1,972 research outputs found

    A Short Wavelength GigaHertz Clocked Fiber-Optic Quantum Key Distribution System

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    A quantum key distribution system has been developed, using standard telecommunications optical fiber, which is capable of operating at clock rates of greater than 1 GHz. The quantum key distribution system implements a polarization encoded version of the B92 protocol. The system employs vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers with emission wavelengths of 850 nm as weak coherent light sources, and silicon single photon avalanche diodes as the single photon detectors. A distributed feedback laser of emission wavelength 1.3 micro-metres, and a linear gain germanium avalanche photodiode was used to optically synchronize individual photons over the standard telecommunications fiber. The quantum key distribution system exhibited a quantum bit error rate of 1.4%, and an estimated net bit rate greater than 100,000 bits-per-second for a 4.2 km transmission range. For a 10 km fiber range a quantum bit error rate of 2.1%, and estimated net bit rate of greater than 7,000 bits-per-second was achieved.Comment: Pre-press versio

    3.3 Gigahertz Clocked Quantum Key Distribution System

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    A fibre-based quantum key distribution system operating up to a clock frequency of 3.3GHz is presented. The system demonstrates significantly increased key exchange rate potential and operates at a wavelength of 850nm.Comment: Presented at ECOC 05, Glasgow, UK, (September 2005

    The Labour Government, the Treasury and the £6 pay policy of July 1975

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    The 1974-79 Labour Government was elected in a climate of opinion that was fiercely opposed to government intervention in the wage determination process, and was committed to the principles of free collective bargaining in its manifestoes. However, by December 1974 the Treasury was advocating a formal incomes policy, and by July 1975 the government had introduced a £6 flat rate pay norm. With reference to archival sources, the paper demonstrates that TUC and Labour Party opposition to incomes policy was reconciled with the Treasury's advocacy by limiting the Bank of England‟s intervention in the foreign exchange market when sterling came under pressure. This both helped to achieve the Treasury's objective of improving the competitiveness of British industry, and acted as a catalyst for the introduction of incomes policy because the slide could be attributed to a lack of market confidence in British counter-inflation policy

    Facilitating practice-led co-innovation for the improvement in animal welfare

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from SAGE Publications via the DOI in this recordUsing the egg-laying-hen sector as a case study, the European Union-funded ‘Hennovation’ thematic network has been testing mechanisms to enable practice-led innovation through the establishment of 19 innovation networks of farmers and within the laying-hen processing industry, supported by existing science and market-driven actors. These networks were facilitated to proactively search for, share and use new ideas to improve hen welfare, efficiency and sustainability. This article provides insights into the tools used, including a framework for the facilitation of practice-led collaborative innovation processes. This framework was developed through participatory action research to monitor network performance and self-reflection by facilitators. Practice-led innovation processes are network specific and evolve as the actors within the network come together to share common problems, experiment with possible solutions and learn. The participatory and iterative nature of this process leads to uncertainty in process and end results. This raises methodological challenges in the management of such processes and requires a flexible and adaptive management approach focusing on learning and reflection.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: The article draws upon research and discussions conducted under the HENNOVATION project, a H2020 EU collaborative research project with six academic partners funded under the topic ‘Innovative, Sustainable and Inclusive Bioeconomy’ ISIB-2-2014/ 2015: Closing the research and innovation divide: the crucial role of innovation support services and knowledge exchange. Grant agreement no 652638

    Eating Biodiversity: Investigating the Links Between Grassland Biodiversity and Quality Food Production

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    Modern food production systems are generally detrimental to biodiversity, and the widespread loss of species-diverse grassland as a consequence of intensive farming methods is well documented. Since the 1980s, a range of policy measures and financial incentives for farmers have been introduced in Europe to halt (and in some cases, reverse) this trend, primarily to meet environmental objectives of species and habitat conservation and landscape protection. Biodiversity, where associated with agricultural production, has largely been regarded as a positive \u27externality\u27 to the process of food production; a ‘product’ which benefits wider society without necessarily conferring an agricultural benefit to the producer. However, with increasing emphasis on food quality, and the marketing of food products by geographical origin, method of production, gastronomic value and nutritional and health properties, there is potential to improve financial returns for farmers and the wider rural economy. Production in which grassland biodiversity is an ‘input’ to the livestock production food chain are embedded in some speciality systems, notably in mountain areas of Europe (Peeters and Frame, 2002). In the context of conserving grassland biodiversity there is a need to improve our understanding of the links between food products and animal diets, including pasture composition. This paper outlines a 3-year project funded by the UK RELU programme (RELU, 2005) which commenced in 2005. Results are not yet available so this summary focuses on the strategy being followed and the wider implications of linking enhanced food-product value to biodiversity

    Land use change: implications for Australian Capital Territory Water use

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    Managing water resources to ensure environmental values are maintained, whilst allowing for continued economic development is a major challenge facing many areas including the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). This paper reports on a GIS based investigation of the implications of land use change on ACT water use. The paper describes a suite of tools that are collectively termed PLUCA (Platform for Land use Change Assessment). Areas with the potential for land use change were identified through land capability assessment and by investigation of the suitability of land for development of alternate industries. Spatial data including slope, aspect, a wetness index, climatic surfaces, geology and consideration of the minimum viable scale of industry were analysed in the study. A coarse land use class – water use relationship estimated for the ACT was used to determine the maximum potential water use resulting from land use change. Three scenarios, based on different levels of land use change were constructed to simulate high, medium and low levels of potential landuse change in the ACT. The estimated reduction in streamflow for the maximum development scenario, was around 6.8% of the average annual runoff from the ACT. This scenario represented modification of only 3.9% of the total land area. This study demonstrates the potential for the use of GIS in the optimisation of landuse from biophysical characteristics. The implications of such changes should they occur were calculated through investigation of the annual average reduction in streamflow. The study demonstrates the use of GIS techniques in quantifying interactions at appropriate scales for decision making. The development of improved decision support tools is also outlined. <br

    Is transactional sex exploitative? A social norms perspective, with implications for interventions with adolescent girls and young women in Tanzania

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    Although transactional sex is common in many sexual relationships, there has been little research into the degree to which the practice is considered exploitative in the settings in which it is practiced. We describe the social norms that influence transactional sex in two sites in Mwanza, Tanzania, and explore local understandings of whether and under what conditions it is considered exploitative. We then compare these "emic" understandings of exploitation to international definitions and norms around sexual exploitation. This study employed a qualitative research design involving 18 focus group discussions and 43 in-depth interviews with young people aged 14-24 years and parents with children aged 14-24 years in a rural area and an urban center within Mwanza, Tanzania. Thematic analysis was conducted with the aid of NVivo 10. The social norms influencing the practice of transactional sex included: reciprocity as a core cultural value that permeates the way exchange in sexual relationships is judged; gendered expectations that men should provide for women's material needs in sexual relationships and that women should reciprocate by means of sex; and peer pressure to be perceived as "fashionable". Adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) are under strong peer pressure to conform to a "modern lifestyle" as reflected in stylish clothing and other items of modernity such as cellphones. The emic conceptualization of exploitation is defined by circumstances surrounding the relationship or a sexual encounter. Important factors that characterize local notions of when transactional relationships are considered exploitative include: when the encounter or relationship involves an imbalance of power (based on age, male economic power and social status); when a man fails to reciprocate; and when sex is coerced. According to community perspectives, young women's behavior should be considered exploitative of men when they take gifts or money yet refuse sex or when they demand large sums of money. Interventions aimed at reducing AGYW's exploitation through transactional sex need to be cognizant of the variations in the understanding of what constitutes sexual exploitation as well as the social and gender norms influencing the practice of transactional sex. Interventions need to involve communities and families in critical thinking that helps them identify positive alternatives to current gendered social norms that shape the involvement of AGYW and men in transactional sex

    Median eminence myelin continuously turns over in adult mice

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    OBJECTIVE: Oligodendrocyte progenitor cell differentiation is regulated by nutritional signals in the adult median eminence (ME), but the consequences on local myelination are unknown. The aim of this study was to characterize myelin plasticity in the ME of adult mice in health or in response to chronic nutritional challenge and determine its relevance to the regulation of energy balance. METHODS: We assessed new oligodendrocyte (OL) and myelin generation and stability in the ME of healthy adult male mice using bromodeoxyuridine labelling and genetic fate mapping tools. We evaluated the contribution of microglia to ME myelin plasticity in PLX5622-treated C57BL/6J mice and in Pdgfra-Cre/ERT2;R26R-eYFP;Myrffl/fl mice, where adult oligodendrogenesis is blunted. Next, we investigated how high-fat feeding or caloric restriction impact ME OL lineage progression and myelination. Finally, we characterized the functional relevance of adult oligodendrogenesis on energy balance regulation. RESULTS: We show that myelinating OLs are continuously and rapidly generated in the adult ME. Paradoxically, OL number and myelin amounts remain remarkably stable in the adult ME. In fact, the high rate of new OL and myelin generation in the ME is offset by continuous turnover of both. We show that microglia are required for continuous OL and myelin production, and that ME myelin plasticity regulates the recruitment of local immune cells. Finally, we provide evidence that ME myelination is regulated by the body's energetic status and demonstrate that ME OL and myelin plasticity are required for the regulation of energy balance and hypothalamic leptin sensitivity. CONCLUSIONS: This study identifies a new mechanism modulating leptin sensitivity and the central control of energy balance and uncovers a previously unappreciated form of structural plasticity in the ME

    'I trap her with a CD, then tomorrow find her with a big old man who bought her a smart phone'. Constructions of masculinities and transactional sex: a qualitative study from North-Western Tanzania

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    Men’s role in transactional sex is relatively unexplored, limiting initiatives to prevent exploitative transactional sex and its negative health implications for girls and women. We addressed this literature gap by conducting eight focus group discussions and twenty in-depth-interviews with boys and men aged 14 − 49 years in 2015 in Tanzania. We employed a novel combination of theoretical perspectives – gender and masculinities, and social norms – to understand how transactional sex participation contributes to perpetuating gendered hierarchies, and how reference groups influence men’s behaviour. Findings signal two gender norms that men display within transactional sex: the expectation of men’s provision in sexual relationships, and the expectation that men should exhibit heightened sexuality and sexual prowess. Adherence to these expectations in transactional sex relationships varied between older and younger men and created hierarchies among men and between men and women and girls. We found that approval of transactional sex was contested. Although young men were likely to object to transactional sex, they occupied a structurally weaker position than older men. Findings suggest that interventions should employ gender synchronised and gender transformative approaches and should prioritise the promotion of alternative positive norms over preventing the exchange of gifts or money in relationships

    Deception and self-awareness

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    This paper presents a study conducted for the Shades of Grey EPSRC research project (EP/H02302X/1), which aims to develop a suite of interventions for identifying terrorist activities. The study investigated the body movements demonstrated by participants while waiting to be interviewed, in one of two conditions: preparing to lie or preparing to tell the truth. The effect of self-awareness was also investigated, with half of the participants sitting in front of a full length mirror during the waiting period. The other half faced a blank wall. A significant interaction was found for the duration of hand/arm movements between the deception and self-awareness conditions (F=4.335, df=1;76, p<0.05). Without a mirror, participants expecting to lie spent less time moving their hands than those expecting to tell the truth; the opposite was seen in the presence of a mirror. This finding indicates a new research area worth further investigation