10 research outputs found


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    U radu se opisuje žargon učenika šest medresa (islamskih srednjih škola) u Bosni i Hercegovini. Zaključci su zasnovani na podacima iz četiriju vrsta izvora: jednog popisa od 35 žargonizama objavljena u listu učenika Gazi Husrev-begove medrese u Sarajevu Zemzem, tekstovima četiriju romana u kojima se opisuje život u medresi, 40 intervjua sa svršenicima medresa i 10 upitnika s otvorenim završetkom koje su popunili svršenici različitih medresa. Na osnovu dobijenih podataka ustanovljena je terminološka razlika između medresanskog diskursa, koji je zasnovan na činiocima koji se tiču profesionalne strane učenja u medresi, i medresanskog žargona u užem smislu, u kome se ispoljava kreativnost i koji nastaje kao reakcija na medresansku svakodnevicu. Zabilježeni primjeri medresanskog žargona tematski su podijeljeni na one koji se odnose na (1) osobe, (2) vjeru, obrede i islamsku terminologiju, (3) školski i internatski život, (4) grijeh i prekršaje, (5) hranu i piće, (6) odjeću, higijenu i zdravlje te (7) novac. Među jedinicama koje pripadaju navedenim grupama izdvaja se nekoliko jedinica čiji je nastanak uzrokovan učenjem arapskog jezika. Mnogi žargonizmi koje upotrebljavaju učenici medrese poznati su i govornicima iz drugih društvenih grupa, ali su mnogi, pak, odraz medresanskog načina života i nije vjerovatno da se njima služe druge društvene grupe. Njihovo postojanje potvrđuje postojanje naročita i samosvojna medresanskog žargona. The paper describes the jargon of students from six different madrasahs in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The conclusions are based on data from four types of sources: a list of 35 jargonisms published in Zemzem, the student magazine of the Gazi Husrev-bey Madrasah in Sarajevo, texts of four novels describing life in the madrasah, 40 interviews with madrasah graduates and 10 open-ended questionnaires which were filled out by graduates of different madrasahs. Based on the obtained data, a terminological difference has been established between the madrasah discourse, which is based on factors concerning the professional side of studying in the madrasah, and the madrasah jargon, in which creativity is expressed and which arises as a reaction to the daily (boarding school) life of the madrasah. Recorded examples of the madrasah jargon are thematically divided into groups related to (1) persons, (2) religion, rituals, and Islamic terminology, (3) school and boarding school life, (4) sin and infringements, (5) food and beverages, (6) clothing, hygiene, and health and (7) money. Among the linguistic units that belong to the mentioned groups, there are several units which are the result of learning the Arabic language. Many jargonisms used by madrasah students are also known to speakers from other social groups, but many of them are a reflection of the madrasah lifestyle and are unlikely to be used by other social groups. Their presence confirms the existence of a special and distinctive madrasah jargon.&nbs

    Simple Adverbial Connectors in the Bosnian Language

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    U radu se govori o prilozima koji mogu vršiti ulogu uvođenja zavisne klauze u sastav složene rečenice (gdje, kad, kako, odakle, dokle, kamo...). U prvom dijelu rada prikazuje se kako je odnos priloga i veznika predstavljen u gramatičkoj literaturi i značajnijim rječnicima. Taj pregled pokazuje da u literaturi nije napravljeno jasno razgraničenje između priloga i veznika, premda se uglavnom priznaje da granica među njima postoji. U literaturi se može pronaći pet tipova nejasno predstavljenih odnosa između veznika i priloga: proglašavanje veznika vrstom priloga; proglašavanje priloga vrstom veznika (“nepravih veznika”); status “veznih sredstava” zaključnih i isključnih klauza; upotreba izraza “veznički prilog” i sl. te kategorijalni status odnosnih priloga. U radu je posebna pažnja posvećena riječima gdje, kad i kako, koje u nekim kontekstima zaista pripadaju prilozima, a u nekim veznicima. Navode se sintaksički kriteriji na osnovu kojih se može dokazati kad su te riječi prilozi, a kad veznici. U radu se primjenjuje razlikovanje termina veznik, koji označava vrstu riječi, i termina junktor, koji označava vrstu funkcije u rečenici.The present paper deals with simple adverbial connectors, i.e. adverbs that can have the function of introducing a dependent clause into a complex sentence. The simple adverbial connectors of the Bosnian language include words such as: dokle, dokuda, gdje, kad, kako, kamo, koliko, kuda, odakle, otkuda and pošto. These words can be used to embed clauses of place, clauses of time, modal clauses, comparative and attributive clauses into a complex sentence. One of the problems with describing simple adverbial connectors is that some of them have the same form as conjunctions. Such adverbs include: gdje, kako and kad. Therefore, the paper distinguishes between cases in which these words are adverbs and the cases in which they are conjunctions. The gdje connector is an adverb when it introduces a clause of place, kako – when it introduces a modal clause, and kad – when it introduces a clause of time. If they introduce clauses with other meanings, these words are categorized as conjunctions. To distinguish between conjunctions and adverbs, a formal test of compatibility with the particle god is applied: adverbs can be combined with this particle, and conjunctions cannot. The paper presents a detailed description of simple adverbial connectors in Bosnian and reinforces the boundaries between conjunctions and adverbs, which were, in earlier sources, often set up without any explanations, based on intuition or tradition, and on which there is no agreement among the grammarians

    Meanings of the Suffix -suz in the Bosnian Language

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    Među riječima koje su u bosanski jezik došle iz turskog jezika mnogo je onih koje su tvorene sufiksom -suz. Osnovno značenje sufiksa -suz u turskom jeziku je ‘bez’, odnosno ‘odsustvo onoga što je iskazano osnovom riječi’. Ono se obično zadržava i u posuđenicama u bosanskom jeziku. Međutim, istraživanje pokazuje da to nije uvijek tako. U savremenom bosanskom jeziku postoji više riječi u kojima sufiks -suz ima značenje drukčije od izvornog, odnosno u kojima ne označava odsustvo ili nedostatak onoga što je kazano osnovom riječi. Većina posuđenica iz turskog u bosanski jezik koje se završavaju sufiksom -suz označavaju odsustvo nečeg što je dobro i poželjno pa, prema tome, označavaju negativne pojave. Zbog toga je novo značenje sufiksa -suz ‘nosilac loše osobine’. Takvo je značenje prisutno u riječima hatèrsuz, belájsuz, problémsuz, drvènsuz, harámsuz, beznafàksuz i bezbismilèsuz.Many loanwords of Turkish origin in the Bosnian language are created by the suffix -suz. The basic meaning of the suffix -suz in Turkish is ‘without’ or ‘the absence of what is expressed by the stem of the word’. It is usually preserved in loanwords in Bosnian. However, the research shows that this is not always the case. In the modern Bosnian language, there are several words in which the suffix -suz has a meaning other than the original, that is, in which it does not signify the absence or lack of what is stated by the stem of the word. Most loanwords from Turkish to Bosnian created by the suffix -suz mean the absence of something good or desirable, so they signify negative phenomena. For this reason, the new meaning of the suffix -suz is ‘carrier of a negative characteristic’. Such a meaning is present in the words hatèrsuz, belájsuz, problémsuz, drvènsuz, harámsuz, beznafàksuz, and bezbismilèsuz

    Elementi pučke pragmatike u bosanskim poslovicama

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    This paper discusses the views on pragmatic subjects explicitly mentioned or implied in Bosnian folk proverbs. For the purposes of the research, three collections of proverbs were analyzed: Narodno blago by M. K. Ljubušak (1887), Na nebu paučina by V. Gunić (1999) and Krajiške izreke i poslovice by A. Sijamhodžić (2017). In these collections many proverbs that deal with pragmatic subjects are recorded. Such proverbs are cited and commented upon in the central part of the paper. They mostly refer to the effects of language use, language as a sign of personality or identity, appropriateness, indirectness, politeness, speech acts (primarily promises, advice and compliments) and co-operation (Grice’s Cooperative Principle, its maxims, and hedges).This paper discusses the views on pragmatic subjects explicitly mentioned or implied in Bosnian folk proverbs. For the purposes of the research, three collections of proverbs were analyzed: Narodno blago by M. K. Ljubušak (1887), Na nebu paučina by V. Gunić (1999) and Krajiške izreke i poslovice by A. Sijamhodžić (2017). In these collections many proverbs that deal with pragmatic subjects are recorded. Such proverbs are cited and commented upon in the central part of the paper. They mostly refer to the effects of language use, language as a sign of personality or identity, appropriateness, indirectness, politeness, speech acts (primarily promises, advice and compliments) and co-operation (Grice’s Cooperative Principle, its maxims, and hedges)

    A Pragmatic Function of Quotation Marks in Skender Kulenović\u27s Novel Ponornica

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    The essay contends that quotation marks have a pragmatic function as well as an orthographic one, since they contribute to a better understanding of utterances. The correct interpretation of the utterance written in quotation marks could be important for the proper interpretation of a literary work. In this essay this is exemplified on the novel Ponornica by Skender Kulenović. It points to the need for comprehensive research of connections between punctuation and literary pragmatic


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    Tema ovoga rada su riječi i konstrukcije sastavljene od distalnog priloga anamo i oblika ličnih zamjenica on, ona... ili distalnih pokaznih zamjenica onaj, ona... U bosanskom jeziku postoji veći broj takvih “dvostrukih distala”, a među njima se ističu anam8n, anamòna, anamonāj, anamonā te ànamo on i ànamo onaj. Takvi se izrazi uglavnom ne bilježe u rječnicima i rijetko se koriste u pisanim tekstovima. Čak i govornici nerijetko pokazuju nesigurnost u vezi s njihovim promjenama, ali obično poznaju bar jedno od nekoliko značenja tih izraza ili znaju opisati primjerene kontekste u kojima se koriste. U radu se opisuju gramatičke osobine, značenja i pragmatičke odlike “dvostrukih distala” na osnovu podataka dobijenih putem korpusne i internetske pretrage te ankete sprovedene na 150 ispitanika.The paper describes the grammatical features, meanings and pragmatic features of expressions composed of the distal adverb ànamo and the forms of personal pronouns on, òna... or the distal demonstrative pronouns onāj, onā... Such expressions are called “double distals”. In the Bosnianlanguage, there are a number of “double distals”, and among them anamon, anamòna, anamonāj, anamonā, ànamo on and ànamo onāj are of particular interest. Although they behave differently in terms of grammar, all of these expressions can have the same meanings and the same pragmatic features. However, they are used very rarely and are not even recorded in most dictionaries of the contemporary Bosnian language. Many Bosnian speakers are often uncertain about their inflections, but they usually know at least one of several meanings of these terms or know how to describe the appropriate contexts in which they are used. Therefore, the author has investigated the grammatical, semantic, and pragmatic behavior of these words. The conclusions are based on the results of a corpus and internet search (61 examples) and a survey conducted on 150 respondents

    Voice Management In The Mawlid By Mirza Safvet-Beg Bašagić

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    Mawlid is a poetic literary work about the birth and life of the Muhammad, the Messenger of God. Mawlid by Mirza Safvet-beg Bašagić is one of the most signifi cant mawlids written in the Bosnian language. The text of the Mawlid is analyzed from the perspective of literary pragmatics. The paper takes into consideration the relationship between the author and narrator in the text and voice management in the Bašagić’s Mawlid


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    Some verbs require that the sentence in which they serve as predicate must state the specific circumstances and if it is absent the sentence would be grammatically incorrect. This means that the valence of certain verbs require that they must be complemented by specific adverbial. Adverbials whose presence is necessary for grammatical correctness of sentences are adverbial complements. This paper discusses the facts of manner adverbial complement and states examples of its use. It also analyzes the situation in which this complementation can be realized in the form of the vocative

    The Sarajevo Corpus of SMS Messages in Bosnian 1.0

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    This corpus is specialized, static (i.e., no future growth is planned), diachronic and covers the period from 2002 to 2022. The SMS messages included in this corpus were obtained from voluntary donors (informants). Both senders and recipients of the messages included in the corpus are Bosnian speakers, exhibiting diversity in terms of age, education and occupation, place of origin and countries of long-term residence. The Sarajevo Corpus of SMS Messages in Bosnian was originally published by University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Philosophy as an electronic book. The second phase of the work involved compiling the SMS messages into a corpus and linguistic annotation, which was done using the CLASSLA package (https://github.com/clarinsi/classla), version 2.1, with language = Serbian and type = nonstandard for tokenization, lemmatization and morpho-syntactic tagging (both MULTEXT-East and Universal Dependencies)

    The Sarajevo Corpus of SMS Messages in Bosnian 1.1

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    This corpus is specialized, static (i.e., no future growth is planned), diachronic and covers the period from 2002 to 2022. The SMS messages included in this corpus were obtained from voluntary donors (informants). Both senders and recipients of the messages included in the corpus are Bosnian speakers, exhibiting diversity in terms of age, education and occupation, place of origin and countries of long-term residence. The Sarajevo Corpus of SMS Messages in Bosnian was originally published by University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Philosophy as an electronic book. The second phase of the work involved compiling the SMS messages into a corpus and linguistic annotation, which was done using the CLASSLA package (https://github.com/clarinsi/classla), version 2.1, with language = Serbian and type = nonstandard for tokenization, lemmatization and morpho-syntactic tagging (both MULTEXT-East and Universal Dependencies). As opposed to the previous version, this version corrects a number of mistakes in the metadata