208 research outputs found

    Giardia Cyst Wall Protein 1 Is a Lectin That Binds to Curled Fibrils of the GalNAc Homopolymer

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    The infectious and diagnostic stage of Giardia lamblia (also known as G. intestinalis or G. duodenalis) is the cyst. The Giardia cyst wall contains fibrils of a unique β-1,3-linked N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc) homopolymer and at least three cyst wall proteins (CWPs) composed of Leu-rich repeats (CWPLRR) and a C-terminal conserved Cys-rich region (CWPCRR). Our goals were to dissect the structure of the cyst wall and determine how it is disrupted during excystation. The intact Giardia cyst wall is thin (~400 nm), easily fractured by sonication, and impermeable to small molecules. Curled fibrils of the GalNAc homopolymer are restricted to a narrow plane and are coated with linear arrays of oval-shaped protein complex. In contrast, cyst walls of Giardia treated with hot alkali to deproteinate fibrils of the GalNAc homopolymer are thick (~1.2 µm), resistant to sonication, and permeable. The deproteinated GalNAc homopolymer, which forms a loose lattice of curled fibrils, is bound by native CWP1 and CWP2, as well as by maltose-binding protein (MBP)-fusions containing the full-length CWP1 or CWP1LRR. In contrast, neither MBP alone nor MBP fused to CWP1CRR bind to the GalNAc homopolymer. Recombinant CWP1 binds to the GalNAc homopolymer within secretory vesicles of Giardia encysting in vitro. Fibrils of the GalNAc homopolymer are exposed during excystation or by treatment of heat-killed cysts with chymotrypsin, while deproteinated fibrils of the GalNAc homopolymer are degraded by extracts of Giardia cysts but not trophozoites. These results show the Leu-rich repeat domain of CWP1 is a lectin that binds to curled fibrils of the GalNAc homopolymer. During excystation, host and Giardia proteases appear to degrade bound CWPs, exposing fibrils of the GalNAc homopolymer that are digested by a stage-specific glycohydrolase. Author SummaryWhile the walls of plants and fungi contain numerous sugar homopolymers (cellulose, chitin, and β-1,3-glucans) and dozens of proteins, the cyst wall of Giardia is relatively simple. The Giardia wall contains a unique homopolymer of β-1,3-linked N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc) and at least three cyst wall proteins (CWPs), each of which is composed of Leu-rich repeats and a C-terminal Cys-rich region. The three major discoveries here are: 1) Fibrils of the GalNAc homopolymer are curled and form a lattice that is compressed into a narrow plane by bound protein in intact cyst walls. 2) Leu-rich repeats of CWP1 form a novel lectin domain that is specific for fibrils of the GalNAc homopolymer, which can be isolated by methods used to deproteinate fungal walls. 3) A cyst-specific glycohydrolase is able to degrade deproteinated fibrils of the GalNAc homopolymer. We incorporate these findings into a new curled fiber and lectin model of the intact Giardia cyst wall and a protease and glycohydrolase model of excystation.National Institutes of Health (AI048082, AI44070, GM31318, RR1088

    Vascular Complexity Evaluation Using a Skeletonization Approach and 3D LED-Based Photoacoustic Images

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    Vasculature analysis is a fundamental aspect in the diagnosis, treatment, outcome evaluation and follow-up of several diseases. The quantitative characterization of the vascular network can be a powerful means for earlier pathologies revealing and for their monitoring. For this reason, non-invasive and quantitative methods for the evaluation of blood vessels complexity is a very important issue. Many imaging techniques can be used for visualizing blood vessels, but many modalities are limited by high costs, the need of exogenous contrast agents, the use of ionizing radiation, a very limited acquisition depth, and/or long acquisition times. Photoacoustic imaging has recently been the focus of much research and is now emerging in clinical applications. This imaging modality combines the qualities of good contrast and the spectral specificity of optical imaging and the high penetration depth and the spatial resolution of acoustic imaging. The optical absorption properties of blood also make it an endogenous contrast agent, allowing a completely non-invasive visualization of blood vessels. Moreover, more recent LED-based photoacoustic imaging systems are more affordable, safe and portable when compared to a laser-based systems. In this chapter we will confront the issue of vessel extraction techniques and how quantitative vascular parameters can be computed on 3D LED-based photoacoustic images using an in vitro vessel phantom model

    Computer-assisted measurement of vessel shape from 3T magnetic resonance angiography of mouse brain

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    Blood vessel morphology (vessel radius, branching pattern, and tortuosity) is altered by a multitude of diseases. Although murine models of human pathology are important to the investigation of many diseases, there are few publications that address quantitative measurements of murine vascular morphology. This report outlines methods of imaging mice in vivo using magnetic resonance angiograms obtained on a clinical 3T unit, of defining mouse vasculature from these images, and of quantifying measures of vessel shape. We provide examples of both healthy and diseased vasculature and illustrate how the approach can be used to assess pathology both visually and quantitatively. The method is amenable to the assessment of many diseases in both human beings and mice

    Validation of an arterial tortuosity measure with application to hypertension collection of clinical hypertensive patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hypertension may increase tortuosity or twistedness of arteries. We applied a centerline extraction algorithm and tortuosity metric to magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) brain images to quantitatively measure the tortuosity of arterial vessel centerlines. The most commonly used arterial tortuosity measure is the distance factor metric (DFM). This study tested a DFM based measurement’s ability to detect increases in arterial tortuosity of hypertensives using existing images. Existing images presented challenges such as different resolutions which may affect the tortuosity measurement, different depths of the area imaged, and different artifacts of imaging that require filtering.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The stability and accuracy of alternative centerline algorithms was validated in numerically generated models and test brain MRA data. Existing images were gathered from previous studies and clinical medical systems by manually reading electronic medical records to identify hypertensives and negatives. Images of different resolutions were interpolated to similar resolutions. Arterial tortuosity in MRA images was measured from a DFM curve and tested on numerically generated models as well as MRA images from two hypertensive and three negative control populations. Comparisons were made between different resolutions, different filters, hypertensives versus negatives, and different negative controls.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In tests using numerical models of a simple helix, the measured tortuosity increased as expected with more tightly coiled helices. Interpolation reduced resolution-dependent differences in measured tortuosity. The Korean hypertensive population had significantly higher arterial tortuosity than its corresponding negative control population across multiple arteries. In addition one negative control population of different ethnicity had significantly less arterial tortuosity than the other two.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Tortuosity can be compared between images of different resolutions by interpolating from lower to higher resolutions. Use of a universal negative control was not possible in this study. The method described here detected elevated arterial tortuosity in a hypertensive population compared to the negative control population and can be used to study this relation in other populations.</p

    Analyzing attributes of vessel populations

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    Almost all diseases affect blood vessel attributes (vessel number, radius, tortuosity, and branching pattern). Quantitative measurement of vessel attributes over relevant vessel populations could thus provide an important means of diagnosing and staging disease. Unfortunately, little is known about the statistical properties of vessel attributes. In particular, it is unclear whether vessel attributes fit a Gaussian distribution, how dependent these values are upon anatomical location, and how best to represent the attribute values of the multiple vessels comprising a population of interest in a single patient

    The Physiological Molecular Shape of Spectrin: A Compact Supercoil Resembling a Chinese Finger Trap

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    © 2015 Brown et al. The primary, secondary, and tertiary structures of spectrin are reasonably well defined, but the structural basis for the known dramatic molecular shape change, whereby the molecular length can increase three-fold, is not understood. In this study, we combine previously reported biochemical and high-resolution crystallographic data with structural mass spectroscopy and electron microscopic data to derive a detailed, experimentally-supported quaternary structure of the spectrin heterotetramer. In addition to explaining spectrin’s physiological resting length of ~55-65 nm, our model provides a mechanism by which spectrin is able to undergo a seamless three-fold extension while remaining a linear filament, an experimentally observed property. According to the proposed model, spectrin’s quaternary structure and mechanism of extension is similar to a Chinese Finger Trap: at shorter molecular lengths spectrin is a hollow cylinder that extends by increasing the pitch of each spectrin repeat, which decreases the internal diameter. We validated our model with electron microscopy, which demonstrated that, as predicted, spectrin is hollow at its biological resting length of ~55-65 nm. The model is further supported by zero-length chemical crosslink data indicative of an approximately 90 degree bend between adjacent spectrin repeats. The domain-domain interactions in our model are entirely consistent with those present in the prototypical linear antiparallel heterotetramer as well as recently reported inter-strand chemical crosslinks. The model is consistent with all known physical properties of spectrin, and upon full extension our Chinese Finger Trap Model reduces to the ~180-200 nm molecular model currently in common use

    Human Mas-related G protein-coupled receptors-X1 induce chemokine receptor 2 expression in rat dorsal root ganglia neurons and release of chemokine ligand 2 from the human LAD-2 mast cell line

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    Primate-specific Mas-related G protein-coupled receptors-X1 (MRGPR-X1) are highly enriched in dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neurons and induce acute pain. Herein, we analyzed effects of MRGPR-X1 on serum response factors (SRF) or nuclear factors of activated T cells (NFAT), which control expression of various markers of chronic pain. Using HEK293, DRG neuron-derived F11 cells and cultured rat DRG neurons recombinantly expressing human MRGPR-X1, we found activation of a SRF reporter gene construct and induction of the early growth response protein-1 via extracellular signal-regulated kinases-1/2 known to play a significant role in the development of inflammatory pain. Furthermore, we observed MRGPR-X1-induced up-regulation of the chemokine receptor 2 (CCR2) via NFAT, which is considered as a key event in the onset of neuropathic pain and, so far, has not yet been described for any endogenous neuropeptide. Up-regulation of CCR2 is often associated with increased release of its endogenous agonist chemokine ligand 2 (CCL2). We also found MRGPR-X1-promoted release of CCL2 in a human connective tissue mast cell line endogenously expressing MRGPR-X1. Thus, we provide first evidence to suggest that MRGPR-X1 induce expression of chronic pain markers in DRG neurons and propose a so far unidentified signaling circuit that enhances chemokine signaling by acting on two distinct yet functionally co-operating cell types. Given the important role of chemokine signaling in pain chronification, we propose that interruption of this signaling circuit might be a promising new strategy to alleviate chemokine-promoted pain

    Human iPSC-hepatocyte modeling of alpha-1 antitrypsin heterozygosity reveals metabolic dysregulation and cellular heterogeneity

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    Individuals homozygous for the “Z” mutation in alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency are known to be at increased risk for liver disease. It has also become clear that some degree of risk is similarly conferred by the heterozygous state. A lack of model systems that recapitulate heterozygosity in human hepatocytes has limited the ability to study the impact of a single Z alpha-1 antitrypsin (ZAAT) allele on hepatocyte biology. Here, we describe the derivation of syngeneic induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) engineered to determine the effects of ZAAT heterozygosity in iPSC-hepatocytes (iHeps). We find that heterozygous MZ iHeps exhibit an intermediate disease phenotype and share with ZZ iHeps alterations in AAT protein processing and downstream perturbations including altered endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and mitochondrial morphology, reduced mitochondrial respiration, and branch-specific activation of the unfolded protein response in cell subpopulations. Our model of MZ heterozygosity thus provides evidence that a single Z allele is sufficient to disrupt hepatocyte homeostatic function.This work was supported by an Alpha-1 Foundation John W. Walsh Translational Research Award (to J.E.K.); a CJ Martin Early Career Fellowship from the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (to R.B.W.); NIH grant R01HL095993 (to D.N.K.); and NIH grants R01DK101501 (to A.A.W.) and R01DK117940 (to A.N.H. and A.A.W.). iPSC distribution and disease modeling is supported by NIH grants U01TR001810 (to D.N.K. and A.A.W.) and N0175N92020C00005 (to D.N.K.); and by The Alpha-1 Project (TAP), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Alpha-1 Foundation (to D.N.K. and A.A.W.)