Benefits of Therapy Dogs in Therapy and Diagnostics of Patients with Psychosocial and Health Difficulties


Iako je korištenje pasa u terapijske svrhe u mnogim ustanovama već prihvaćena praksa, sustavna istraživanja ove teme su relativno noviji fenomen. U zadnjih petnaestak godina došlo je do povećanog interesa za validacijom ove prakse pa tako i do porasta broja istraživanja koja se bave tom temom. U ovom radu pokušali smo dati pregled istraživanja koja se bave prednostima korištenja terapijskih pasa u terapiji i dijagnostici, pogotovo u terapijskom radu s djecom, te smo predstavili neke teorijske okvire kao i biološku podlogu, u prvom redu utjecaj oksitocina, koji bi mogli objasniti te učinke.Even though the use of dogs in therapy is already an accepted practice in many institutions, systematic research on this topic is a relatively recent phenomenon. Over the last fifteen years there has been an increased interest in validating this practice, as well as an increase in the number of studies about this topic. In this paper we have attempted to give an overview of the research into the benefits of using therapy dogs in therapy and diagnostics, especially in therapeutic work with children, and we have presented some theoretical frameworks and biological background, mainly the effect of oxytocin, that could explain these effects

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