100 research outputs found

    Planar isotropic two-phase systemsin perpendicular magnetic field: effective conductivity

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    Three explicit approximate expressions for the effective conductivity sigma_e of various planar isotropic two-phase systems in a magnetic field are obtained using the dual linear fractional transformation, connecting sigma_e of these systems with and without magnetic field. The obtained results are applicable for two-phase systems (regular and nonregular as well as random), satisfying the symmetry and self-duality conditions, and allow to describe sigma_e of various two-dimensional and layered inhomogeneous media at arbitrary phase concentrations and magnetic fields. All these results admit a direct experimental checking.Comment: 10 pages, Latex2e, 3 figure

    Large linear magnetoresistivity in strongly inhomogeneous planar and layered systems

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    Explicit expressions for magnetoresistance RR of planar and layered strongly inhomogeneous two-phase systems are obtained, using exact dual transformation, connecting effective conductivities of in-plane isotropic two-phase systems with and without magnetic field. These expressions allow to describe the magnetoresistance of various inhomogeneous media at arbitrary concentrations xx and magnetic fields HH. All expressions show large linear magnetoresistance effect with different dependencies on the phase concentrations. The corresponding plots of the xx- and HH-dependencies of R(x,H)R(x,H) are represented for various values, respectively, of magnetic field and concentrations at some values of inhomogeneity parameter. The obtained results show a remarkable similarity with the existing experimental data on linear magnetoresistance in silver chalcogenides Ag2+δSe.Ag_{2+\delta}Se. A possible physical explanation of this similarity is proposed. It is shown that the random, stripe type, structures of inhomogeneities are the most suitable for a fabrication of magnetic sensors and a storage of information at room temperatures.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, Latex2

    Duality and exact results for conductivity of 2D isotropic heterophase systems in magnetic field

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    Using a fact that the effective conductivity sigma_{e} of 2D random heterophase systems in the orthogonal magnetic field is transformed under some subgroup of the linear fractional group, connected with a group of linear transformations of two conserved currents, the exact values for sigma_{e} of isotropic heterophase systems are found. As known, for binary (N=2) systems a determination of exact values of both conductivities (diagonal sigma_{ed} and transverse Hall sigma_{et}) is possible only at equal phase concentrations and arbitrary values of partial conductivities. For heterophase (N > 2) systems this method gives exact values of effective conductivities, when their partial conductivities belong to some hypersurfaces in the space of these partial conductivities and the phase concentrations are pairwise equal. In all these cases sigma_e does not depend on phase concentrations. The complete, 3-parametric, explicit transformation, connecting sigma_e in binary systems with a magnetic field and without it, is constructedComment: 15 pages, 3 figures, Latex2

    On the effective conductivity of flat random two-phase models

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    An approximate equation for the effective conductivity sigma_eff of systems with a finite maximal scale of inhomogeneities is deduced. An exact solution of this equation is found and its physical meaning is discussed. A two-phase randomly inhomogeneous model is constructed by a hierarchical method and its effective conductivity at arbitrary phase concentrations is found in the mean-field-like approximation. These expressions satisfy all the necessary symmetries, reproduce the known formulas for sigma_eff in the weakly inhomogeneous case and coincide with two recently found partial solutions of the duality relation. It means that sigma_eff even of two-phase randomly inhomogeneous system may be a nonuniversal function and can depend on some details of the structure of the inhomogeneous regions. The percolation limit is briefly discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, Latex2
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