41 research outputs found

    Abundance and diversity of ascidians in the southern Gulf of ChiriquĂ­, Pacific Panama

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    © The Author(s), 2011. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Aquatic Invasions 6 (2011): 381-390, doi:10.3391/ai.2011.6.4.03.Little is known about the ascidian fauna of Pacific Panama. Ascidian surveys were conducted in the southern Gulf of Chiriquí on the Pacific coast of Panama in January 2008 and 2009. Surveys along linear transects at 2-3 m depth (snorkel, 2008) and 5 and 12 m depth (SCUBA, 2009) were conducted at multiple sites within a chain of islands extending out from the mainland. Twelve different ascidian taxa were observed with mean densities of up to ~17 ascidians m-2. The most abundant species was Rhopalaea birkelandi. Two of the most abundant taxa (Ascidia sp., Pyura sp.) appear to represent previously undescribed species. Several species of didemnids were also abundant. Ascidians were most abundant near the coast of the mainland and were less abundant near the islands farthest offshore. These data on Panamanian ascidian communities provide a baseline of local biodiversity against which it will be possible to determine whether the communities change over time, if additional species become introduced to the region, or if native Panamanian species become invasive in other parts of the world.This research was supported by Ocean Life Institute Exploratory Grant (250513.38) to Carman and Sievert, Tropical Research Initiative Grant (253750.09) to Carman, Molyneaux and Sievert, a University of Hartford International Center Faculty Grant to Bullard, and CNPq senior postdoctoral grant to Rocha (200914/2008-1)

    Ascidians at the Pacific and Atlantic entrances to the Panama Canal

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    © The Author(s), 2011. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Aquatic Invasions 6 (2011): 371-380, doi:10.3391/ai.2011.6.4.02.The Panama Canal region is susceptible to non-native species introductions due to the heavy international shipping traffic through the area. Ascidian introductions are occurring worldwide but little is known about introductions at the Panama Canal. Surveys were conducted in 2002, 2008, and 2009 within the Pacific and Atlantic entrances to the canal. We found a high diversity of ascidians on both sides of the canal, dominated by non-native species; six species occurred at both Pacific and Atlantic Panama sites. This is the first report of Polyandrocarpa anguinea and P. sagamiensis in Atlantic Panama waters and Ascidia incrassata, Ascidia sydneiensis, Botrylloides nigrum, Botryllus planus, Didemnum perlucidum, Diplosoma listerianum, Microcosmus exasperatus, Polyandrocarpa zorritensis, Polyclinum constellatum, Symplegma brakenhielmi, Symplegma rubra, and Trididemnum orbiculatum in Pacific Panama waters. The canal may serve as a major invasion corridor for ascidians and should be monitored over time.Funding for this project came from WHOI Ocean Life Institute-Tropical Research Initiative to Carman and CNPq to Rocha

    The colonial ascidian Didemnum sp. A: Current distribution, basic biology and potential threat to marine communities of the northeast and west coasts of North America

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2006. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 342 (2007): 99-108, doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2006.10.020.Didemnum sp. A is a colonial ascidian with rapidly expanding populations on the east and west coasts of North America. The origin of Didemum sp. A is unknown. Populations were first observed on the northeast coast of the U.S. in the late 1980s and on the west coast during the 1990s. It is currently undergoing a massive population explosion and is now a dominant member of many subtidal communities on both coasts. To determine Didemnum sp. A’s current distribution, we conducted surveys from Maine to Virginia on the east coast and from British Columbia to southern California on the west coast of the U.S. between 1998 and 2005. In nearshore locations Didemnum sp. A currently ranges from Eastport, Maine to Shinnecock Bay, New York on the east coast. On the west coast it has been recorded from Humboldt Bay to Port San Luis in California, several sites in Puget Sound, Washington, including a heavily fouled mussel culture facility, and several sites in southwestern British Columbia on and adjacent to oyster and mussel farms. The species also occurs at deeper subtidal sites (up to 81 m) off New England, including Georges, Stellwagen and Tillies Banks. On Georges Bank numerous sites within a 147 km2 area are 50-90% covered by Didemnum sp. A; large colonies cement the pebble gravel into nearly solid mats that may smother infaunal organisms. These observations suggest that Didemnum sp. A has the potential to alter marine communities and affect economically important activities such as fishing and aquaculture.Funding for this project was provided by EPA (STAR) grant GZ1910464 to R.B. Whitlatch, NSF-DGE 0114432 to J. Byrnes, NSF-OCE 0117839 to R. Etter and R.J. Miller, MIT Sea Grant NA86RG0074 and USEPA Grant GX83055701-0 to J. Pederson. RI Sea Grant NA07R90363 to J.S. Collie. Funding for A.N. Cohen and G. Lambert was provided by Mass. Sea Grant, U.S. EPA, Smithsonian Envl. Research Center Invasions Lab, Natl. Geographic Soc., San Francisco Bay-Delta Science Consortium and CALFED Science Program, Calif. Coastal Conservancy and the Rose Foundation. Additional funding and support was provided by the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary

    Fragment reattachment, reproductive status, and health indicators of the invasive colonial tunicate Didemnum vexillum with implications for dispersal

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    This manuscript is not subject to U.S. copyright. The definitive version was published in Biological Invasions 14 (2012): 2133-2140, doi:10.1007/s10530-012-0219-8.The invasive colonial tunicate Didemnum vexillum is now widespread in coastal and offshore waters of New England, USA. D. vexillum can inflict ecological and economic damage through biofouling and habitat modification. Natural and anthropogenic processes that fragment colonies of D. vexillum may be accelerating the spread of this invader. Reattachment success and fragment viability were confirmed in the laboratory after four weeks of suspension in experimental aquaria. The shape of suspended D. vexillum fragments progressed from flattened to globular spheres and then flattened again after reattachment to the substrate. Reproductive activity, confirmed by the presence of eggs and larvae, was observed for fragments suspended up to three weeks suggesting that D. vexillum is capable of reproducing while in a fragmented, suspended state. An index of colony health was used to monitor change in D. vexillum health while in suspension. Overall, colony health declined with time in suspension although colonies that appeared dead (black and gray in overall color) still contained a substantial number of healthy live zooids. These results suggest that activities that cause fragmentation can significantly facilitate the spread of D. vexillum. Coastal managers should consider reducing or eliminating, when practical, activities that return fragmented colonies of D. vexillum to the water. In-water cleaning of biofouling and dredging are likely expediting the spread of this invasive species unless biofouling can be contained and removed from the water.This research was funded by the NOAA Aquatic Invasive Species Program

    Genomic Analysis of Parent-of-Origin Allelic Expression in Arabidopsis thaliana Seeds

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    Differential expression of maternally and paternally inherited alleles of a gene is referred to as gene imprinting, a form of epigenetic gene regulation common to flowering plants and mammals. In plants, imprinting primarily occurs in the endosperm, a seed tissue that supports the embryo during its growth and development. Previously, we demonstrated that widespread DNA demethylation at remnants of transposable elements accompanies endosperm development and that a subset of these methylation changes are associated with gene imprinting. Here we assay imprinted gene expression genome-wide by performing high-throughput sequencing of RNA derived from seeds of reciprocal intraspecific crosses. We identify more than 200 loci that exhibit parent-of-origin effects on gene expression in the endosperm, including a large number of transcription factors, hormone biosynthesis and response genes, and genes that encode regulators of epigenetic information, such as methylcytosine binding proteins, histone methyltransferases, and chromatin remodelers. The majority of these genes are partially, rather than completely, imprinted, suggesting that gene dosage regulation is an important aspect of imprinted gene expression

    Patient and stakeholder engagement learnings: PREP-IT as a case study

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