4 research outputs found

    Эколого-экономическое развитие регионов России через призму экологической грамотности населения

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    Objective: to prove the necessity and directions of the state program of ecological literacy of the Russian regions' population as a priority step of ecological-economic development of the RF regions and an essential condition of the living standard growth and the state security provision. Methods: historic approach, synthesis of neoinstitutionalism and ontopsychology theories to obtain synergetic effects in economy (the content and conditions of ecological-economic development of the RF regions were defined); philosophic method of cognition of a region as an object of management; factor analysis methods. Results: Basing on the theories of institutional matrices and institutional changes, the priorities and directions were grounded of the Russian economy model transition to the model of sustainable national institutional matrix (as a program of ecological literacy of the population) in order to ensure the Russian economy model transition from the traditional market economy to the sustainable economy model. The main result is the state program of ecological literacy of the population as the first stage of the state strategic management of the region connected with the transformation of the ideological component of the country's national institutional matrix with the even transformation of political and economic formal and informal “rules of the game”, corresponding to the needs of ecological-economic development. Scientific novelty: The content, directions and priorities of the national institutional matrix transformation are defined for the sustainable economy model and ensuring the ecological-economic safety; the content of the state program of ecological literacy of the population is elaborated and grounded, which would ensure ecological-economic development in the triad “growth-change-improvement”, in order to obtain social, economic and ecological results, to make up a “road map” for the program of ecological literacy. Practical significance: Using the institutional changes theory to relate the ideological, economic and political components of the national institutional matrix to the paradigm of sustainable economy allowed to ground the priority of the ecological literacy program when implementing the techniques and methods of state strategic management of a region. This is shown on the example of solid domestic waste circulation system, the strategy of the Russian regions' social-economic development, including the ecological component, which is expressed in living standards and safety improvement, including ecological-economic

    On assessing the efficiency of executive authorities in achieving the national development goals

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    Objective: to identify and characterize the current trends in improving approaches to evaluating the performance of executive authorities, taking into account the trends and prospects for improving their activities to implement the goals and objectives of national, federal, and regional projects.Methods: general scientific methods of the systematic approach aimed at a holistic perception of the research object, such as comparison, grouping, other statistical methods, as well as the scenario approach and expert assessments.Results: the issues of management system in the activities of government bodies that affect the efficiency of public servants are identified, systematized and characterized. Based on the analysis of the dynamics and structure of the number of state and municipal employees and their remuneration in the Russian Federation, Southern Federal district and Volgograd region, the differences in the work of state and municipal employees at different levels are reasoned and proposals are developed for the use of a system of key performance indicators (KPI) linked to the goals and objectives of national projects at all levels of executive power. Taking into account the example of calculating KPI, an algorithm for its implementation is proposed, the positive and negative consequences of this system in executive authorities are justified.Scientific novelty: the article for the first time gives an assessment of the prospects for implementing KPI for state and municipal employees with a detailed justification of both advantages and risks of implementing such a system, taking into account the impact of national projects’ goals and objectives on the content and working conditions of executive authorities involved in their implementation.Practical significance: the findings and results of the study can be used in the educational process when studying the use of KPI to improve the efficiency of state and municipal employees at the level of individual governance bodies; the article is also of interest for implementation or development of the KPI system at regional and municipal levels of executive authorities

    New interaction paradigm of ecological, social and economic structures of human activity

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    Realities of the XXI century demand searching and grounding measures on changing economic, political, and the main thing, ideological institutions that determine trends of evolution and managing vital human activity at national and over-national levels. Using synergetic approach, the authors made an attempt to synthesize conclusions and main theses of neo-institutionalism theory, onto-psychology, as well as results of biological evolution for determining the way to overcome global ecological crisis at nano-level and to form a model of the mankind's optimal evolution on the base of principle "priorities through parities", using DNAsymbol as a code of survival, through co-evolution of economy and ecology. The main problem, existing even in economically developed countries, is the realization of the fact that the paradigm of the stationary economy is the only condition for the mankind's survival. To solve this problem serious transformation of ideological institutions is necessary, at the expense of comprehensive and based on onto-psychological methods program of ecological literacy, that should harmonically blend with the presented by the authors triads of state strategic management and achieving the goal of development. It is the transformation of the national matrix, content and direction of which are set in order to ensure a balance of interests of all participants in ecological and economic development, will lay the necessary rules, both formal and informal, in the style of human behavior, social groups, the national economy. Realization of the program ecological literacy within the national policy on ecological development of the regions is one of the most important conditions for a natural, not imposed from the outside, prepare to use the paradigm of a sustainable economy as the basis of economic, political and ideological institutions of modern society, which is primarily the formation of a new paradigm of human device - devices nano-level decision-making, consumer behavior

    Genetic Technologies in Agriculture as a Condition of Competitiveness and National Security in Post-COVID Period

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    The authors of the paper present the result of risk and perspective analysis of genetic technologies introduction into agricultural sector of national economies. In the context of high level mistrust in GMO, research results due to the interest of multinational corporations in obtaining 'super profits' and high potential of genetic technologies for national food security, it has been concluded that it is necessary to expand governmental overview powers and participation level in the development and introduction of GM technologies into agriculture and other spheres of economy in order to guarantee safety and ensure higher accessibility standards to the population. The results of the study are supported by the data of the survey among certain age groups of Russian, Egyptian, Bulgarian and American population conducted by the authors of the paper. As a solution, we suggest establishing a new Governmental Department related to the FAO GM foods in order to determine quantities, safety assessment standards and facilitate deals between countries enabling GM foods production. In the future, this may change the policy of some countries, which now have a strict ban on GMOs, allowing them to open up to genetic technologies development. There are both direct positive effects to the Government from support of research and introduction of genetic technologies in agriculture and indirect ones. They include new jobs creation, affordability of the market basket or commodity bundle, poverty reduction and national scientific potential increase. In the conclusion, it should be specified that the demand for genetic technologies in agriculture during the post -COVID period is justified due to decrease in living standards of global population, unemployment increase, change in production and consumption structure of national and world economy. Besides, a set of measures should be adopted aimed at implementing government policy of support and development of GM foods and services production at the global and national levels