8 research outputs found

    Avifauna in Relation to Habitat Disturbance in Wildlife Management Areas of the Ruvuma Miombo Ecosystem, Southern Tanzania

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    Understanding of relative distribution of avifauna provides insights for the conservation and management of wildlife in the community managed areas. This study examined relative diversity, abundance, and distribution of avifauna in selected habitat types across five Wildlife Management Areas of the Ruvuma landscape in miombo vegetation, southern Tanzania. Five habitat types were surveyed during the study: farmland, swamps, riverine forest, dense and open woodland. Transect lines, mist-netting, and point count methods were used to document 156 species of birds in the study sites. Descriptive statistics and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used to compare species richness and diversity across habitat types. We found differences in avifaunal species distribution in the study area whereby farmland had the highest abundance of avifauna species and lowest in the riverine forest. These results suggest that variations of avifauna species abundance, diversity, and distribution could be attributed by human activities across habitat types; due to the reason that habitats with less human encroachment had good species diversity and richness. Therefore, to improve avitourism and avoid local extinction of species, we urge for prompt action to mitigate species loss by creating awareness in the adjacent community through conservation education on the importance of protecting such biodiversity resources

    Interaction of Grassland Ecosystem with Livelihood and Wildlife Sustainability: Tanzanian Perspectives

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    In Tanzania, pure grasslands cover is estimated to be 60,381 km2, about 6.8% of the total land area, and is distributed in different parts. These grasslands are diverse in dominant grass species depending on rainfall, soil type, altitude, and management or grazing system. They support livestock and wildlife distributed in different eco-tomes and habitats of the country. The potential of grasslands for the livelihood of rural people is explicit from the fact that local people depend solely on natural production to satisfy their needs for animal products. Analysis of grazing lands indicated that livestock population, production of meat, and milk from grasslands increased. But the wildlife population, when considered in terms of livestock equivalent units (Large Herbivore Units) showed a declining trend. The contribution of grasslands to the total volume of meat produced in the country showed a declining state, while milk production showed a slight increase. This situation entails a need to evaluate the grasslands of Tanzania to ascertain their potential for supporting people’s livestock, wildlife, and livelihood. This study concluded that more research is needed to establish the possibility of grasslands to keep large numbers of grazing herbivores for sustainable livestock and wildlife production

    Impact of Agro-pastoralism on Grasslands in Serengeti and Ugalla Ecosystems, Tanzania

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    This chapter delves into the intricate relationship between agro-pastoralism and grassland ecosystems in Tanzania’s Western Serengeti and Ugalla Ecosystems. Despite the acknowledged contribution of agro-pastoralism to rural well-being and economic development, its impact on the delicate balance of grassland ecosystems remains unclear in these crucial Tanzanian landscapes. The chapter aims to illuminate agro-pastoralism’s environmental, social, and economic dimensions in these regions. Guided by research questions exploring current conditions, potential solutions, and the path toward sustainable grassland resource utilization, the study employed a systematic literature review and data analysis using R software. Key findings highlight challenges from the progressive expansion of agro-pastoral activities, leading to trade-offs between ecosystem services and productivity. The study identifies agro-pastoral clusters across the area, revealing variations in economic activities and their impact on grassland utilization. Impacts on natural resources, such as soil pH changes, reduced herbaceous biomass, and shifts in plant composition, are discussed. The legal framework related to natural resource conservation in grasslands emphasizes the need for a balanced, ecologically sustainable approach. Efforts to alleviate agro-pastoral impacts, including introducing climate-smart agriculture, are explored. The chapter concludes by emphasizing the importance of integrated, participatory methods for sustainable management in the Serengeti and Ugalla ecosystems. Recommendations include promoting sustainable land use practices, implementing rotational grazing, and enhancing community involvement in decision-making

    Comparative Assessment of UAV and Sentinel-2 NDVI and GNDVI for Preliminary Diagnosis of Habitat Conditions in Burunge Wildlife Management Area, Tanzania

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    This research article was published by MDPI in 2022Habitat condition is a vital ecological attribute in wildlife conservation and management in protected areas, including the Burunge wildlife management areas in Tanzania. Traditional techniques, including satellite remote sensing and ground-based techniques used to assess habitat condition, have limitations in terms of costs and low resolution of satellite platforms. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Green NDVI (GNDVI) have potential for assessing habitat condition, e.g., forage quantity and quality, vegetation cover and degradation, soil erosion and salinization, fire, and pollution of vegetation cover. We, therefore, examined how the recently emerged Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) platform and the traditional Sentinel-2 differs in indications of habitat condition using NDVI and GNDVI. We assigned 13 survey plots to random locations in the major land cover types: three survey plots in grasslands, shrublands, and woodlands, and two in riverine and mosaics cover types. We used a UAV-mounted, multi-spectral sensor and obtained Sentinel-2 imagery between February and March 2020. We categorized NDVI and GNDVI values into habitat condition classes (very good, good, poor, and very poor). We analyzed data using descriptive statistics and linear regression model in R-software. The results revealed higher sensitivity and ability of UAV to provide the necessary preliminary diagnostic indications of habitat condition. The UAV-based NDVI and GNDVI maps showed more details of all classes of habitat conditions than the Sentinel-2 maps. The linear regressions results showed strong positive correlations between the two platforms (p < 0.001). The differences were attributed primarily to spatial resolution and minor atmospheric effects. We recommend further studies to test other vegetation indices

    Fire regulates the abundance of alien plant species around roads and settlements in the Serengeti National Park

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    A large portion of East African ecosystems are officially protected, yet increasing wildlife tourism and infrastructural development are exposing these areas to invasion by alien plant species. To date there has been little quantification of alien plant species in the Serengeti National Park, Tanzania. In this study, we aimed to: (1) establish a list of common alien plant species; (2) quantify the frequencies of alien species near roads and settlements (i.e. tourist lodges and a campsite), and (3) estimate the abundance (plant cover) of alien plant species in relation to source activities (i.e. gardening) and park management (i.e. fire). In total, we detected 15 alien plant species in our surveys with an 80% probability of encountering an alien species within the first 50 m from a road or settlement. Overall, we found no difference in the presence of alien species near roads or settlements, but did find a significant decline in species presence with distance from these sources. Cumulative fire frequency was the most important factor influencing the abundance of alien species with the highest alien plant cover in areas with infrequent or no fires over the last 13 years. There was no difference in alien plant cover in relation to other commonly cited source activities, which may be due to the stronger influence of fire. Although the abundance of the majority of alien plant species was negatively related to fire, some species, notably Tagetes minuta, had higher cover with more frequent fires. Our results contradict findings from other African savannahs that suggest fire promotes invasive species and this is likely due to the species-specific interactions with fire. In the Serengeti, fire will be difficult to use as a management tool due to variable species response. Thus, we highlight that other management approaches such as physical removal and biological control agents can be implemented; however future work with these techniques should also consider the interaction of alien plant species with fire

    Comparative Assessment of UAV and Sentinel-2 NDVI and GNDVI for Preliminary Diagnosis of Habitat Conditions in Burunge Wildlife Management Area, Tanzania

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    Habitat condition is a vital ecological attribute in wildlife conservation and management in protected areas, including the Burunge wildlife management areas in Tanzania. Traditional techniques, including satellite remote sensing and ground-based techniques used to assess habitat condition, have limitations in terms of costs and low resolution of satellite platforms. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Green NDVI (GNDVI) have potential for assessing habitat condition, e.g., forage quantity and quality, vegetation cover and degradation, soil erosion and salinization, fire, and pollution of vegetation cover. We, therefore, examined how the recently emerged Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) platform and the traditional Sentinel-2 differs in indications of habitat condition using NDVI and GNDVI. We assigned 13 survey plots to random locations in the major land cover types: three survey plots in grasslands, shrublands, and woodlands, and two in riverine and mosaics cover types. We used a UAV-mounted, multi-spectral sensor and obtained Sentinel-2 imagery between February and March 2020. We categorized NDVI and GNDVI values into habitat condition classes (very good, good, poor, and very poor). We analyzed data using descriptive statistics and linear regression model in R-software. The results revealed higher sensitivity and ability of UAV to provide the necessary preliminary diagnostic indications of habitat condition. The UAV-based NDVI and GNDVI maps showed more details of all classes of habitat conditions than the Sentinel-2 maps. The linear regressions results showed strong positive correlations between the two platforms (p &lt; 0.001). The differences were attributed primarily to spatial resolution and minor atmospheric effects. We recommend further studies to test other vegetation indices

    Spatio-Temporal Changes in Wildlife Habitat Quality in the Greater Serengeti Ecosystem

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    Understanding habitat quality and its dynamics is imperative for maintaining healthy wildlife populations and ecosystems. We mapped and evaluated changes in habitat quality (1975–2015) in the Greater Serengeti Ecosystem of northern Tanzania using the Integrated Valuation of Environmental Services and Tradeoffs (InVEST) model. This is the first habitat quality assessment of its kind for this ecosystem. We characterized changes in habitat quality in the ecosystem and in a 30 kilometer buffer area. Four habitat quality classes (poor, low, medium and high) were identified and their coverage quantified. Overall (1975–2015), habitat quality declined over time but at rates that were higher for habitats with lower protection level or lower initial quality. As a result, habitat quality deteriorated the most in the unprotected and human-dominated buffer area surrounding the ecosystem, at intermediate rates in the less heavily protected Wildlife Management Areas, Game Controlled Areas, Game Reserves and the Ngorongoro Conservation Area and the least in the most heavily protected Serengeti National Park. The deterioration in habitat quality over time was attributed primarily to anthropogenic activities and major land use policy changes. Effective implementation of land use plans, robust and far-sighted institutional arrangements, adaptive legal and policy instruments are essential to sustaining high habitat quality in contexts of rapid human population growth