23 research outputs found


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    BACKGROUND: The aim of this article is to show how the features of job exhaustion depend of the amount of work-related stress. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This research included a randomly selected group of 456 paramedics, aged between 21 and 51, working at hospital emergency departments and in mobile emergency teams. The authors used the Maslach Burnout Inventory Form and Perceived Job Stress Questionnaire Form. RESULTS: The most important factors in uencing general amount of stress in a paramedic’s job include as follows: the sense of responsibility; the sense of insecurity impacted with the system of work; and the sense of psychic workload. However, less important factors in uencing stress include: unpleasant work conditions; a lack of support; a lack of control; a sense of threat. CONCLUSIONS: Paramedics are exposed to job exhaustion syndrome which causes a lessening of feeling safe in their work place. The risk factors in uencing job exhaustion syndrome include as follows: uncertainty of work system; sense of psychic workload caused by work; poor social contacts causing a lack of assistance from others; a lack of positive motivators in one’s job, such as various rewards


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    Traumatizacija nastala izloženošću seksualnom zlostavljanju složena je i danas postoji niz pokazatelja povezanosti seksualne viktimizacije u djetinjstvu s posttraumatskom simptomatologijom, ali i s kasnijim psihosocijalnim funkcioniranjem. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je provjeriti na kliničkom uzorku seksualno zlostavljane djece postoje li značajne razlike u nekim aspektima obiteljskog i psihosocijalnog funkcioniranja te traumatizaciji između mlađe i starije školske djece. Nadalje, ispitano je razlikuju li se mlađa i starija školska djeca u izloženosti seksualnim zlostavljačima, tj. u odnosu na podatak tko je seksualni zlostavljač. Pokazalo se da nema razlika u strukturi obitelji kod mlađe i starije seksualno zlostavljane školske djece, osim što je više starije djece doživjelo gubitak barem jednog roditelja u odnosu na mlađu djecu. Utvrđene su i neke razlike u psihosocijalnom funkcioniranju. Starija djeca imaju slabiji školski uspjeh od mlađe seksualno zlostavljane školske djece. Starija seksualno zlostavljana školska djeca emocionalno su nestabilnija i imaju više pokazatelja traumatiziranosti od mlađe djece. Kod mlađe seksualno zlostavljane djece počinitelj seksualnog zlostavljanja češće je član obitelji ili susjed, dok je kod starije seksualno zlostavljane djece češće riječ o ostalim poznatim osobama. Dobivene spoznaje, iako utvrđene na kliničkom uzorku, mogu biti pokazatelji dodatnih rizika kod starije školske seksualno zlostavljane djece u odnosu na onu mlađu i mogu nam dati smjernice za rad sa seksualno zlostavljanom djecom, ali i za preventivne aktivnosti

    Croatian primary health care doctors\u27 experience, knowledge and attitudes about child abuse and neglect

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi iskustvo, znanje te stavove liječnika primarne zdravstvene zaštite u Republici Hrvatskoj o zlostavljanju i zanemarivanju djece. Istraživanjem su obuhvaćena 253 pedijatra i 2524 liječnika opće, obiteljske i školske medicine, kojima je poslan upitnik na adresu zaposlenja. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da se liječnici koji su se uključili u istraživanje (78 pedijatara i 512 liječnika opće, obiteljske i školske medicine) vrlo rijetko, odnosno ponekad, susreću s problemom zlostavljanja i zanemarivanja djece te iako im je uglavnom jasna njihova profesionalna uloga, svjesni su da nemaju dovoljno znanja i nisu dovoljno educirani u ovom području. Gotovo 86% pedijatara i 83% liječnika opće, obiteljske i školske medicine želi se dodatno educirati u području zlostavljanja i zanemarivanja djece. Navedeni rezultati, kao i podatak o malom broju liječnika koji prijavljuje zlostavljanje i zanemarivanje djece, upozoravaju na potrebu sveobuhvatne edukacije liječnika u Republici Hrvatskoj iz područja zaštite djece.The aim of this research was to investigate the Croatian primary health care doctors\u27 experience, expertise and attitudes about child abuse and neglect. The research included 253 paediatricians and 2524 general practitioners, family doctors and school children doctors. They were sent a questionnaire to their workplaces. The results showed that doctors who filled out the questionnaire (78 paediatricians and 512 general practitioners, family doctors and school children doctors) only rarely or occasionally detected the problem of abuse. Although they clearly take their duties professionally, they are aware that they have not had enough education and consequently they do not have enough knowledge in this field. Up to 86% of paediatricians and 83% of general practitioners, family doctors and school children doctors want further education in the field of child abuse and neglect. The obtained results, as well as the data on the small number of doctors who refer abuse and neglect, indicate that there is a need for comprehensive education of doctors in Croatia in the field of child protection

    Parental perceptional and behavioral difficulties as risk factors for child abuse in the family

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati povezanost pojavnosti zlostavljanja djece u obitelji sa smetnjama doživljavanja i ponašanja roditelja. Istraživanje smo proveli na 4191 maturantu u školama diljem Hrvatske. Sudionici ispitivanja su, uz davanje nekih općih podataka te podataka o postojanju smetnji doživljavanja i ponašanja kod roditelja, ispunjavali upitnike o izloženosti zlostavljanju, te upitnik socijalne i emocionalne usamljenosti. Uspoređivali smo sudionike kojima barem jedan od roditelja pokazuje smetnje doživljavanja i ponašanja s ostatkom uzorka na nizu indikatora zlostavljanja te na upitniku socijalne i emocionalne usamljenosti. Rezultati pokazuju da su adolescenti kojima barem jedan od roditelja pokazuje smetnje doživljavanja i ponašanja bili izloženiji tjelesnom, emocionalnom i spolnom zlostavljanju te zanemarivanju u obitelji. Osim toga, ti se adolescenti osjećaju usamljenije u domeni društvenih odnosa i odnosa u obitelji, dok u izraženosti usamljenosti u ljubavnim odnosima nismo našli razlike. Dobiveni nalazi upućuju na to da smetnje doživljavanja i ponašanja kod roditelja predstavljaju rizik za izloženost djece zlostavljanju u obitelji, što smatramo relevantnim podatkom pri radu na preventivnim mjerama suzbijanja pojave zlostavljanja djece.The aim of this research was to investigate the correlation between the incidence of child abuse and parental perceptional and behavioral difficulties. The research was conducted among 4191 pre-graduation students in a number of secondary schools throughout Croatia. Beside general data and data on perceptional and behavioral difficulties in the family, questionnaires about the experience of abuse and social and emotional loneliness scales were also administered. Adolescents with at least one parent who had these difficulties, against a set of abuse indicators and social and emotional loneliness scales, were compared to the rest of the sample. The results showed that sexual, physical and emotional abuse and neglect of adolescents were more often present in families with at least one parent who had perceptional and behavioral difficulties, i.e. that these adolescents were more often exposed to family abuse. Also, these adolescents achieved higher scores on social loneliness and loneliness in the family scales, i.e. they felt lonelier in social and family relationships, while differences in loneliness scales related to romantic relationships were not found. The results showed that perceptional and behavioral difficulties in parents represent a risk factor for child abuse in the family. We feel the findings are relevant for the prevention of child abuse

    Parental perceptional and behavioral difficulties as risk factors for child abuse in the family

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati povezanost pojavnosti zlostavljanja djece u obitelji sa smetnjama doživljavanja i ponašanja roditelja. Istraživanje smo proveli na 4191 maturantu u školama diljem Hrvatske. Sudionici ispitivanja su, uz davanje nekih općih podataka te podataka o postojanju smetnji doživljavanja i ponašanja kod roditelja, ispunjavali upitnike o izloženosti zlostavljanju, te upitnik socijalne i emocionalne usamljenosti. Uspoređivali smo sudionike kojima barem jedan od roditelja pokazuje smetnje doživljavanja i ponašanja s ostatkom uzorka na nizu indikatora zlostavljanja te na upitniku socijalne i emocionalne usamljenosti. Rezultati pokazuju da su adolescenti kojima barem jedan od roditelja pokazuje smetnje doživljavanja i ponašanja bili izloženiji tjelesnom, emocionalnom i spolnom zlostavljanju te zanemarivanju u obitelji. Osim toga, ti se adolescenti osjećaju usamljenije u domeni društvenih odnosa i odnosa u obitelji, dok u izraženosti usamljenosti u ljubavnim odnosima nismo našli razlike. Dobiveni nalazi upućuju na to da smetnje doživljavanja i ponašanja kod roditelja predstavljaju rizik za izloženost djece zlostavljanju u obitelji, što smatramo relevantnim podatkom pri radu na preventivnim mjerama suzbijanja pojave zlostavljanja djece.The aim of this research was to investigate the correlation between the incidence of child abuse and parental perceptional and behavioral difficulties. The research was conducted among 4191 pre-graduation students in a number of secondary schools throughout Croatia. Beside general data and data on perceptional and behavioral difficulties in the family, questionnaires about the experience of abuse and social and emotional loneliness scales were also administered. Adolescents with at least one parent who had these difficulties, against a set of abuse indicators and social and emotional loneliness scales, were compared to the rest of the sample. The results showed that sexual, physical and emotional abuse and neglect of adolescents were more often present in families with at least one parent who had perceptional and behavioral difficulties, i.e. that these adolescents were more often exposed to family abuse. Also, these adolescents achieved higher scores on social loneliness and loneliness in the family scales, i.e. they felt lonelier in social and family relationships, while differences in loneliness scales related to romantic relationships were not found. The results showed that perceptional and behavioral difficulties in parents represent a risk factor for child abuse in the family. We feel the findings are relevant for the prevention of child abuse

    Support from family and friends as factor in chilndre\u27s adjustment to parental divorce

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati moderatorski učinak podrške obitelji i prijatelja kod prilagodbe djece na razvod roditelja. Korišteni su upitnici anksioznosti i samopoštovanja te skale obiteljske i prijateljske podrške, a primijenjeni su na 79 djece dobi između 9 i 15 godina, iz 63 obitelji, s područja RH. Rezultati su pokazali da djeca razvedenih roditelja koja imaju višu razinu obiteljske podrške iskazuju značajno više razine samopoštovanja i značajno niže razine anksioznosti od djece razvedenih roditelja koja imaju niže razine obiteljske podrške. Također se pokazalo da se djeca razvedenih roditelja koja imaju više razine podrške od strane prijatelja ne razlikuju u samopoštovanju ili anksioznosti od djece razvedenih roditelja koja imaju niže razine prijateljske podrške. Obiteljska podrška i podrška od strane prijatelja međusobno umjereno pozitivno koreliraju, djeca koja dobivaju više obiteljske podrške imaju i više podrške od strane prijatelja. Značajne su i korelacije obiteljske podrške i podrške od strane prijatelja sa samopoštovanjem, viša razina podrške povezana je s višim samopoštovanjem. Samopoštovanje i anksioznost međusobno negativno koreliraju. Provedeno istraživanje daje nam djelomičan uvid u obilježja djece razvedenih roditelja, time i mogućnost boljeg razumijevanja te unapređenja praktičnog rada s djecom i njihovim obiteljima, a koja imaju iskustvo razvoda.The aim of this study was to examine the moderating effect of support from family and friends in children’s adjustment to parental divorce. Anxiety and self-esteem questionnaires as well as scales of support from family and friends were applied to 79 children aged 9 to 15, from 63 families in Croatia. Results showed that children of divorced parents with higher levels of family support had significantly higher levels of self-esteem and significantly lower levels of anxiety than children of divorced parents who had lower levels of family support. They also showed that children of divorced parents who had higher levels of support from friends had levels of self-esteem and anxiety similar to children of divorced parents who had lower levels of support from friends. Family support and support from friends moderately correlate. Children who received more family support had more support from friends, too. Correlations between family support and support from friends with self-esteem were also significant. Higher levels of support corresponded with higher self-esteem. There was negative correlation between self-esteem and anxiety. This study offers partial insight into the characteristics of divorced parents’ children and an opportunity to better understand and improve practical work with children and families who have the experience of divorce

    Invazivne gljivične infekcije u djece liječene zbog hematoloških malignih bolesti - petogodišnje iskustvo

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    Invasive fungal infections (IFI) are life-threatening complications of intensive chemotherapy treatment, with the incidence in pediatric patients ranging from 2% to 21%. In this article, we describe our 5-year experience of IFI in pediatric oncology patients and its clinical manifestations with radiological findings, treatment and outcome. A retrospective and descriptive survey of IFI in children with hematologic neoplasms was conducted at the Department of Oncology and Hematology, Zagreb Children’s Hospital. Medical charts of children 0-17 years of age, of both sexes, treated for leukemias and lymphomas from January 2016 to December 2020 were reviewed. In a 5-year period, 60 patients were treated for hematologic malignancy, acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) being the most prevalent diagnosis. IFI was verified in 9 (15%) children, predominantly in patients with ALL (75%). The specific causative agent was detected in one child, whereas other infections were classified as probable pulmonary aspergillosis. All the patients received standard prophylaxis with fluconazole and treatment with liposomal amphotericin B and voriconazole. The majority of our patients achieved recovery. IFI prevention, diagnosis and treatment remain a challenge. Uniform prophylaxis and therapy protocols, as well as environmental control are of vital importance for the development of better strategies in the prevention, early detection and treatment of IFI in pediatric hematology patients.Invazivne gljivične infekcije (IFI) životno su ugrožavajuće komplikacije liječenja hematoonkoloških bolesnika, učestalost kojih je od 2% do 21%. Ovaj članak prikazuje naše petogodišnje iskustvo s IFI u pedijatrijskih onkoloških bolesnika, njihove kliničke prezentacije te ishoda liječenja. U Zavodu za onkologiju i hematologiju Klinike za dječje bolesti Zagreb provedeno je retrospektivno i deskriptivno istraživanje učestalosti IFI u djece u dobi od 0-17 godina oboljele od hematoloških malignih bolesti. Pretraženi su medicinski podaci djece oba spola koja su liječena u Zavodu zbog leukemije i limfoma u razdoblju od siječnja 2016. do prosinca 2020. godine. U petogodišnjem razdoblju hematološka bolest dijagnosticirana je u 60 bolesnika, a prevladavala je dijagnoza akutne limfoblastične leukemije (ALL). IFI je dijagnosticirana kod 9 bolesnika, pretežito kod onih oboljelih od ALL. Specifični uzročnik dokazan je u samo jednog bolesnika. Svi bolesnici primili su standardnu profilaksu flukonazolom te terapiju liposomnim amfotericinom B i vorikonazolom. U većine bolesnika postignut je oporavak. Poboljšanje prevencije i liječenja IFI moglo bi se postići postojanjem ujednačenih protokola za profilaksu i liječenje kao i bolje kontrole koncentracije gljivičnih spora u bolesničkim sobama

    Benefits of Therapy Dogs in Therapy and Diagnostics of Patients with Psychosocial and Health Difficulties

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    Iako je korištenje pasa u terapijske svrhe u mnogim ustanovama već prihvaćena praksa, sustavna istraživanja ove teme su relativno noviji fenomen. U zadnjih petnaestak godina došlo je do povećanog interesa za validacijom ove prakse pa tako i do porasta broja istraživanja koja se bave tom temom. U ovom radu pokušali smo dati pregled istraživanja koja se bave prednostima korištenja terapijskih pasa u terapiji i dijagnostici, pogotovo u terapijskom radu s djecom, te smo predstavili neke teorijske okvire kao i biološku podlogu, u prvom redu utjecaj oksitocina, koji bi mogli objasniti te učinke.Even though the use of dogs in therapy is already an accepted practice in many institutions, systematic research on this topic is a relatively recent phenomenon. Over the last fifteen years there has been an increased interest in validating this practice, as well as an increase in the number of studies about this topic. In this paper we have attempted to give an overview of the research into the benefits of using therapy dogs in therapy and diagnostics, especially in therapeutic work with children, and we have presented some theoretical frameworks and biological background, mainly the effect of oxytocin, that could explain these effects

    Benefits of Therapy Dogs in Therapy and Diagnostics of Patients with Psychosocial and Health Difficulties

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    Iako je korištenje pasa u terapijske svrhe u mnogim ustanovama već prihvaćena praksa, sustavna istraživanja ove teme su relativno noviji fenomen. U zadnjih petnaestak godina došlo je do povećanog interesa za validacijom ove prakse pa tako i do porasta broja istraživanja koja se bave tom temom. U ovom radu pokušali smo dati pregled istraživanja koja se bave prednostima korištenja terapijskih pasa u terapiji i dijagnostici, pogotovo u terapijskom radu s djecom, te smo predstavili neke teorijske okvire kao i biološku podlogu, u prvom redu utjecaj oksitocina, koji bi mogli objasniti te učinke.Even though the use of dogs in therapy is already an accepted practice in many institutions, systematic research on this topic is a relatively recent phenomenon. Over the last fifteen years there has been an increased interest in validating this practice, as well as an increase in the number of studies about this topic. In this paper we have attempted to give an overview of the research into the benefits of using therapy dogs in therapy and diagnostics, especially in therapeutic work with children, and we have presented some theoretical frameworks and biological background, mainly the effect of oxytocin, that could explain these effects