4 research outputs found

    PKM: improving the posyandu elderly capacity to improve the degree of elderly health

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    Kubutambahan and Bulian Village are two villages that are included in the working area of the Primary health care in Kubutambahan. Integrated Healthcare Center (IHC) elderly in these two villages still have lower coverage than other villages. In addition, the elderly IHC cadre are also not very active in promoting activities and inviting all elderly elements in the villages of Bulian and Kubutamabahan to come to the IHC. The elderly exercise becomes innovative as an improvement in the quality of life of the elderly. In view of the need for active cadres so that elderly gymnastic instructors are not only trained by health workers but also by elderly IHC cadres themselves. The method used is application technology with three patern (promotion, information and education). The stages of implementation are preparation, implementation and evaluation. The target is for all the elderly in the working area of the health center. The results of this service include the provision of IHC information through loudspeakers car, cadre training, provision of additional food as a reward for the arrival of the elderly to the IHC, providing health information and elderly exercise. This service is effectively carried out so that there is an increase in elderly visits and elderly cadres become trained. In addition, the elderly cadre also developed themselves by becoming an elderly gymnastic instructor. The conclusion is that there is an increase in elderly visits and cadres are increasingly trained

    Influence of Religious Guidance Services in Reducing Anxiety in Pregnant Women

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    Pregnancy and childbirth are causes of anxiety experienced by mothers, so there is a need for more specific information or assistance, for example with religious services. This study aims to analyze the effect of religious guidance services provided to pregnant women on the anxiety of pregnant women. The research method uses a quantitative approach with a pre-experimental pre-posttest one group. The population is pregnant women in the village of Kubutambahan with a minimum sample size of 36 respondents. Furthermore, the sampling technique using purposive sampling. The instrument used was a questionnaire regarding the characteristics and anxiety of the mother using the HARS questionnaire. Then, univariate and bivariate analyzes were performed using the compare mean. The results found that there was a decrease in anxiety in pregnant women before and after being given religious guidance services with a mean delta value of 2.1, p value <0.0001 and 95% CI (1.7-2.6). The conclusion is that there is a significant influence from religious services to reduce anxiety in pregnant women in Kubutambahan Village

    Budaya “Mejejahitan” Bagi Wanita Sebagai Kearifan Lokal di Bali

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    Culture is local wisdom that continues to be implemented today. Bali is no exception, where mejejahitan culture is a tradition that continues to be carried out by Hindu women in Bali. The purpose of this article is to identify the characteristics of Balinese women, the types of jejahitan that can be done by Balinese women, and then practice in making offerings. This type of research is the quantity across-sectional sectional approach. The population in this study were Hindu women in Bungkulan Village, a sample of 194 respondents was taken using a simple random sampling technique, the instrument in this study was a questionnaire related to the characteristics, types,of jejahitan, and the practice of offerings carried out. The analysis was carried out bivariate with computerization. The results of the study found that the average age of women was 44 years, 30.4% were elementary school graduates, 45.9% worked on canang sari and 54.6% were still not good at making offerings. The conclusion ion is that Canang sari is the easiest sewing to do and the role of women is very important in the religious process in Bali. So that the implementation of Balinese culture emphasizes the presence of women to help complete the preparation of the ceremony

    Yoga Asanas as an Effort to Reduce Anxiety on Online Learning During Pandemic in Stikes Buleleng Students

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    The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has attacked many sectors, including the education sector, which requires students to take part in online learning. This learning requires students to do assignments and achievements in accordance with the profile of graduates coupled with the unfinished pandemic situation causing students to experience more anxiety, this requires complementary therapies, one of which is yoga. This study aims to see differences in anxiety levels in the control group and the group given the yoga asanas treatment. The research method used is the pre-posttest design. Where the samples were taken were 23 control groups and 23 treatment groups. Control and treatment respondents were given a questionnaire first, then the control group was given IEC to reduce anxiety, while the treatment group was given yoga asanas which were carried out for 3 weeks. Furthermore, a posttest was given to assess the differences in the respondents' anxiety levels. The results showed that there were differences in the level of anxiety before and after in the control group (p-value 0.16) and the treatment group (p-value 0.001). Then the results of the different test analyses showed that there was a difference in the level of anxiety between the control group and the group given yoga asanas (p-value 0.01). The conclusion is that there are effective yoga asanas to reduce anxiety levels in students who take online learning during the pandemic.&nbsp