121 research outputs found

    Conformity Motives For Alcohol Use Are Associated With Risky Sexual Behavior Among Alcohol-Dependent Patients In Residential Substance Abuse Treatment

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    Alcohol misuse is associated with a variety of negative outcomes, including risky sexual behavior (RSB). In an attempt to better identify the subset of individuals at greatest risk for these negative outcomes, a growing body of research has begun to examine the role of alcohol use motives in risk for alcohol use-related negative outcomes. Although the majority of research in this area has focused on coping motives, conformity motives may be particularly relevant to outcomes such as RSB. Specifically, conformity motives may operate as a proxy risk factor for RSB, reflecting the tendency to engage in interpersonally-oriented risk behaviors in order to avoid rejection, interpersonal conflict, or social ostracism. Therefore, the current study examined the relation between conformity motives for alcohol use and RSB in a sample of 94 patients in a residential substance abuse treatment center. Results indicated that conformity motives were associated with RSB above and beyond other motives for alcohol use, as well as relevant covariates. Findings support the notion that conformity motives may operate as a proxy risk factor that could assist in identifying individuals at elevated risk for engaging in RSB

    Abstracts of presentations on plant protection issues at the xth international congress of virology: August 11-16, 1996 Binyanei haOoma, Jerusalem Iarael part 3(final part)

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    Predictors of smoking lapse in a human laboratory paradigm

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    During a smoking quit attempt, a single smoking lapse is highly predictive of future relapse. While several risk factors for a smoking lapse have been identified during clinical trials, a laboratory model of lapse was until recently unavailable and, therefore, it is unclear whether these characteristics also convey risk for lapse in a laboratory environment.The primary study goal was to examine whether real-world risk factors of lapse are also predictive of smoking behavior in a laboratory model of smoking lapse.After overnight abstinence, 77 smokers completed the McKee smoking lapse task, in which they were presented with the choice of smoking or delaying in exchange for monetary reinforcement. Primary outcome measures were the latency to initiate smoking behavior and the number of cigarettes smoked during the lapse. Several baseline measures of smoking behavior, mood, and individual traits were examined as predictive factors.Craving to relieve the discomfort of withdrawal, withdrawal severity, and tension level were negatively predictive of latency to smoke. In contrast, average number of cigarettes smoked per day, withdrawal severity, level of nicotine dependence, craving for the positive effects of smoking, and craving to relieve the discomfort of withdrawal were positively predictive of number of cigarettes smoked.The results suggest that real-world risk factors for smoking lapse are also predictive of smoking behavior in a laboratory model of lapse. Future studies using the McKee lapse task should account for between subject differences in the unique factors that independently predict each outcome measure


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    Abstracts of presentations on plant protection issues at the fifth international Mango Symposium Abstracts of presentations on plant protection issues at the Xth international congress of Virology: September 1-6, 1996 Dan Panorama Hotel, Tel Aviv, Israel August 11-16, 1996 Binyanei haoma, Jerusalem, Israel

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    Examining the Heterogeneous Genome Content of Multipartite Viruses BMV and CCMV by Native Mass Spectrometry

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    Since the concept was first introduced by Brian Chait and co-workers in 1991, mass spectrometry of proteins and protein complexes under non-denaturing conditions (native MS) has strongly developed, through parallel advances in instrumentation, sample preparation, and data analysis tools. However, the success rate of native MS analysis, particularly in heterogeneous mega-Dalton (MDa) protein complexes, still strongly depends on careful instrument modification. Here, we further explore these boundaries in native mass spectrometry, analyzing two related endogenous multipartite viruses: the Brome Mosaic Virus (BMV) and the Cowpea Chlorotic Mottle Virus (CCMV). Both CCMV and BMV are approximately 4.6 megadalton (MDa) in mass, of which approximately 1 MDA originates from the genomic content of the virion. Both viruses are produced as mixtures of three particles carrying different segments of the genome, varying by approximately 0.1 MDA in mass (~2%). This mixture of particles poses a challenging analytical problem for high-resolution native MS analysis, given the large mass scales involved. We attempt to unravel the particle heterogeneity using both Q-TOF and Orbitrap mass spectrometers extensively modified for analysis of very large assemblies. We show that manipulation of the charging behavior can provide assistance in assigning the correct charge states. Despite their challenging size and heterogeneity, we obtained native mass spectra with resolved series of charge states for both BMV and CCMV, demonstrating that native MS of endogenous multipartite virions is feasible. [Figure: see text] ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s13361-016-1348-6) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users