600 research outputs found

    Structure and nature of ice XIX

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    Ice is a material of fundamental importance for a wide range of scientific disciplines including physics, chemistry, and biology, as well as space and materials science. A well-known feature of its phase diagram is that high-temperature phases of ice with orientational disorder of the hydrogen-bonded water molecules undergo phase transitions to their ordered counterparts upon cooling. Here, we present an example where this trend is broken. Instead, hydrochloric-acid-doped ice VI undergoes an alternative type of phase transition upon cooling at high pressure as the orientationally disordered ice remains disordered but undergoes structural distortions. As seen with in-situ neutron diffraction, the resulting phase of ice, ice XIX, forms through a Pbcn-type distortion which includes the tilting and squishing of hexameric clusters. This type of phase transition may provide an explanation for previously observed ferroelectric signatures in dielectric spectroscopy of ice VI and could be relevant for other icy materials

    Effect of ammonium fluoride doping on the ice III to ice IX phase transition

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    Ice III is a hydrogen-disordered phase of ice that is stable between about 0.2 and 0.35 GPa. Upon cooling, it transforms to its hydrogen-ordered counterpart ice IX within the stability region of ice II. Here, the effect of ammonium fluoride doping on this phase transition is investigated, which is followed for the first time with in situ neutron diffraction. The a and c lattice constants are found to expand and contract, respectively, upon hydrogen ordering, yielding an overall negative volume change. Interestingly, the anisotropy in the lattice constants persists when ice IX is fully formed, and negative thermal expansion is observed. Analogous to the isostructural keatite and β-spodumenes, the negative thermal expansion can be explained through the buildup of torsional strain within the a–b plane as the helical “springs” within the structure expand upon heating. The reversibility of the phase transition was demonstrated upon heating. As seen in diffraction and Raman spectroscopy, the ammonium fluoride doping induces additional residual hydrogen disorder in ice IX and is suggested to be a chemical way for the “excitation” of the configurational ice-rules manifold. Compared to ice VIII, the dopant-induced hydrogen disorder in ice IX is smaller, which suggests a higher density of accessible configurational states close to the ground state in ice IX. This study highlights the importance of dopants for exploring the water’s phase diagram and underpins the highly complex solid-state chemistry of ice

    Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex Lipid Virulence Factors Preserved in the 17,000 Year Old Skeleton of an Extinct Bison, Bison antiquus

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    Tracing the evolution of ancient diseases depends on the availability and accessibility of suitable biomarkers in archaeological specimens. DNA is potentially information-rich but it depends on a favourable environment for preservation. In the case of the major mycobacterial pathogens, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium leprae, robust lipid biomarkers are established as alternatives or complements to DNA analyses. A DNA report, a decade ago, suggested that a 17,000 year old skeleton of extinct Bison antiquus, from Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming, was the oldest known case of tuberculosis. In the current study, key mycobacterial lipid virulence factor biomarkers were detected in the same two samples from this bison. Fluorescence high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) indicated the presence of mycolic acids of the mycobacterial type, but they were degraded and could not be precisely correlated with tuberculosis. However, pristine profiles of C29, C30 and C32 mycocerosates and C27 mycolipenates, typical of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex, were recorded by negative ion chemical ionization gas chromatography mass spectrometry of pentafluorobenzyl ester derivatives. These findings were supported by the detection of C34 and C36 phthiocerols, which are usually esterified to the mycocerosates. The existence of Pleistocene tuberculosis in the Americas is confirmed and there are many even older animal bones with well-characterised tuberculous lesions similar to those on the analysed sample. In the absence of any evidence of tuberculosis in human skeletons older than 9,000 years BP, the hypothesis that this disease evolved as a zoonosis, before transfer to humans, is given detailed consideration and discussion

    The rise and fall of Australian physical activity policy 1996 – 2006: a national review framed in an international context

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    Background: This paper provides an historical review of physical activity policy development in Australia for a period spanning a decade since the release of the US Surgeon General's Report on Physical Activity and Health in 1996 and including the 2004 WHO Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health. Using our definition of 'HARDWIRED' policy criteria, this Australian review is compared with an international perspective of countries with established national physical activity policies and strategies (New Zealand, Canada, Brazil, Scotland, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Finland). Methods comprised a literature and policy review, audit of relevant web sites, document searches and surveys of international stakeholders. Results: All these selected countries embraced multi-strategic policies and undertook monitoring of physical activity through national surveys. Few committed to policy of more than three years duration and none undertook systematic evaluation of national policy implementation. This Australian review highlights phases of innovation and leadership in physical activity-related policy, as well as periods of stagnation and decline; early efforts were amongst the best in the world but by the mid-point of this review (the year 2000), promising attempts towards development of a national intersectoral policy framework were thwarted by reforms in the Federal Sport and Recreation sector. Several well received reviews of evidence on good practices in physical activity and public health were produced in the period but leadership and resources were lacking to implement the policies and programs indicated. Latterly, widespread publicity and greatly increased public and political interest in chronicdisease prevention, (especially in obesity and type 2 diabetes) have dominated the framework within which Australian policy deliberations have occurred. Finally, a national physical activity policy framework for the Health sector emerged, but not as a policy vision that was inclusive of the other essential sectors such as Education,Transport, Urban Planning as well as Sport and Recreation. Conclusion: Despite some progression of physical activity policy in the decade since 1995/6, this review found inconsistent policy development, both in Australia and elsewhere. Arguably, Australia has done no worse than other countries, but more effective responses to physical inactivity in populations can be built only on sustainable multi-sectoral public health policy partnerships that are well informed by evidence of effectiveness and good practice. In Australia and elsewhere prerequisites for success are political support, long-term investment and commitment to program implementation and evaluation. An urgent priority is media and political advocacy for physical activity focussed on these factors

    Hydrogen-bond-mediated structural variation of metal guanidinium formate hybrid perovskites under pressure

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    The hybrid perovskites are coordination frameworks with the same topology as the inorganic perovskites, but with properties driven by different chemistry, including host-framework hydrogen bonding. Like the inorganic perovskites, these materials exhibit many different phases, including structures with potentially exploitable functionality. However, far less is known about their behaviour under pressure. We have studied the structures of of manganese and cobalt guanidinium formate under pressure using single-crystal X-ray and powder neutron diffraction. Remarkably, when pressure reduces these materials' volume, they transform to a phase isostructural to cadmium guanidinium formate, which has an larger volume. Using DFT calculations, we show that this counterintuitive behaviour depends on the hydrogen-bonded network of guanidinium ions, which act as struts protecting the metal formate framework against compression. Our results demonstrate more generally that engineering desirable crystal structures in the hybrid perovskites will depend on achieving suitable host-guest hydrogen-bonding geometries.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Effect of Galactose Ingestion Before and During Exercise on Substrate Oxidation, Postexercise Satiety, and Subsequent Energy Intake in Females.

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    OBJECTIVE: To examine the effects of consuming a galactose carbohydrate (CHO) drink on substrate oxidation, postexercise satiety, and subsequent energy intake. METHODS: Nine recreationally active eumenorrheic females undertook 3 trials, each consisting of running for 60 minutes at 65% VO2peak followed immediately by a 90-minute rest period. Prior to (300 ml) and at 15-minute intervals during exercise (150 ml), participants consumed either a glucose (GLU: GI 89) or galactose (GAL: GI 20) drink, each of which contained 45 g of CHO, or an artificially sweetened placebo (PLA). Following the rest period, participants were provided with an ad libitum test lunch and asked to record food intake for the remainder of the day. RESULTS: Plasma glucose was significantly greater throughout exercise and rest following the GLU trial compared with the GAL and PLA trials (P < 0.05); however there were no differences in CHO oxidation. Hunger was significantly lower (P < 0.05) throughout the GAL compared to the GLU and PLA trials. There were no significant differences between trials for energy intake during the postexercise meal. Overall net energy balance for the 24 hours was negative in both the GAL (-162 ¹ 115 kcal; P < 0.05 vs GLU) and PLA trials (-49 ¹ 160 kcal). CONCLUSIONS: Results demonstrate that ingesting a solution containing GAL before and during exercise can positively impact postexercise satiety and energy balance throughout the day, compared to a more readily available and widely consumed form of CHO. Despite this, there appears to be no apparent benefit in consuming a CHO beverage on fuel utilization for this moderate exercise intensity and duration

    High-resolution neutron-diffraction measurements to 8 kbar

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    We describe the capability to measure high-resolution neutron powder diffraction data to a pressure of at least 8 kbar. We have used the HRPD instrument at the ISIS neutron source and a piston-cylinder design of pressure cell machined from a null-scattering titanium zirconium alloy. Data were collected under hydrostatic conditions from an elpasolite perovskite La(Formula presented.)NiMnO(Formula presented.); by virtue of a thinner cell wall on the incident-beam side of the cell, it was possible to obtain data in the instrument's highest resolution back-scattering detector banks up to a maximum pressure of 8.5 kbar
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