221 research outputs found

    Zoutonderzoek bij paprika : invloed van natrium en kalium op produktie en kwaliteit

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    Limiting scaring activities reduces economic costs associated with foraging barnacle geese: Results from an individual-based model

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    With increasing numbers of large grazing birds on agricultural grassland, conflict with farmers is rising. One management approach to alleviate conflict allows foraging on dedicated agricultural land (accommodation areas) and nature reserves, combined with scaring on remaining agricultural land. Here, we examine the cost-effectiveness of these measures by studying the influence on barnacle goose distribution and associated economic damage. We present an individual/agent-based model of barnacle geese (Branta leucopsis) foraging on grasslands in Friesland, the Netherlands. The model is parameterized using field observations and GPS-tracks and allows simulation of management scenarios, differing in scaring probability and accommodation area size, with different potential management costs. Our model shows that, while yield loss decreases with higher scaring probabilities, costs of damage appraisal increase because geese graze on more fields. With small accommodation areas, achieving high scaring probabilities takes more effort and could result in goose population decline. Total management costs are lowest without scaring activity. Synthesis and applications. Considering costs of active scaring and the need to maintain the barnacle goose population in a favourable conservation status, our model suggests that the most cost-effective scenario is to prevent disturbance of geese. A high scaring probability could be beneficial if applied in small areas, for example around sensitive crops or airfields. Scaring in large areas could result in costs outweighing benefits and a declining barnacle goose population

    More management, less damage? With increasing population size, economic costs of managing geese to minimize yield losses may outweigh benefits

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    Conflicts between farmers and geese are intensifying; yet, it remains unclear how interactions between goose population size and management regimes affect yield loss and economic costs. We investigate the cost-effectiveness of accommodation and scaring areas in relation to barnacle goose (Branta leucopsis) population size. We use an existing individual-based model of barnacle geese foraging in nature, accommodation, and scaring areas in Friesland, the Netherlands, to study the most cost-effective management under varying population sizes (i.e., between 20 and 200% of the current size). Our study shows that population size non-linearly affects yield loss costs and total costs per goose. The most cost-effective management scenario for intermediate to large populations is to avoid scaring of geese. For small populations, intensive scaring resulted in minimized yield loss costs and total costs, but also substantially lower goose body mass. Our results strongly suggest that scaring becomes a less effective management measure as goose populations increase

    Associations with intraocular pressure across Europe: The European Eye Epidemiology (E-3) Consortium

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    Raised intraocular pressure (IOP) is the most important risk factor for developing glaucoma, the second commonest cause of blindness globally. Understanding associations with IOP and variations in IOP between countries may teach us about mechanisms underlying glaucoma. We examined cross-sectional associations with IOP in 43,500 European adults from 12 cohort studies belonging to the European Eye Epidemiology (E3) consortium. Each study conducted multivariable linear regression with IOP as the outcome variable and results were pooled using random effects meta-analysis. The association of standardized study IOP with latitude was tested using meta-regression. Higher IOP was observed in men (0.18 mmHg; 95 % CI 0.06, 0.31; P = 0.004) and with higher body mass index (0.21 mmHg per 5 kg/m2; 95 % CI 0.14, 0.28; P < 0.001), shorter height (−0.17 mmHg per 10 cm; 95 % CI –0.25, −0.08; P < 0.001), higher systolic blood pressure (0.17 mmHg per 10 mmHg; 95 % CI 0.12, 0.22; P < 0.001) and more myopic refraction (0.06 mmHg per Dioptre; 95 % CI 0.03, 0.09; P < 0.001). An inverted U-shaped trend was observed between age and IOP, with IOP increasing up to the age of 60 and decreasing in participants older than 70 years. We found no significant association between standardized IOP and study location latitude (P = 0.76). Novel findings of our study include the association of lower IOP in taller people and an inverted-U shaped association of IOP with age. We found no evidence of significant variation in IOP across Europe. Despite the limited range of latitude amongst included studies, this finding is in favour of collaborative pooling of data from studies examining environmental and genetic determinants of IOP in Europeans

    Modulation of nucleotide metabolism by picornaviruses

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    Viruses actively reprogram the metabolism of the host to ensure the availability of sufficient building blocks for virus replication and spreading. However, relatively little is known about how picornaviruses-a large family of small, non-enveloped positive-strand RNA viruses-modulate cellular metabolism for their own benefit. Here, we studied the modulation of host metabolism by coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3), a member of the enterovirus genus, and encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV), a member of the cardiovirus genus, using steady-state as well as 13C-glucose tracing metabolomics. We demonstrate that both CVB3 and EMCV increase the levels of pyrimidine and purine metabolites and provide evidence that this increase is mediated through degradation of nucleic acids and nucleotide recycling, rather than upregulation of de novo synthesis. Finally, by integrating our metabolomics data with a previously acquired phosphoproteomics dataset of CVB3-infected cells, we identify alterations in phosphorylation status of key enzymes involved in nucleotide metabolism, providing insight into the regulation of nucleotide metabolism during infection

    Aggressive fibromatosis of the head and neck: a new classification based on a literature review over 40 years (1968-2008)

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    BACKGROUND: Fibromatosis is an aggressive fibrous tumor of unknown etiology that is, in some cases, lethal. Until now, there has been no particular classification for the head and neck. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to review the current literature in order to propose a new classification for future studies. METHODS: An evidence-based literature review was conducted from the last 40 years regarding aggressive fibromatosis in the head and neck. Studies that summarized patients' data without including individual data were excluded. RESULTS: Between 1968 and 2008, 179 cases with aggressive fibromatosis of the head and neck were published. The male to female ratio was 91 to 82 with a mean age of 16.87 years, and 57.32% of the described cases that involved the head and neck were found in patients under 11 years. The most common localization was the mandible, followed by the neck. All together, 143 patients were followed up, and in 43 (30.07%), a recurrence was seen. CONCLUSION: No clear prognostic factors for recurrence (age, sex, or localization) were observed. A new classification with regard to hormone receptors and bone involvement could improve the understanding of risk factors and thereby assist in future studies
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