Support from family and friends as factor in chilndre\u27s adjustment to parental divorce


Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati moderatorski učinak podrške obitelji i prijatelja kod prilagodbe djece na razvod roditelja. Korišteni su upitnici anksioznosti i samopoštovanja te skale obiteljske i prijateljske podrške, a primijenjeni su na 79 djece dobi između 9 i 15 godina, iz 63 obitelji, s područja RH. Rezultati su pokazali da djeca razvedenih roditelja koja imaju višu razinu obiteljske podrške iskazuju značajno više razine samopoštovanja i značajno niže razine anksioznosti od djece razvedenih roditelja koja imaju niže razine obiteljske podrške. Također se pokazalo da se djeca razvedenih roditelja koja imaju više razine podrške od strane prijatelja ne razlikuju u samopoštovanju ili anksioznosti od djece razvedenih roditelja koja imaju niže razine prijateljske podrške. Obiteljska podrška i podrška od strane prijatelja međusobno umjereno pozitivno koreliraju, djeca koja dobivaju više obiteljske podrške imaju i više podrške od strane prijatelja. Značajne su i korelacije obiteljske podrške i podrške od strane prijatelja sa samopoštovanjem, viša razina podrške povezana je s višim samopoštovanjem. Samopoštovanje i anksioznost međusobno negativno koreliraju. Provedeno istraživanje daje nam djelomičan uvid u obilježja djece razvedenih roditelja, time i mogućnost boljeg razumijevanja te unapređenja praktičnog rada s djecom i njihovim obiteljima, a koja imaju iskustvo razvoda.The aim of this study was to examine the moderating effect of support from family and friends in children’s adjustment to parental divorce. Anxiety and self-esteem questionnaires as well as scales of support from family and friends were applied to 79 children aged 9 to 15, from 63 families in Croatia. Results showed that children of divorced parents with higher levels of family support had significantly higher levels of self-esteem and significantly lower levels of anxiety than children of divorced parents who had lower levels of family support. They also showed that children of divorced parents who had higher levels of support from friends had levels of self-esteem and anxiety similar to children of divorced parents who had lower levels of support from friends. Family support and support from friends moderately correlate. Children who received more family support had more support from friends, too. Correlations between family support and support from friends with self-esteem were also significant. Higher levels of support corresponded with higher self-esteem. There was negative correlation between self-esteem and anxiety. This study offers partial insight into the characteristics of divorced parents’ children and an opportunity to better understand and improve practical work with children and families who have the experience of divorce

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