371 research outputs found

    Gender-Konstruktion durch Filmmusik : eine analytische Betrachtung am Beispiel der Vertonung von Frauenfiguren in Filmen von Alfred Hitchcock und im neueren Frauenfilm

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    Gerade in den letzten Jahren haben sich Wissenschaftler vermehrt dem vordem stiefmütterlich behandelten Thema Filmmusik zugewandt, jedoch bisher kaum unter dem Genderaspekt. Ausnahmen bilden die Publikationen von Kathryn Kalinak (1982), Caryl Flinn (1986, 1992), Eva Rieger (1996) und Anahid Kassabian (2001). Insbesondere der auf ein Massenpublikum angelegte Hollywoodfilm ist gekennzeichnet durch typisierte Identitäten und habitualisierte Aktivitäten von Männern und Frauen. Es stellt sich nun die Frage, ob Filmmusik diese geschlechtsspezifischen Identitäten und Aktivitäten unterstützt oder konterkariert. Werden überhaupt unterschiedliche musikalische Mittel angewandt, um Männer und Frauen zu beschreiben? Spielfilme sind immer auch ein Spiegel gesellschaftlicher Veränderungen im Geschlechterverhältnis. Spiegeln sich diese Veränderungen auch in der Filmmusik wider

    Systematic errors in diffusion coefficients from long-time molecular dynamics simulations at constant pressure

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    In molecular dynamics simulations under periodic boundary conditions, particle positions are typically wrapped into a reference box. For diffusion coefficient calculations using the Einstein relation, the particle positions need to be unwrapped. Here, we show that a widely used heuristic unwrapping scheme is not suitable for long simulations at constant pressure. Improper accounting for box-volume fluctuations creates, at long times, unphysical trajectories and, in turn, grossly exaggerated diffusion coefficients. We propose an alternative unwrapping scheme that resolves this issue. At each time step, we add the minimal displacement vector according to periodic boundary conditions for the instantaneous box geometry. Here and in a companion paper [J. Chem. Phys. XXX, YYYYY (2020)], we apply the new unwrapping scheme to extensive molecular dynamics and Brownian dynamics simulation data. We provide practitioners with a formula to assess if and by how much earlier results might have been affected by the widely used heuristic unwrapping scheme.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. The following article has been accepted for publication at The Journal of Chemical Physic

    20 Jahre Ostdeutschland - wie der Osten die Schlussetappe meistert

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    Für Jens Bullerjahn, Minister der Finanzen des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt, ist es entscheidend, wie die neuen Länder aus der gegenwärtigen Krise herauskommen. Es gehe zunächst darum, die in den letzten 20 Jahren erfolgreich aufgebaute wirtschaftliche Substanz zu sichern, um dann den Wachstumsprozess und die Schaffung von Arbeitsplätzen beschleunigt voranzutreiben. Finanzpolitisch gesehen bedeute dies, vor allem in die Bereiche Bildung, Wirtschaft und Familie zu investieren.Krise, Öffentliche Schulden, Öffentliche Finanzen, Wirtschaftspolitik, Neue Bundesländer

    "Berlin - Die Sinfonie der Grossstadt" (D 1927, Walter Ruttmann) : zur Originalstummfilmmusik von Edmund Meisel und einem heutigen Rekonstruktionsversuch

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    Die landläufige Meinung über Meisels Komposition zu "Berlin - Die Sinfonie der Grossstadt" diskreditiert die Musik vorrangig als illustrativ, die Bildinhalte allein verdoppelnd, klischeehaft und deswegen künstlerisch als nicht sonderlich wertvoll. Diese Einstufung trifft, so pauschal und plakativ wie beispielsweise bei Helga de la Motte-Haber und Hans Emons (1980, 60f) sowie Werner Sudendorf (1984, 20ff) deklariert, nicht zu

    Physiology and molecular biology of aquatic cyanobacteria

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    © The Author(s), 2014. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Frontiers in Microbiology 5 (2014): 359, doi:10.3389/fmicb.2014.00359.Cyanobacteria thrive in every illuminated aquatic environment known, contributing at least 25% of primary productivity worldwide. Given their importance in carbon and nutrient cycles, cyanobacteria are essential geochemical agents that have shaped the composition of the Earth's crust, oceans and atmosphere for billions of years. The high diversity of cyanobacteria is reflected in the panoply of unique physiological adaptations across the phylum, including different strategies to optimize light harvesting or sustain nitrogen fixation, but also different lifestyles like psychrotrophy, and oligotrophy. Some cyanobacteria produce secondary metabolites of cryptic function, many of which are toxic to eukaryotes. Consequently, bloom-forming toxic cyanobacteria are global hazards that are of increasing concern in surface waters affected by anthropogenic nutrient loads and climate change

    Dynamics In The Transient Complex Of Plastocyanin-cytochrome F From Prochlorothrix Hollandica

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    The nature of transient protein complexes can range from a highly dynamic ensemble of orientations to a single well-defined state. This represents variation in the equilibrium between the encounter and final, functional state. The transient complex between plastocyanin (Pc) and cytochrome f (cyt of the cyanobacterium Prochlorothrix hollandica was characterized by NMR spectroscopy. Intermolecular pseudocontact shifts and chemical shift perturbations were used as restraints in docking calculations to determine the structure of the wild-type Pc-cytf complex. The orientation of Pc is similar to orientations found in Pc-cytf complexes from other sources. Electrostatics seems to play a modest role in complex formation. A large variability in the ensemble of lowest energy structures indicates a dynamic nature of the complex. Two unusual hydrophobic patch residues in Pc have been mutated to the residues found in other plastocyanins (Y12G/P14L). The binding constants are similar for the complexes of cytf with wild-type PC and mutant PC, but the chemical shift perturbations are smaller for the complex with mutant PC. Docking calculations for the Y12G/P14L Pc-cytf complex did not produce a converged ensemble of structures. Simulations of the dynamics were performed using the observed averaged NMR parameters as input. The results indicate a surprisingly large amplitude of mobility of Y12G/P14L Pc within the complex. It is concluded that the double mutation shifts the complex further from the well-defined toward the encounter state

    An evaluation of iron bioavailability and speciation in western lake superior with the use of combined physical, chemical, and biological assessment

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    An iron-dependent cyanobacterial bioreporter (Synechococcus strain KAS101) was used in unison with sizefractionated iron content (.0.45, ,0.45, ,0.02 mm), and chemical characterization of iron complexation (C18 resin column) to elucidate the bioavailable forms of iron present in Lake Superior during periods of inverse thermal stratification (May) and strong thermal stratification (September) of the water column. The results provide evidence of organic complexation of iron in Lake Superior waters. Iron in most sampled water was complexed by organic compounds that behaved like fulvic acids, whereas some samples showed evidence for the presence of siderophore-like compounds. The presence of dissolved organic matter suppressed the cellular luminescence of the bioreporter, indicating an increased iron bioavailability. This effect could result either from the presence of siderophores forming iron complexes that are bioavailable to the bioreporter, or from more indirect effects because of the presence of other organic compounds, such as fulvic acids or polysaccharides. Model ligand additions, iron bioaccumulation, and photo-oxidation of dissolved organic matter were used to assess the bioavailability of organically complexed iron to the bioreporter. A significant fraction of the iron (40- 100%) was bioavailable to the bioreporter. Iron bioavailability was high enough for the bioreporter not to be iron limited in the water collected from Lake Superior. This measure of bioavailability to picocyanobacteria is relevant because picoplankton accounted for the majority of chlorophyll a in Lake Superior during this study. 2009, by the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Inc

    Computational Simulation of the Docking of Prochlorothrix Hollandica Plastocyanin to Photosystem I: Modeling the Electron Transfer Complex

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    We have used several docking algorithms (GRAMM, FTDOCK, DOT, AUTODOCK) to examine protein-protein interactions between plastocyanin (Pc)/photosystem I (PSI) in the electron transfer reaction. Because of the large size and complexity of this system, it is faster and easier to use computer simulations than conduct x-ray crystallography or nuclear magnetic resonance experiments. The main criterion for complex selection was the distance between the copper ion of Pc and the P700 chlorophyll special pair. Additionally, the unique tyrosine residue (Tyr(12)) of the hydrophobic docking surface of Prochlorothrix hollandica Pc yields a specific interaction with the lumenal surface of PSI, thus providing the second constraint for the complex. The structure that corresponded best to our criteria was obtained by the GRAMM algorithm. In this structure, the solvent-exposed histidine that coordinates copper in Pc is at the van der Waals distance from the pair of stacked tryptophans that separate the chlorophylls from the solvent, yielding the shortest possible metal-to-metal distance. The unique tyrosine on the surface of the Prochlorothrix Pc hydrophobic patch also participates in a hydrogen bond with the conserved Asn(633) of the PSI PsaB polypeptide (numbering from the Synechococcus elongatus crystal structure). Free energy calculations for complex formation with wild-type Pc, as well as the hydrophobic patch Tyr(12)Gly and Pro(14)Leu Pc mutants, were carried out using a molecular mechanics Poisson-Boltzman, surface area approach (MM/PBSA). The results are in reasonable agreement with our experimental studies, suggesting that the obtained structure can serve as an adequate model for P. hollandica Pc-PSI complex that can be extended for the study of other cyanobacterial Pc/PSI reaction pairs

    Monomer dynamics of a wormlike chain

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    We derive the stochastic equations of motion for a tracer that is tightly attached to a semiflexible polymer and confined or agitated by an externally controlled potential. The generalised Langevin equation, the power spectrum, and the mean-square displacement for the tracer dynamics are explicitly constructed from the microscopic equations of motion for a weakly bending wormlike chain by a systematic coarse-graining procedure. Our accurate analytical expressions should provide a convenient starting point for further theoretical developments and for the analysis of various single-molecule experiments and of protein shape fluctuations.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Nmr Solution Structure Of Plastocyanin From The Photosynthetic Prokaryote, Prochlorothrix Hollandica

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    The solution structure of a divergent plastocyanin (PC) from the photosynthetic prokaryote Prochlorothrix hollandica was determined by homonuclear H-1 NMR spectroscopy. Nineteen structures were calculated from 1222 distance restraints, yielding a family of structures having an average rmsd of 0.42 +/- 0.08 Angstrom, for backbone atoms and 0.71 +/- 0.07 Angstrom for heavy atoms to the mean structure. No distance constraint was violated by more than 0.26 Angstrom in the structure family. Despite the low number of conserved residues shared with other PC homologues, the overall folding pattern of P. hollandica PC is similar to other PCs, in that the protein forms a two-sheet beta-barrel tertiary structure. The greatest variability among the backbone structures is seen in the loop region from residues 47-60. The differences seen in the P. hollandica PC homologue likely arise due to a small deletion of 2-4 residues compared to the PC consensus; this yields a less extended loop containing a short alpha-helix from residues Ala52-Leu55. Additionally, the protein has an altered hydrophobic patch thought to be important in binding reaction partners. Whereas the backbone structure is very similar within the loops of the hydrophobic region, the presence of two unique residues (Tyr12 and Pro14) yields a structurally different hydrophobic surface likely important in binding P. hollandica Photosystem I
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