100 research outputs found

    Evaluatie gebruikerstest TOP10NL

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    De Topografische Dienst Nederland (TDN) wenst haar geo-informatieproduct TOP10 vector te vernieuwen. Als laatste fase in dit vernieuwingsproces is het prototype getest en geëvalueerd door een grote groep gebuikers

    SimLandscape : serious gaming in gebiedsplanning

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    Begin 2006 is een innovatief project gestart om gebiedsgerichte planvormingsprocessen overzichtelijker, efficiënter en effectiever te maken. Er bestaat behoefte vanuit de planningspraktijk naar nuttig gereedschap waarmee participatieve vormen van gebiedsontwikkeling kunnen worden ondersteund. SimLandscape is zo¿n gereedschap. Het geeft zowel professionals als bewoners en/of belangengroepen uit het gebied de mogelijkheid zelf ontwikkelingsopties voor een landelijk en/of stedelijk gebied te ontwerpen, te visualiseren en te evalueren

    Het vergelijk van de toekomst

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    Dit boekje neemt de lezer mee naar de nieuwe wereld van de digitale ruimtelijke ordening. Een aantal van de problemen wordt uiteengezet, mogelijke oplossingen worden voorgesteld en er wordt vermeld wat op het gebied van de digitale ruimtelijke planning al is bereikt, via implementatie van DURP (Digitaal Uitwisselbare Ruimtelijke Plannen) en via de ondersteunende projecten in het kader van het kennisprogramma Ruimte voor Geo-informati

    Usability of Discovery Portals

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    As INSPIRE progresses to be implemented in the EU, many new discovery portals are built to facilitate finding spatial data. Currently the structure of the discovery portals is determined by the way spatial data experts like to work. However, we argue that the main target group for discovery portals are not spatial data experts but professionals with limited spatial knowledge, and a focus outside the spatial domain. An exploratory usability experiment was carried out in which three discovery portals were assessed by five participants representing the main target group “the professional outside the spatial domain”. The aim was to accept or reject our proposition that discovery portals are difficult to use for non-GIS specialists, and to identify the main obstacles in the interface. The Think Aloud Protocol was used to conduct the test. The participants were asked to perform the same search task in three discovery portals. Performance, accuracy and emotional response of the participants were assessed. Given the language constraints and the concise task the differences between the discovery portals were found to be relatively small. We conclude that for all portals indexing and underlying techniques are well implemented. The content of metadata is a point of concern. We recommend that more attention should be given to the requirements and expectations of the end-user and the discoverability of the data sets when creating metadata. But most of all the design and implementation of the client interface should be improved

    Dealing with the Uncertainty of Having Incomplete Sources of Geo-Information in Spatial Planning

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    The Dutch spatial planning legal act of 2008 was aimed at improving efficiency and effectiveness in the development, evaluation and monitoring of spatial planning policy (Ministry of VROM, 2006a). One of the main effects of this legal act was the widespread availability and use of digital spatial plans (Ministry of VROM 2006a, b). This reform led to the expectation that all digital spatial plans would be exchangeable and comparable. In practice, this exchange and comparison required carrying out complex procedures due to uncertainty caused by differences in the scope of spatial plans as well as their intended use. Furthermore the uncertainty resulted in a lack of confidence in spatial plans by policymakers and supporting GIS staff. Our overarching research question was: how can uncertainty caused by incomplete geo-information sources be dealt with? We proposed two techniques—fuzzy logic and visualisation—for policy makers to deal with uncertainty resulting from incomplete geo-information sources in spatial planning at the regional and national planning levels. We used two case studies in the Netherlands to illustrate the results of applying these techniques. The fuzzy set theory provides extra information by converting the discrete borders of continuous objects into fuzzy borders that improve the resemblance to the real object and thus make it more realistic. As shown in the second case study, visualisation also improves the degree of realism and thus provides additional information. Both case studies showed that providing additional information reduces the uncertainty felt by policymaker

    Schetsboek windturbines & ruimtelijke kwaliteit; landschappelijk onderzoek naar vides en concentratiegebieden

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    Dit schetsboek voor landschapsontwerp is gemaakt door Alterra, Bosch Slabbers tuin- en landschapsarchitecten en Buro Schöne, in opdracht van VROM, DG Ruimte. Deze landschapsvisie past in het kader van het Nationaal Plan van Aanpak Windenergi
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