26 research outputs found

    Editorial Comment

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    The high-velocity core of the Western Boundary Undercurrent at the base of the U.S. continental rise

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    The Western Boundary Undercurrent is a high-velocity, contour-following bottom current that flows southwesterly on the U.S. Atlantic continental margin. A high-velocity core of the Western Boundary Undercurrent is delineated by an analysis of underlying sediments, which are characterized by coarse particle sizes and efficiently aligned magnetic grains in a zone from 4440 meters at the base of the rise to 5200 meters on the adjacent abyssal plain. Copyright © 1982 AAAS

    The Matrix: a aventura da formação no mundo tecnologizado The matrix: the formation adventure in a technologized world

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    O artigo se inscreve na intersecção entre a educação e a produção fílmica. O argumento propõe reflexões sobre a educação escolar e as formas de controle exercido no cotidiano de alunos, professores e gestores a partir de instigantes provocações que o filme The Matrix, o primeiro da trilogia, nos oferece. Nosso interesse está nas práticas escolares de institucionalização dos sujeitos, produzindo realidades inevitáveis. Os sujeitos são produzidos através de discursos sofisticados, mediados pelas novas tecnologias de comunicação e informação. Nos propomos a discutir tanto as formas de controle do pensamento e de sua produção, quanto a própria possibilidade de realizar percursos no interior do roteiro de um filme, considerando as tramas de seu enredo. Estabelecemos uma leitura exploratória da construção do herói dostoievskiano para superar uma leitura superficial e fatalista, possível naquele filme.<br>This article is in the intersection between education and movie production. The argument suggests reflections about school education and the forms of control that it has over students', teachers' and directors' everyday lives, with the use of great instigation provided by The Matrix, the first movie of the Matrix trilogy. Our focus in on school practices towards institutionalizing individuals, creating inevitable realities. Individuals or subjects are produced by means of sophisticated discourse which is mediated by communication and information technologies. We wish to discuss the ways of controlling human thought and its production, as well as the possibility to take paths inside a movie script, considering the meanderings of its plot. An exploratory look on the construction of Dostoievsky's hero is established to outdo an eventually superficial and fatalistic look on the movie

    How stories can be used in organisations seeking to teach the virtues

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    Our focus is on the use of narrative in ethics education in organisations.The effectiveness of stories as a basis for executive education and organisational development has been described in other chapters in this book and elsewhere. Many writers provide examples linking stories and ethics, but the examples are drawn most often from overtly ethical stories. We offer a more expansive and inclusive view, suggesting that all stories are valuable for teaching ethics. We use Booker’s (2004) finding that all stories belong to one of seven basic plots overcoming the monster;rags to riches; the quest; voyage and return; comedy; tragedy; and rebirth to show that no major category of narrative need be omitted from those which can provide examples or links to the development of virtue in organisations. We provide examples of how stories can be used to encourage the development of specific virtues including courage, integrity,hope, inquisitiveness, humour and prudence. Six further aspects are considered whether only moral stories are useful, the value of complexity, the benefit of familiarity, stories of failure, the selection of appropriate stories and whether non-fiction can be included