3 research outputs found

    Prevent Child Marriage by Improving Education in West Nusa Tenggara Through Sister Province Relations with Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Poland

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    This study aims to determine the local government's efforts to prevent child marriage by establishing foreign relations with other countries in education, in this case, the Province of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) and Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Poland. This foreign relationship is carried out by NTB as an effort to increase human resources through education with a country with very good quality education, namely Poland. This research method is descriptive-qualitative with the concept of sister province and the concept of Para diplomacy, which provides space for local governments to conduct foreign relations with other countries. The technique of collecting data by conducting a literature study is by examining various secondary sources in the form of books, articles, official news, and online news that are relevant to this research. The data analysis technique is through the stages of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, then drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that the existence of foreign relations in the context of sister provinces carried out by the Provinces of NTB, Indonesia, and Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Poland was initiated by the leaders of each province which then paved the way for educational cooperation between institutions in the two provinces. So that through this educational collaboration, the NTB Provincial Government can encourage the improvement of the quality of education which is expected to strengthen human development and prevent child marriage


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    Artikel ini mengkaji tentang faktor dan alasan NTB menjalin hubungan luar negeri dalam bidang pendidikan tinggi dengan Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia. Kajian dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan konsep paradiplomasi sebagai alat analisis. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan studi pustaka dan juga wawancara dengan narasumber terkait. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa NTB aktif menjalin hubungan luar negeri dalam bidang pendidikan tinggi (termasuk dengan Malaysia) karena didorong oleh faktor eksternal dan internal. Faktor eksternal datang dari globalisasi dan regionalisasi, sedangkan faktor internal dipengaruhi oleh desentralisasi dan peran pemimpin daerah. Sementara alasan NTB menjalin hubungan luar negeri dengan Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia adalah karena Malaysia dipandang dapat membantu NTB dalam memenuhi kepentingan pragmatis dalam bidang pendidikan tinggi, yaitu berjalannya program beasiswa pendidikan tinggi ke luar negeri (Malaysia) dengan biaya yang murah, pendidikan yang berkualitas, dan kesempatan memperluas wawasan dan jaringan internasional. Sedangkan Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia bersedia menjalin hubungan dengan NTB untuk meningkatkan jumlah pelajar internasional di Malaysia.This article examines the factors and reasons why NTB maintains foreign relations in the field of higher education with the Malaysian Ministry of Education. The study was conducted using a descriptive qualitative method with the concept of paradiplomacy as an analytical tool. Data collection was carried out by literature study and also interviews with related sources. The results of this study indicate that NTB is active in establishing foreign relations in the field of higher education (including with Malaysia) because it is driven by external and internal factors. External factors come from globalization and regionalization, while internal factors are influenced by decentralization and the role of regional leaders. Meanwhile, the reason for NTB to establish foreign relations with the Malaysian Ministry of Education is because Malaysia is seen to be able to assist NTB in fulfilling its pragmatic interests in the field of higher education, namely the running of a higher education scholarship program abroad (Malaysia) at low cost, high quality education, and opportunities to expand international networks. Meanwhile, the Malaysian Ministry of Education is willing to establish a relationship with NTB to increase the number of international students in Malaysia