37 research outputs found

    Phase diagram of microcavity exciton-polariton condensates

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    In this work, we study the exciton-polariton condensate phase transition in a microcavity matter-light system in which electron-hole Coulomb interaction and matter-light coupling effects are treated on an equal footing. In the framework of the unrestricted Hartree-Fock approximation applying the two-dimensional exciton-polariton model, we derive the self-consistent equations determining simultaneously the excitonic and the photonic condenstate order parameters. In the thermal equilibrium limit, we find a condensed state of the exciton-polariton systems and phase diagrams are then constructed. At a given low temperature, the condensate by its nature shows a crossover from an excitonic to a polaritonic and finally photonic condensed state as the excitation density increases at large detuning. Without the detuning, the excitonic condensed state disappears whereas the polaritonic or photonic phases dominate. The crossover is also found by lowering the Coulomb interaction at a finite matter-light coupling. Lowering the Coulomb interaction or increasing the temperature, the excitonic Mott transition occurs, at which the exciton-polariton condensates dissociate to free electron-hole/photon. Depending on temperature and excitation density, the phase transition of the exciton-polariton condensates is also addressed in signatures of photoluminescence mapping to the photonic momentum distribution.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Effect of Excitation Migration and Upconversion in Highly Erbium-doped Glass Micro-sphere Lasers

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    Excitation migration and upconversion process in the Erbium-doped silica-alumina glass microsphere lasers with concentrations of 2500-4000~ppm were investigated in detail. The experiment shows that under 976~nm excitation, the intense of up-conversion emission at 523, 546 and 657~nm, corresponding to the transitions 2^{2}H11/24_{11 / 2 } \to ^{4}I15/_{15 / }, 4^{4}S3/24_{3 / 2} \to ^{4}I15/2_{15 / 2}, and 4^{4}F9/24_{9 / 2} \to ^{4}I15/2_{15 / 2}, respectively, ^{ }depends on the erbium content, migration of excitation and pump power. The excitation migration has strongly influenced on the threshold and Red shift of lasing wavelength and migration-assisted up-conversion process leads to degraded amplification performance of microsphere lasers made by silica-alumina glasses with different contents of Er-ions

    Investigation of 1d Photonic Crystal Based on Nano-porous Silicon Multilayer for Optical Filtering

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    We present the fabrication, simulation, and measurements of 1D photonic crystal based on nano-porous silicon multilayer designed as an optical interference filter. Using electro-chemical etching with timely repeat steps of applied current densities, we fabricated a multilayer structure composed of alternating high- and low-index layer which achieved 90% power reflectivity at wavelength range of 1400-3000 nm. The simulation is relying on the Transfer Matrix Method (TMM) to design and predict the optical properties of nano-porous silicon multilayer as well as the relation between anodization parameters with reflection spectra. The measured reflection and transmission spectra of the nano-porous silicon multilayer show good agreement with simulation. This technique could provide a convenient and economical method to produce filters, cavities, and graded-index dielectric waveguides in the future


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    Camellia quynhii is described and illustrated as a new species of section Stereocarpus (Pierre) Sealy from 12th village, Vu Bon Commune, Krong Pak District, Dak Lak Province. C. quynhii resembles C. dormoyana (Pierre) Sealy but differs in several morphological characteristics: sepals 6–7; petals about 12–15; filaments tomentose at the base; style 3(–4), basally united; capsule 3(–4) locular, 2–6 seeds in each locule. Information on its phenology, distribution, ecology, and conservation status is also provided.Camellia quynhii is described and illustrated as a new species of section Stereocarpus (Pierre) Sealy from 12th village, Vu Bon Commune, Krong Pak District, Dak Lak Province. C. quynhii resembles C. dormoyana (Pierre) Sealy but differs in several morphological characteristics: sepals 6–7; petals about 12–15; filaments tomentose at the base; style 3(–4), basally united; capsule 3(–4) locular, 2–6 seeds in each locule. Information on its phenology, distribution, ecology, and conservation status is also provided

    Influence of ASE Noise on Performance of DWDM Networks Using Low-power Pumped Raman Amplifiers

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    We present the results of investigation  for  influence of amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) noise, noise figure (NF) and  chromatic dispersion on the performance of middle-distance Dense-wavelength-division-multiplexing (DWDM) networks using low-power pumped distributed Raman amplifiers (DRAs) in two different pump configurations, i.e., forward and backward pumping. We found that the pumping configurations, ASE noise, and dispersion play an important role for improving network performance by decrease of noise figure and bit error rate (BER) of the system. Simulation results show that the lowest bit error rate and low noise figure were obtained, when using forward pumping configuration. Moreover, we have also compared ASE noise powers of the simulation with these of the experiment. These results conclude that DRA with low pump power  (11~W) is the promising key technology for short-- and/or middle-distance DWDM transmission networks


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    In this paper, our aim was to examine the role of ENSO in the recent climate variations. Analyzed results on temporal variability of thermal fields in period of 38 years (Jan. 1979-Aug. 2016) showed that Ninh Thuan - Binh Thuan waters were subjected to the significant impact of the ENSO phases (warming and cooling) as well as other processes related to seasonal, inter-seasonal, yearly and mutlti-yearly variations such as in the periods 1986-1989, 1996-2000 and 2009-2011. In order to clarify above issues, authors carried out the analysis of the temporal -spatial changes of temperature fields (include air temperature and sea surface temperature) in Ninh Thuan - Binh Thuan region. The temperature data were exploited from The National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) and Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR) in the form of hourly time-series products with spatial resolution of 0.3o (1979-2010) and 0.20o (2011-8/2016). The results showed that 2016 was quite similar to 1998 and 2010 when the coral bleaching occurred in the study area.Các kết quả phân tích trường nhiệt độ trong 38 năm (1/1979 - 8/2016) đã cho thấy vùng biển Ninh Thuận - Bình Thuận chịu sự tác động không nhỏ của các pha ENSO (ấm, lạnh) mà còn có liên quan đến các quá trình khác có chu kỳ mùa, liên mùa, năm, nhiều năm thể hiện tại các giai đoạn 1986-1989; 1996-2000 và 2009-2011. Để góp phần làm sáng tỏ vấn đề trên, chúng tôi đã tiến hành phân tích sự thay đổi nền nhiệt độ của nhiệt độ không khí, nhiệt độ nước bề mặt biển. Các số liệu nhiệt độ sử dụng trong nghiên cứu này được khai thác từ Hệ thống Dự đoán Khí hậu Phân tích lại (CFSR) theo bước thời gian 1 giờ với độ phân giải ngang 0,3° (1979-2010) và 0,2o (2011-8/2016) của Trung tâm Dự báo Môi trường Quốc gia Hoa Kỳ (NCEP). Kết quả phân tích cho thấy năm 2016 có nét khá tương đồng với năm 1998 và 2010, các năm được phát hiện đã xảy ra hiện tượng tẩy trắng san hô tại khu vực nghiên cứu

    Determination of Wavelength Shift of Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors by Tunable Single-mode Diode Laser

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    We propose a novel principle of determination of fiber Bragg grating (FBG) wavelength shift which is impacted by a variation of physical parameters such as temperature, pressure and/or strain. In common case the wavelength shift of FBG was monitored by wavelength measurement using a high-cost spectrometer and a broad band light source. In our proposed technique the wavelength shift of FBG can be determined by change of lasing wavelength of distributed feedback laser (DFB-laser) due to the change of laser substrate temperature. The maximal opto-electrical intensity of photodetector would be obtained when the laser wavelength and FBG reflection wavelength are coincided. The FBG sensor prototype has shown excellent response for laser temperature change in the range of 10C50C10^{\circ}C-50^{\circ}C with the ratio Δλ/ΔT\Delta \lambda /\Delta T of the DFB laser is of 77.5 pm.K1^{ - 1}. Key features of the proposed technique are fabrication of low-cost FBG sensors for civil engineering

    Contribution à l’étude de la présence et du devenir des résidus de médicaments dans les compartiments aquatiques

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    La présence de résidus de médicaments a été évaluée dans des eaux superficielles et des effluents de huit stations d'épuration (quatre rejetant dans l'estuaire de Seine dans le cadre du projet Medseine financé par le GIP Seine- Aval, quatre dans le cadre du projet Toxstep financé par l'Anses (ex-Afsset). Une centaine de molécules a été systématiquement recherchée dans les deux types d'eaux en appliquant des méthodologies analytiques impliquant une extraction solide liquide suivie une analyse par LC-MS/MS. Un suivi saisonnier des rejets de médicaments a été effectué également. Des résidus de médicaments ont été systématiquement quantifiés dans les deux types d'eaux. Les concentrations mesurées dans des eaux de surface sont significatives pour certains composés : de 1 à 108 ng/L pour diclofénac, de 2 à 324 ng/L pour ibuprofène. Pour d’autres, les valeurs sont beaucoup plus faibles : de 2 à 13 ng/L pour sulfapyridine, de 1 à 5 ng/Lpour nordiazépam. Dans les effluents de STEP, les anti-inflammatoires, les β-bloquants, les macrolides et les fluoroquinolones sont plus souvent détectés. Leurs concentrations peuvent varier fortement : de 62 ng/L à 10 μg/L pour sotalol, de 39 ng/L à 8 μg/L pour aténolol et plus particulièrement de 32ng/L jusqu’à 127 μg/L pour paracétamol. Par ailleurs, la stabilité des résidus de médicaments vis à vis des rayonnements lumineux a été évaluée. Des irradiations UV (à 254 nm) pouvant potentiellement être utilisés en étape finaleavant rejet dans des zones particulièrement sensibles ont été appliquées (avec des doses allantjusqu'à 1500 J/m2. Par ailleurs, compte tenu du fait que les effluents sont ensuite majoritairement rejetés dans des eaux superficielles, ils sont soumis aux rayonnements solaires et cette exposition a également été évaluée. Le phénomène de photodégradation à 254 nm a été bien observé sur certains composés comme diclofénac, kétoprofène (> 90% dégradé), ciprofloxacine,norfloxacine (jusqu’à 75% dégradé). L’azithromycine, la clarithromycine, la carbamazépine et l’aténolol... sont des composés plus stables avec les rayonnements lumineux. En exposant sous lumière solaire simulée, le diclofénac, la kétoprofène, la ciprofloxacine et la norfloxacine sontaussi des composés sensibles (> 90% dégradé) après 24 h d’exposition (172,8 kJ/m2). La carbamazépine, la sulfaméthoxazole, l’aténolol, bisoprolol et métoprolol sont des composés plus stables observés.The presence of pharmaceuticals was evaluated in Seine surface waters and in eight wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) effluents (4 WWTP within MEDSEINE - GIP Seine – Aval project and 4 WWTP within TOXSTEP – ANSES project. A hundred molecules was systematically reseached in both types of waters by applying the analytical methodologies (SPE solid phase extraction followed by LC-MS/MS analysis). A seasonal monitoring of pharmaceutical residues was also carried out. The pharmaceutically residues have been systematically quantified in this both types of water. The concentrations in suface of waters are significative for some molecules: 1 – 108 ng/L for diclofenac, 2 – 324 ng/L for ibuprofen and the values are weakly for some molecules: 2 – 13 for sulfapyridine, 1 – 5 for nordiazepam. Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, β-blockers, macrolides and fluoroquinolones are mostly founded in the effluents of WWTP. Their concentrations were measured in the range: 62 ng/L – 10 µg/L for sotalol, 39 ng/L – 8 µg/L for atenolol, 32 ng/L – up to 127 µg/L for paracetamol.Moreover, the stability of pharmaceuticals was evaluated with light radiation . UV irradiation (at 254 nm) potentially used in the final WWTP before discharge in particularly areas have been applied (with a dose up to 1500 J/m2). Sunlight simulations have also been done. The phenomenon of photodegradation at 254 nm has been observed for some molecules such as : diclofenac, ketoprofen (>90% degraded), ciprofloxacine, norfloxacine (up to 75% degraded). Azithromycinem clarithromycine, carbamazepine and atenolol are most stable molecules observed. Exposing under simulated sunlight, diclofenac, ketoprofen, ciprofloxacine and norfloxacine are also sensitive molecules (>90 % degraded) after 24 hours of exposure (172.8 kJ/m2). Carbamazepine, sulfamethoxazole, atenolol, metoprolol and bisoprolol are most stable molecules observed

    Contribution à l’étude de la présence et du devenir des résidus de médicaments dans les compartiments aquatiques

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    La présence de résidus de médicaments a été évaluée dans des eaux superficielles et des effluents de huit stations d'épuration (quatre rejetant dans l'estuaire de Seine dans le cadre du projet Medseine financé par le GIP Seine- Aval, quatre dans le cadre du projet Toxstep financé par l'Anses (ex-Afsset). Une centaine de molécules a été systématiquement recherchée dans les deux types d'eaux en appliquant des méthodologies analytiques impliquant une extraction solide liquide suivie une analyse par LC-MS/MS. Un suivi saisonnier des rejets de médicaments a été effectué également. Des résidus de médicaments ont été systématiquement quantifiés dans les deux types d'eaux. Les concentrations mesurées dans des eaux de surface sont significatives pour certains composés : de 1 à 108 ng/L pour diclofénac, de 2 à 324 ng/L pour ibuprofène. Pour d’autres, les valeurs sont beaucoup plus faibles : de 2 à 13 ng/L pour sulfapyridine, de 1 à 5 ng/Lpour nordiazépam. Dans les effluents de STEP, les anti-inflammatoires, les β-bloquants, les macrolides et les fluoroquinolones sont plus souvent détectés. Leurs concentrations peuvent varier fortement : de 62 ng/L à 10 μg/L pour sotalol, de 39 ng/L à 8 μg/L pour aténolol et plus particulièrement de 32ng/L jusqu’à 127 μg/L pour paracétamol. Par ailleurs, la stabilité des résidus de médicaments vis à vis des rayonnements lumineux a été évaluée. Des irradiations UV (à 254 nm) pouvant potentiellement être utilisés en étape finaleavant rejet dans des zones particulièrement sensibles ont été appliquées (avec des doses allantjusqu'à 1500 J/m2. Par ailleurs, compte tenu du fait que les effluents sont ensuite majoritairement rejetés dans des eaux superficielles, ils sont soumis aux rayonnements solaires et cette exposition a également été évaluée. Le phénomène de photodégradation à 254 nm a été bien observé sur certains composés comme diclofénac, kétoprofène (> 90% dégradé), ciprofloxacine,norfloxacine (jusqu’à 75% dégradé). L’azithromycine, la clarithromycine, la carbamazépine et l’aténolol... sont des composés plus stables avec les rayonnements lumineux. En exposant sous lumière solaire simulée, le diclofénac, la kétoprofène, la ciprofloxacine et la norfloxacine sontaussi des composés sensibles (> 90% dégradé) après 24 h d’exposition (172,8 kJ/m2). La carbamazépine, la sulfaméthoxazole, l’aténolol, bisoprolol et métoprolol sont des composés plus stables observés.The presence of pharmaceuticals was evaluated in Seine surface waters and in eight wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) effluents (4 WWTP within MEDSEINE - GIP Seine – Aval project and 4 WWTP within TOXSTEP – ANSES project. A hundred molecules was systematically reseached in both types of waters by applying the analytical methodologies (SPE solid phase extraction followed by LC-MS/MS analysis). A seasonal monitoring of pharmaceutical residues was also carried out. The pharmaceutically residues have been systematically quantified in this both types of water. The concentrations in suface of waters are significative for some molecules: 1 – 108 ng/L for diclofenac, 2 – 324 ng/L for ibuprofen and the values are weakly for some molecules: 2 – 13 for sulfapyridine, 1 – 5 for nordiazepam. Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, β-blockers, macrolides and fluoroquinolones are mostly founded in the effluents of WWTP. Their concentrations were measured in the range: 62 ng/L – 10 µg/L for sotalol, 39 ng/L – 8 µg/L for atenolol, 32 ng/L – up to 127 µg/L for paracetamol.Moreover, the stability of pharmaceuticals was evaluated with light radiation . UV irradiation (at 254 nm) potentially used in the final WWTP before discharge in particularly areas have been applied (with a dose up to 1500 J/m2). Sunlight simulations have also been done. The phenomenon of photodegradation at 254 nm has been observed for some molecules such as : diclofenac, ketoprofen (>90% degraded), ciprofloxacine, norfloxacine (up to 75% degraded). Azithromycinem clarithromycine, carbamazepine and atenolol are most stable molecules observed. Exposing under simulated sunlight, diclofenac, ketoprofen, ciprofloxacine and norfloxacine are also sensitive molecules (>90 % degraded) after 24 hours of exposure (172.8 kJ/m2). Carbamazepine, sulfamethoxazole, atenolol, metoprolol and bisoprolol are most stable molecules observed