21 research outputs found

    Apollo 13 Risk Assessment Revisited

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    Fault tree methodology is the most widespread risk assessment tool by which one is able to predict - in principle - the outcome of an event whenever it is reduced to simpler ones by the logic operations conjunction and disjunction according to the basics of Boolean algebra. The object of this work is to present an algorithm by which, using the corresponding computer code, one is able to predict - in practice - the outcome of an event whenever its fault tree is given in the usual form

    Apollo 13 Risk Assessment Revisited

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    Fault tree methodology is the most widespread risk assessment tool by which one is able to predict - in principle - the outcome of an event whenever it is reduced to simpler ones by the logic operations conjunction and disjunction according to the basics of Boolean algebra. The object of this work is to present an algorithm by which, using the corresponding computer code, one is able to predict - in practice - the outcome of an event whenever its fault tree is given in the usual form

    The “Good State”: Outline of the Last Three Years of Research

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    The vision behind the research aimed at the paradigmatic approach of a “Good State” can be summed up in a single sentence as follows: on the basis of the “Good State” concept, defined by the Magyary Programme, a theoretical state model can be elaborated using IT tools. The model determines certain generic concepts of the state, with mathematical and logical accuracy. Then they can be implemented in silico (i.e. with direct IT tools exceeding traditional mathematical concepts) and related fundamental statements can be proven. During our multi-year research we sought, and (partly) found, constructive answers to such (political and philosophical) questions as how it is possible to optimally satisfy the moral and teleological needs of a self-regulating, self-driven, self-organizing society by rational means (in a clearly defined sense). This programme cannot be realized merely on a judicial – jurisprudential, political and scientific – basis, a more exact scientific establishment is needed. The approach of political science is shaped by law, although there is an antagonistic contradiction between the approach of jurisprudence and that of exact sciences. We are looking for the answer to this question using a computer program. In contrast to the ambitions of the “Good State” Research Shop (GSR), we focus on a better understanding of the concept of a “Good State”, while its measurement is beyond the scope of our research. We hope to improve understanding the concept of a “Good State” with the help of computer modelling and logical explication. Accordingly, this paper is an alternative to the GSR approach and the two methods can profit from each other and the “Good State” from both. Thus, we share the goal but have different methods

    Gondolatok a közigazgatás tudományos megalapozásáról

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    75 – 15. Egy rendhagyó évfordulós párbeszéd : Egy racionálisan hívő ateista és egy teológus doktorjelölt képzeletbeli eszmecseréje = 75 – 15. An unusual anniversary dialogue : An imaginary exchange between a rational atheist and a doctoral candidate in theology

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    A természeti és civilizáció katasztrófák paradigmatikus elmélete című dolgozat, amelyen vezérelvként a kockázati rendszerek kölcsönhatása vonul végig, három kutatási problémakörre terjed ki. Egyedi, izolált események logikai (nemvalószínűségi) kockázatelmélete azokkal a kockázati rendszerekkel foglalkozik, amelyek a környezetükkel való kölcsönhatásuk során megőrzik önazonosságukat, azaz állapotuk független változóként kezelhető, az állapotváltozásukat meghatározó szabályok – más szóval a rendszerek logikai struktúrája – változatlan. | The thesis entitled” The Paradigmatic Theory of Natural and Civilization Catastrophes”, whose guiding principle is the interaction of risk systems, covers three research problem areas. The logical (nonprobabilistic) risk theory of unique, isolated events deals with those risk systems that preserve their identity during their interaction with their environment, i.e. their state can be treated as an independent variable, the rules determining their state change - in other words, the logical structure of the systems - remain unchanged. A cellular automaton model of self-identical tessellation security risk systems deals with weakly interacting risk systems. These are characterized by the fact that the states of the risk systems depend on each other's states according to specific rules, but they preserve their identity, the rules determining their change of state are unchanged. Logical conflict theory forms the study of risk systems in strong interaction – in conflict. These are the risk systems that may lose their identity during their interaction, become other systems, and in general, their state change and behavior can be derived from the logical structure of the conflict situations that are tolerated to some extent in a specific technical sense of the word

    A logisztikai funkciók szerepe a közigazgatásban

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    A Novel PARP Inhibitor L-2286 in a Rat Model of Impact Acceleration Head Injury: An Immunohistochemical and Behavioral Study

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    We examined the neuro/axono-protective potential of a novel poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitor L-2286 in a rat impact acceleration brain injury model. Male Wistar rats (n = 70) weighing 300–350 grams were used to determine the most effective intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) dose of L-2286 administered 30 min after injury, and to test the neuroprotective effect at two time points (immediately, and 30 min after injury). The neuroprotective effect of L-2286 was tested using immunohistochemical (amyloid precursor protein and mid-sized mouse anti-neurofilament clone RMO-14.9 antibody) and behavioral tests (beam-balance, open-field and elevated plus maze). At both time-points, a 100 μg/rat dose of i.c.v. L-2286 significantly (p < 0.05) reduced the density of damaged axons in the corticospinal tract and medial longitudinal fascicle compared to controls. In the behavioral tests, treatment 30 min post-injury improved motor function, while the level of anxiety was reduced in both treatment protocols