65 research outputs found
Emotional Response to Extended Realities: The Effects of Augmented and Virtual Technologies in a Shopping Context
Extended reality (XR) technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are facing mixed expectations. XR is often touted to offer deeply engrossing experiences but it can also lead to cybersickness, disappointment, and frustration. Moreover, research has not kept pace with how these technologies may affect users\u27 emotions. Therefore, to understand emotions in XR, this study employs a 2 (virtual: yes vs. no) ×2 (augmented: yes vs. no) between-subject experiment (N = 162) in the shopping context. Effects on emotions are assessed by measuring changes in emotional valence and examining them using Median Tests and exploratory data analysis. Results suggest that emotional responses in XR are similar to those in a physical store. However, there is an unexpected effect of the augmented experiences where negative emotions markedly vary. Implications are presented both for retail businesses and simulations, and emotionally engaging experiences such as immersive journalism and psychotherapy
An Early Croat Translation of Rinuccini's »Euridice«
An Early Croat Translation of Rinuccini's »Euridice«
A Sacred Bridge or an Unsteady Pontoon? – Some Communication Problems Between Philosophers and Musicians
Philosophical discussion of music based on the principle that music is a form of language, encounters difficulties. Some aspects of music do tend towards language-like structures, while others pull away from them. If only the language model is upheld, then philosophical theories assume a prescriptive character, aiming to establish in an a priori manner which music has meaning (hence value) and which not. This problem is particularly acute in the Anglo-American tradition of anaytical philosophy
Echoes of Italian Music in the Culture of the Croatian Coastal Area in the Sixteenth Century
Studija ima dvije teme. (1) Srednji vijek i renesansa preuzeli su iz klasične starine pojam “muzika” u širem značenju koje je uz zvukovni element obuhvaćalo kozmički broj te moralnu vrijednost pjevanja. Takav je pojam stigao do dalmatinskih književnika, a ovdje se razmatra u prvom redu preko djela Petra Hektorovića. (2) Talijanska književna djela koja su izvorno imala primjenu u muzičkom kontekstu pojavljuju se u priobalnoj Hrvatskoj u prijevodima na hrvatski sa značajkama ponešto drugačijim od onih koje su imala u svom talijanskom originalu.The Classical concept of “music” encompassed not only the sounds produced by singers and instrumentalists but also the applications of proportions which govern the theory of musical harmony and the order of the universe. In addition, music-making, especially singing, was considered as embodying a moral value. Humanists, such as Marsilio Ficino, contributed to the resurgence of these beliefs in 16th-century Italy and the impact of their teaching was felt in those parts of Croatia which were exposed to the Italian cultural influence. Fishing and Fishermen’s Conversations, Petar Hektorovi}’s piscatorial eclogue
published in 1568, reveals interesting examples of the way in which humanist beliefs in the significance and power of music shaped the poet’s literary style and its substance. Textual analysis of the eclogue, written in Croatian, as well as of Hektorović’s Italian prose, show his familiarity with the literary descriptions of the story of Orpheus in Virgil, Horace and Castiglione. Dinko Ranjina’s mid-16th-century translation of a strambotto by Marc Antonio Magno and the
early 17th-century translations of Rinuccini’s dramatic poems by Paskoje Primović and Ivan Gundulić are discussed as illustrations of the problems which arise when a literary work originally conceived to perform a specific function in one context, is adapted to a different one. Although they may not have been intended for musical performances of the type envisaged for them in Italy, the adaptations show the desire of Croatian poets to keep abreast of new trends in
Italian literature of the time. As a conclusion, a conjectural reconstruction of the ways in which Italian models may have reached Croatian translators throws more light on the individuals who acted as intermediaries between the two cultures
Значај употребе органског биостимулатора у производњи салате
Lettuce is an annual, cool season, leafy vegetable crop from Asteraceae family. The aim of
this study was to examine the effects of genotype and organic biostimulant on different
morphological and production characteristics. Lettuce plants were grown from the seedlings
in the open field, at the company Iceberg Salat Centar, from May to June. Two lettuce
cultivars were examined (green oak cv. Pleasance- Bejo Zaden and red lollo rosso
cv.Orville- Rijk Zwaan). Plants were grown on a density equivalent to 10 plants/m2 with
application of regular growing practices. Organic biostimulant based on humic acids
(Cytohumat-Agrofarmica) was applied in the soil before transplanting and two times foliar
during vegetation period. The analysis of lettuce quality parameters was carried out at the end
of the vegetation period, during harvest. The impact of biostimulant was statistically
significant in both cultivars, especially in parameters number of leaves per plant and rosette
fresh weight. The average number of leaves per plant with applied biostimulant was (43.5
Pleasance and 26.67 Orville). In control treatment this parameter was significantly lower in
both cultivars (37.17 and 21.33, respectively). Rosette fresh weight in control and
biostimulant treatment in Pleasance was 324.33 and 440 g, and in Orville 132.5 and 229.17g.
There wasn’t significant difference between cultivars in rosette diameter but within the same
cultivar application of biostimulant significantly affected this parameter. To conclude, we can
recommend the usage of organic biostimulant in lettuce production.Салата је једногодишња врста, прохладне климе, која припада групи лиснатог поврћа
из фамилије Asteraceae. Циљ овог истраживања био је да се утврди ефекат генотипа и
органског биостимулатора на различите морфолошке и производне особине салате.
Салата је гајена на отвореном пољу компаније Iceberg Salat Centar, током маја и јуна
месеца (преко расада). Испитиване су две сорте, једна у типу храстовог листа, зелене
боје и друга у типу lollo rose, црвене боје листа (Pleasance - Bejo Zaden i Orville - Rijk
Zwaan). Салате су гајене у густини од 10 биљака/m2 уз примену стандардне
агротехнике. Органски биостимулатор са повећаним садржајем хуминских киселина
(Cytohumat-Agrofarmica) примењен је у земљиште пре садње биљака и два пута
фолијарно током вегетационог периода. Анализа дефинисаних параметара квалитета
салате извршена је на крају производног циклуса, током бербе усева. Статистички
веома значајан утицај примењеног биостимулатора забележен је код обе испитиване
сорте и то посебно код параметара број листова у розети и маса лисне розете. У
варијанти са примењеним биостимулатором број листова код сорте Pleasance у просеку
је износио 43,5, а код сорте Orville 26,67. У контролној варијанти овај параметар је код
обе испитиване сорте био значајно нижи (37,17 и 21,33). Маса лисне розете у
контролној и третираној варијанти код сорте Pleasance износила је 324,33 и 440 g, а
код сорте Orville 132,5 и 229,17 g. У погледу пречника лисне розете сорте се
статистички нису разликовале, али у оквиру исте сорте третман биостимулатором је
значајно утицао на овај параметар. На основу свега можемо изнети закључак да
примена органског биостимулатора има оправдања у производњи салате
Bojan Bujić
When is a musette not a musette? A response to Robert S. Hatten
Robert S. Hatten
A response to Bojan Buji
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