578 research outputs found

    Effects of ASE noise and dispersion chromatic on performance of DWDM networks using distributed Raman amplifiers

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    We investigate effects of amplified spontaneous emission noise (ASE), noise figure (NF) and dispersion chromatic on the performance of DWDM networks using distributed optical fiber Raman amplifiers (DRAs) in two different pump configurations, i.e., forward and backward pumping. We found that the pumping configurations, ASE noise, and dispersion play an important role in network performance improving since it reduces noise figure and bit error rate (BER) of the system. Simulation results show that the lowest bit error rate and noise figure when using forward pumping configuration. Moreover, we have also compared ASE noise powers of the simulation with these of the experiment, they are match

    Families of eulerian functions involved in regularization of divergent polyzetas

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    Extending the Eulerian functions, we study their relationship with zeta function of several variables. In particular, starting with Weierstrass factorization theorem (and Newton-Girard identity) for the complex Gamma function, we are interested in the ratios of ζ(2k)/π2k\zeta(2k)/\pi^{2k} and their multiindexed generalization, we will obtain an analogue situation and draw some consequences about a structure of the algebra of polyzetas values, by means of some combinatorics of noncommutative rational series. The same combinatorial frameworks also allow to study the independence of a family of eulerian functions.Comment: preprin

    On the solutions of universal differential equation by noncommutative Picard-Vessiot theory

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    Basing on Picard-Vessiot theory of noncommutative differential equations and algebraic combinatorics on noncommutative formal series with holomorphic coefficients, various recursive constructions of sequences of grouplike series converging to solutions of universal differential equation are proposed. Basing on monoidal factorizations, these constructions intensively use diagonal series and various pairs of bases in duality, in concatenation-shuffle bialgebra and in a Loday's generalized bialgebra. As applications, the unique solution, satisfying asymptotic conditions, of Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations is provided by d\'evissage

    On The Global Renormalization and Regularization of Several Complex Variable Zeta Functions by Computer

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    This review concerns the resolution of a special case of Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations (KZ3KZ_3) using our recent results on combinatorial aspects of zeta functions on several variables and software on noncommutative symbolic computations. In particular, we describe the actual solution of (KZ3)(KZ_3) leading to the unique noncommutative series, ΦKZ\Phi_{KZ}, so-called Drinfel'd associator (or Drinfel'd series). Non-trivial expressions for series with rational coefficients, satisfying the same properties with ΦKZ\Phi_{KZ}, are also explicitly provided due to the algebraic structure and the singularity analysis of the polylogarithms and harmonic sums

    Activity recognition and abnormality detection with the switching hidden semi-Markov model

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    This paper addresses the problem of learning and recognizing human activities of daily living (ADL), which is an important research issue in building a pervasive and smart environment. In dealing with ADL, we argue that it is beneficial to exploit both the inherent hierarchical organization of the activities and their typical duration. To this end, we introduce the Switching Hidden Semi-Markov Model (S-HSMM), a two-layered extension of the hidden semi-Markov model (HSMM) for the modeling task. Activities are modeled in the S-HSMM in two ways: the bottom layer represents atomic activities and their duration using HSMMs; the top layer represents a sequence of high-level activities where each high-level activity is made of a sequence of atomic activities. We consider two methods for modeling duration: the classic explicit duration model using multinomial distribution, and the novel use of the discrete Coxian distribution. In addition, we propose an effective scheme to detect abnormality without the need for training on abnormal data. Experimental results show that the S-HSMM performs better than existing models including the flat HSMM and the hierarchical hidden Markov model in both classification and abnormality detection tasks, alleviating the need for presegmented training data. Furthermore, our discrete Coxian duration model yields better computation time and generalization error than the classic explicit duration model

    Human behavior recognition with generic exponential family duration modeling in the hidden semi-Markov model

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    The ability to learn and recognize human activities of daily living (ADLs) is important in building pervasive and smart environments. In this paper, we tackle this problem using the hidden semi-Markov model. We discuss the state-of-the-art duration modeling choices and then address a large class of exponential family distributions to model state durations. Inference and learning are efficiently addressed by providing a graphical representation for the model in terms of a dynamic Bayesian network (DBN). We investigate both discrete and continuous distributions from the exponential family (Poisson and Inverse Gaussian respectively) for the problem of learning and recognizing ADLs. A full comparison between the exponential family duration models and other existing models including the traditional multinomial and the new Coxian are also presented. Our work thus completes a thorough investigation into the aspect of duration modeling and its application to human activities recognition in a real-world smart home surveillance scenario.<br /

    DocChecker: Bootstrapping Code Large Language Model for Detecting and Resolving Code-Comment Inconsistencies

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    Comments within source code are essential for developers to comprehend the code's purpose and ensure its correct usage. However, as codebases evolve, maintaining an accurate alignment between the comments and the code becomes increasingly challenging. Recognizing the growing interest in automated solutions for detecting and correcting differences between code and its accompanying comments, current methods rely primarily on heuristic rules. In contrast, this paper presents DocChecker, a tool powered by deep learning. DocChecker is adept at identifying inconsistencies between code and comments, and it can also generate synthetic comments. This capability enables the tool to detect and correct instances where comments do not accurately reflect their corresponding code segments. We demonstrate the effectiveness of DocChecker using the Just-In-Time and CodeXGlue datasets in different settings. Particularly, DocChecker achieves a new State-of-the-art result of 72.3% accuracy on the Inconsistency Code-Comment Detection (ICCD) task and 33.64 BLEU-4 on the code summarization task against other Large Language Models (LLMs), even surpassing GPT 3.5 and CodeLlama. DocChecker is accessible for use and evaluation. It can be found on our GitHub https://github.com/FSoft-AI4Code/DocChecker and as an Online Tool For a more comprehensive understanding of its functionality, a demonstration video is available on YouTube https://youtu.be/FqnPmd531xw
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