan teknik Herringbone. Kata Kunci: Pemahaman Membaca, Teks Naratif, Teknik Herringbone, dan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas


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    AbstractThis research was conducted on the eleventh grade students of MAS Raudhatul Ulum Merantiin academic year 2018/2019. The aim of this research was to improve the students’ participation in reading comprehension class in term of paying attention, answering question, and joining the discussion. This research used a classroom action research. The research was done in two cycles. The observation technique was used to gathered the data. The tools of data collection were observation checklist and field notes. The result showed that Story Mapping Technique was able to improve students’ participation in term of paying attention, answering question, and joining the discussion. It was showed by the percentage of paying attention improved from 70% (cycle 1) to 85% (cycle 2). Meanwhile, the percentage of answering the question was improved from 65% (cycle 1) to 75% (cycle 2). And the percentage of joining the discussion was improved from 70% (cycle 1) to 80% (cycle 2). It could be concluded that the students’ participation in reading comprehension class has improved through the use of Story Mapping Technique.Keywords: Participation, Story Mapping Technique, Reading Comprehensio


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      Abstrak: Penelitian ini menggambarkan cara membangun dan mengoperasikan permainan berbasis PowerPoint untuk young learners dalam mempelajari kosakata bahasa Inggris. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D). Prosedur penelitian ini mengikuti model Borg dan Gall dengan sedikit modifikasi. Langkah-langkah yang dilakukan di dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengumpulan informasi, perencanaan, dan pengembangan produk. Hasil dari penelitian ini tertuang dalam bentuk 1) petunjuk membangun game berbasis PowerPoint yang terdiri dari 4 langkah, yaitu: mengimplementasikan desain, memberi animasi dan efek suara, memasukkan hyperlink dan mengaplikasikan mekanisme skor, dan finishing, dan 2) petunjuk mengoperasikan game berbasis PowerPoint. Kata Kunci: PowerPoint, Permainan, Kosakata, Young Learners Abstract: This research described how to construct and operate a PowerPoint-based game for young learners to learn vocabulary. The research method was research and development (R&D). The research procedures followed Borg and Gall model with some modifications. The steps conducted in this research were research and information collecting, planning and product developing. The result of this research are in the form of 1) constructing manual of the PowerPoint-based game consisting of 4 steps, namely: implementing the design, giving animation and sound effect, inserting hyperlink and applying scoring mechanism and finishing, and 2) operating manual for the PowerPoint-based game playing.   Keywords: PowerPoint, Game, Vocabulary, Young Learner
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