2 research outputs found

    Relació funcional entre la por i efectes cognitius-emocionals en l'escalada esportiva : ús de la por com a eina terapèutica

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    Les emocions juguen un paper molt important en la cognició així com la cognició en les emocions. Aquesta relació bidireccional pot tenir un valor terapèutic molt important. En aquesta investigació, dins del marc del projecte Teràpia d'Activitats a la Natura (NAT), s'ha volgut estudiar la relació funcional entre la por induïda per l'escalada esportiva en roca i diversos efectes cognitius i afectius relacionats amb aquesta emoció (afectivitat positiva,atenció selectiva, fatiga, capacitat personal, control delegat i afectivitat negativa). A més, s'ha pretès estudiar la dinàmica afectiva del record d'aquests efectes. Un total de 348 participants dividits en dos grups (N1 = 308 i N2 = 40), han contestat dos qüestionaris molt similars en els quals se'ls preguntava pels sis efectes d'interès juntament amb la intensitat i durada de la por. Els participants de cada grup responien en relació a l'última escalada que havien realitzat. S'han avaluat dues condicions: la retrospectiva (passat un temps d'ençà a l'última escalada, N1) i la in situ (moments després d'haver realitzat l'escalada, N2). S'han pogut descriure els models de relació entre la por i els l'afectivitat positiva, fatiga, control delegat i afectivitat negativa; així com una diferència en la percepció (al moment o del record) per la fatiga, la capacitat personal, el control delegat i l'afectivitat negativa. A més s'ha trobat que l'atenció selectiva, la fatiga, el control delegat i l'afectivitat negativa poden variar pel sol fet de practicar escalada esportiva en roca. Els resultats subratllen el potencial que té incidir en determinades emocions i/o cognicions per canviar-ne d'altres, que aquestes no siguin necessàriament positives i que es puguin realitzar en un context de natura.Emotions play a very important role in cognition and vice versa. This bidirectional relationship may have a huge therapeutic value. In the context of the Therapy of Activities in Nature (NAT),this research aims to study the functional relationship between the fear induced by rock climbing and different cognitive and affective effects related to this emotion (positive affectivity, selective attention, fatigue, self-esteem, delegated control and negative affectivity). Besides, the research pretends to study the affective dynamics of the memories of those effects. A total sample of 348 participants was divided in two groups (N1 = 308 and N2 = 40) that answered two similar questionnaires in which the six effects of interest and the intensity and duration of fear were asked. The answers of the participants of each group were in relation to the last time they practiced sport rock climb. Two different conditions have been evaluated: the retrospective(some time ago since the last climb, N1) and the in situ (moments after the climb, N2). Hence, it has been possible to describe the models of relationship between fear and positive affectivity, fatigue, delegated control and negative affectivity; as well as a difference in the perception (in situ vs retrospective) for the fatigue, the self-esteem, the delegated control and the negative affectivity. Furthermore, it has been found that selective attention, fatigue, delegated control and negative affectivity can be modified by the only fact of rock climbing. The results underline the potential that incising in certain emotions and/or cognitions has in order to change other emotions and cognitions, that those don't necessarily have to be positive and that they can be done in a nature environment

    Methods for Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback (HRVB) : A Systematic Review and Guidelines

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    Altres ajuts: acords transformatius de la UABHeart Rate Variability Biofeedback (HRVB) has been widely used to improve cardiovascular health and well-being. HRVB is based on breathing at an individual's resonance frequency, which stimulates respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) and the baroreflex. There is, however, no methodological consensus on how to apply HRVB, while details about the protocol used are often not well reported. Thus, the objectives of this systematic review are to describe the different HRVB protocols and detect methodological concerns. PsycINFO, CINALH, Medline and Web of Science were searched between 2000 and April 2021. Data extraction and quality assessment were based on PRISMA guidelines. A total of 143 studies were finally included from any scientific field and any type of sample. Three protocols for HRVB were found: (i) "Optimal RF" (n = 37), each participant breathes at their previously detected RF; (ii) "Individual RF" (n = 48), each participant follows a biofeedback device that shows the optimal breathing rate based on cardiovascular data in real time, and (iii) "Preset-pace RF" (n = 51), all participants breathe at the same rate rate, usually 6 breaths/minute. In addition, we found several methodological differences for applying HRVB in terms of number of weeks, duration of breathing or combination of laboratory and home sessions. Remarkably, almost 2/3 of the studies did not report enough information to replicate the HRVB protocol in terms of breathing duration, inhalation/exhalation ratio, breathing control or body position. Methodological guidelines and a checklist are proposed to enhance the methodological quality of future HRVB studies and increase the information reported