6 research outputs found

    „An der schönen blauen Donau…” Obraz rzezi nowosadzkiej we współczesnej literaturze serbskiej

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    An der schönen blauen Donau… Depictions of the Novi Sad massacre in contemporary Serbian literature The tragic events in Novi Sad in January 1942 constitute an important subject in the prose of Aleksandar Tišma (Knjiga o Blamu [The Book of Blam]), Erih Koš (Novosadski pokolj [Novi Sad Massacre]), and Danilo Kiš (Psalm 44 and Peščanik [Hourglass]). Jewish-Serbian writers were not left disinterested by the fact of the Shoah of fellow Jews or by the violent deaths of their Slavic neighbours. The above-mentioned, formally very diverse works belong to the corpus of Serbian novels about the Holocaust, which are a testament to the crime and which render individual deaths meaningful. Novels about the Novi Sad massacre reveal the psychological motivation of the instigators and direct perpetrators of the crime, shed light upon the logistics and the mechanics of death, and constitute a record of the victims’ reactions in the situation of a direct threat to their lives, and also the world of mental nightmares tormenting the survivors. Finally, and most importantly, they are an artistic tribute to all the identified and anonymous victims of the Hungarian repressive and exterminatory operation. The above-outlined issues were examined using the notions and research tools of psychopathology, individual psychology, humanistic psychiatry, thanatology, suicidology, victimology, and cultural anthropology.   An der schönen blauen Donau… Obraz rzezi nowosadzkiej we współczesnej literaturze serbskiej Tragiczne wydarzenia nowosadzkie ze stycznia 1942 roku stanowią ważny temat utworów prozatorskich Aleksandra Tišmy (Księga Blama), Ericha Koša (Rzeź nowosadzka) oraz Danila Kiša (Psalm 44, Klepsydra). Pisarze serbscy narodowości żydowskiej nie pozostali obojętni wobec faktu zagłady swych współplemieńców oraz śmierci ich słowiańskich sąsiadów. Wspomniane utwory współtworzą korpus serbskich powieści o tematyce holocaustowej, które zaświadczają o zbrodni i nadają sens jednostkowej śmierci. Powieści o masakrze nowosadzkiej ujawniają motywację psychologiczną zleceniodawców i bezpośrednich wykonawców zbrodni, ukazują logistykę oraz sposoby zadawania śmierci, stanowią zapis reakcji skazańców w sytuacji bezpośredniego zagrożenia życia oraz świat koszmarów psychicznych osób ocalałych. Ponadto, co niezwykle istotne, są artystycznym hołdem złożonym zidentyfikowanym oraz anonimowym ofiarom węgierskiej akcji represyjno-likwidacyjnej. Do zbadania zasygnalizowanych powyżej zagadnień wykorzystano w niniejszym artykule pojęcia i narzędzia badawcze z zakresu psychopatologii, psychologii indywidualnej, psychiatrii humanistycznej, tanatologii, suicydologii, wiktymologii oraz antropologii kulturowej

    The Land of Light, the Land of Shadow. About the Autobiographic Prose of Faruk Šehić

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    The aforementioned issues were studied with the use of a set of scientific tools in the area of anthropology of culture (abjective experiences and objects, symbolism of blood, category of childhood), theory of trauma, hypnology and hyperesthesia, polemology, humanistic psychiatry, Bachelard’s theory of poetic image, topoanalysis and poetics of the elements. The process of interpretation also included the Jungian concept of structure of personality known as the Shadow archetype.This article is the first attempt in Poland to examine the following issues in The Book of Una, the novel by Faruk Šehić: the problems of autobiographic memory, war trauma, going through the trauma situation in a creation process (autobiography as a symbol of individual identity and an attempt to overcome the stressor). The analysis drew attention to the category of a journey into the depths of one’s self within the so-called past life regression present in the work by this Bosnian author. In the course of the examination, it was revealed that the intimate contact established by and between the protagonist with the important figures from his childhood, sentimental objects, the aquatic element, plant world and places of playing, adventure and shelter has a therapeutic dimension.The aforementioned issues were studied with the use of a set of scientific tools in the area of anthropology of culture (abjective experiences and objects, symbolism of blood, category of childhood), theory of trauma, hypnology and hyperesthesia, polemology, humanistic psychiatry, Bachelard’s theory of poetic image, topoanalysis and poetics of the elements. The process of interpretation also included the Jungian concept of structure of personality known as the Shadow archetype

    Trauma, włóczęga, poszukiwanie sławy. Wokół predebiutu literackiego Miodraga Bulatovicia

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    The existence and artistic production of Miodrag Bulatović was marked with traumatic experience from his adolescence. His father’s tragic death had a lasting impact on the writer’s psyche. Therefore, the effects of trauma can be noticed in the social behaviour of the future artist. Leaving his home, deciding to wander instead of settling is an indication of neurotic anxiety and narcissistic desire to achieve fame and gain reputation. In the case of Bulatović, the act of creation had a role of saving, purifying and expression. Writing enabled the artist to express and process the traumatic events from his early youth. The work entitled My Mother (Moja Majka, 1950) should be considered as Bulatović’s writing pre-debut. A discernible absence of the masculine principle meant that the artist turned to the matriarchal and maternal element embodying light, life, shelter and safety. In the examined work, the Woman-Mother — in spite of numerous adversities — was presented as victorious and tenacious in her symbolic quest for the sunny crux of life. It should be emphasised that the analysed text indicates the artistic strategies and solutions typical of the mature techniques used by this Serbian artist. The grotesque and uncontrollable imagination made it possible for the writer to create the image of the reality defined as hell on Earth.The existence and artistic production of Miodrag Bulatović was marked with traumatic experience from his adolescence. His father’s tragic death had a lasting impact on the writer’s psyche. Therefore, the effects of trauma can be noticed in the social behaviour of the future artist. Leaving his home, deciding to wander instead of settling is an indication of neurotic anxiety and narcissistic desire to achieve fame and gain reputation. In the case of Bulatović, the act of creation had a role of saving, purifying and expression. Writing enabled the artist to express and process the traumatic events from his early youth. The work entitled My Mother (Moja Majka, 1950) should be considered as Bulatović’s writing pre-debut. A discernible absence of the masculine principle meant that the artist turned to the matriarchal and maternal element embodying light, life, shelter and safety. In the examined work, the Woman-Mother — in spite of numerous adversities — was presented as victorious and tenacious in her symbolic quest for the sunny crux of life. It should be emphasised that the analysed text indicates the artistic strategies and solutions typical of the mature techniques used by this Serbian artist. The grotesque and uncontrollable imagination made it possible for the writer to create the image of the reality defined as hell on Earth


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    This article is an attempt to describe the meaningful, symbolic, metaphorical and metonymical elements of inhuman urban space present in the prose works by Bulatović. The detailed analysis includes the discussion of structural features of the urban hell, the presentation of its permanent attributes and inhabitants – “the people of the lowest rank” who are led by the mentally ill misfits and political and economic immigrants from the Balkans and the Central and Eastern Europe. The study includes the examination of the static elements of the big-city infernum (a tavern with people of dubious repute as the reflection of the otherworldly space). It also draws the attention to the mental picture of the city created in the mind of a mad person (the urban space as a perceptive creation, an infernal labyrinth, a trap, and a place of assault). It also presents the space of the West European metropolis as the area of criminal activities of the immigrant rabble, revanchists, and political vampires (the acts of the characters in the liminal space of the city: railway stations, underground stations and tunnels, bars, cemeteries). The basic discussion is preceded with the reflection on the infernal inspirations, derived from painting and literature, in the prose works by Miodrag Bulatović (referring to the cultural context, interdisciplinary perspective). The article makes use of the conceptual apparatus in the scope of demonology, infernology, psychopathology, the anthropology of culture, and the history of art


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    Springs of Ivan Galeb is a novel being Vladan Desnica’s crowning artistic achievement which represents the trend of psychological and contemplative prose. Among all manifestations of mental life of the primary character in the represented world, the most predominant is the oneiric experience in the form of daily dreams “with partly-shut eyes”. A daydreamer organises and controls the content of a dream in a conscious manner for the images from the beginning of the life, originating from imagination, are recollected in a defined order complying with the dreamer’s will. The dreams about the beginnings of life – this “well of being” – are set in specific space and time frames. The choice of childhood as a matter for dreams is not accidental here. The protagonist’s – bedridden violinist’s and globetrotter’s – turn towards the origins of his own life is an attempt to overcome the existential fear of suffering, death and nothingness. Therefore, daydreaming about the beginnings of life have therapeutic function in the work by Desnica. This article is an attempt to research the motif of imagined return to the land of childhood which is of key importance in Vladan Desnica’s novel. The detailed description of all spatial categories and interpersonal relations present in the work is based on Singer’s category of daydreaming, and Bachelard’s poetics of reverie