316 research outputs found

    The effect of brand-cause fit on consumers' responses to cause-related marketing: a study on young Vietnamese consumers

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    Objectives Given the contentious debate regarding the role of brand-cause fit in cause-related marketing, this thesis aims to, first and foremost, compare the perceived value of high and low brand-cause fit. From then, the study seeks to gain more insight into the significance of high (versus low) brand-cause fit in shaping consumers' purchase intention. Finally, this thesis explores if and how other factors can affect the way consumers perceive brand-cause fit. Summary This study, which targets Vietnamese young consumers, uses qualitative data collection method to fulfill the above objectives. Two focus groups were conducted to examine consumers’ purchase intention, using a choice-selection activity that features different brand-cause links of different level of fit. A discussion session then takes place in a semi-structured form to understand how consumers perceive brand-cause fit as well as the impact of fit and other factors on purchase intention. Conclusions The results support the major consensus across different literature that a high brand-cause fit elicits more positive response than a low one does. However, the impact of brand-cause fit on purchase intention is very transient and most noticeable only in the first few moments of product evaluation. The combination of brand-cause fit and other factors might lead consumers to either evaluate more on the fit or ignore the fit and consider other aspects of the product. The more consumers evaluate on a low fit, the more likely they are to become skeptical. However, given the limited sample, such results shouldn’t be used to represent Vietnamese young consumers as a whole

    A Comparison of Videoconferencing and In-person Administration of the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale

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    Although effective empirically-based OCD assessments and treatments exist, access to these resources can be challenging (Himle et al., 2006). Fortunately the advent of telemental health (TMH) to provide mental health services via videoconferencing may ameliorate some of these access challenges. Participants were 30 undergraduates identified as having subclinical obsessive compulsive symptoms. Each participant underwent Y-BOCS assessments twice, once over videoconferencing and once in-person. As hypothesized, videoconferencing and in-person administrations of the Y-BOCS Symptom Checklist and Severity Ratings were functionally equivalent. However, the results did not support the hypothesis that a TMH environment would be more conducive for increased comfort in disclosure of symptoms. The results build upon prior research demonstrating that TMH is feasible and acceptable for a wide range of underserved populations and settings. Research to establish assessment measures like the Y-BOCS as reliable and acceptable when used over videoconferencing may promote the further dissemination of gold-standard assessments and treatments to underserved populations


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    "Pardonner ou se venger ?" : le rôle de l'affectif dans le processus psychologique de vengeance du client

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    La vengeance du client devient actuellement un phénomène prépondérant dans nos sociétés (Grégoire et al., 2010). Un client insatisfait pourrait, sans surprise, punir l’entreprise via des actions de vengeance. Or, il n’est guère attendu qu’un client fidèle s’engage également dans ce type d’action alors qu’il entretient une bonne relation avec la marque. Ce travail doctoral propose d’étudier le processus psychologique de la vengeance du client, notamment de ceux ayant une bonne relation avec l’entreprise. Pour ce faire, l’état de l’art sur la vengeance du client complétée par une étude qualitative exploratoire triangulaire a permis de souligner l’importance des éléments affectifs dans ce processus. Ainsi, trois typologies ont été proposées à l’issue des résultats qualitatifs : (1) L’Iceberg des Crises Perçues identifie les crises de marque comme nouveau contexte déclencheur de la vengeance ; (2) Le Triangle Emotionnel du Client d’Inter-Rôle révèle deux familles d’émotions négatives ainsi que les rôles « victime vs. coupable » du client-vengeur dans ce processus ; (3) La typologie des actions de vengeance considère divers points de vue des acteurs dans sa classification. Au cours de la seconde étude, une expérimentation a été réalisée en manipulant trois facteurs : la relation affective marque-client, les émotions négatives et la gravité perçue de la crise (n=1296). Ceci a permis d’éclairer le « conflit affectif » au sein du mécanisme psychologique de vengeance du client. L’effet « l’amour pardonne tout » de la relation affective marque-client émerge seulement lorsque la crise est perçue comme étant de faible gravité. En revanche, lors d’une crise provoquant de graves conséquences et notamment lorsque le client n’est pas l’utilisateur final du produit, apparaît l'effet « l'amour devient la haine ». Plus spécifiquement, le client ayant une bonne relation avec l’entreprise est plus enclin à se venger de celle-ci. Les résultats soulignent également les effets contradictoires des émotions négatives, notamment la culpabilité et la tristesse, dans la décision de l’individu de se venger.Customer revenge has become a major phenomenon in our societies (Grégoire et al., 2010). Unsurprisingly, a dissatisfied customer can punish a company through actions of revenge. However, due to their good relationship with the brand, loyal customers are not expected to be amongst those seeking revenge. This doctoral dissertation aims at studying the psychological process of customer revenge with a focus on those who have a good relationship with the brand. Through a review of the literature on customer revenge and an exploratory qualitative study, this dissertation highlights the importance of the emotional factors in this process. Three typologies have been proposed: (1) The Iceberg of Perceived Crisis identifies brand-crisis as a new trigger of customer revenge; (2) The Triangle of Emotions of the Customer Avenger reveals two families of negative emotions and the « victim vs. perpetrator » roles of the customer avenger; (3) The third typology of actions of revenge includes the point of view of the different parties involved. In the second study an experiment has been performed by manipulating three factors: the brandcustomer emotional relationship, the negative emotions and the perceived severity of the crisis (n = 1296). The findings help to clarify the « emotional conflict » within the psychological mechanism of customer revenge. The « love is blind» effect of the customer’s emotional relationship is only present when the crisis is perceived as being of little importance. However, when a crisis causes serious consequences, particularly when the customer is not the final user of the product, the « love-becomes-hate » effect appears. Thus, a customer who has a good relationship with the brand is more inclined to seek revenge. The results of the experiment also highlight the conflicting effects of negative emotions, especially of sadness and guilt in the customer’s decision to take revenge

    Rough Standard Neutrosophic Sets: An Application on Standard Neutrosophic Information Systems

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    A rough fuzzy set is the result of the approximation of a fuzzy set with respect to a crisp approximation space. It is a mathematical tool for the knowledge discovery in the fuzzy information systems. In this paper, we introduce the concepts of rough standard neutrosophic sets and standard neutrosophic information system, and give some results of the knowledge discovery on standard neutrosophic information system based on rough standard neutrosophic sets

    International Networking for Wellspring International Bilingual School Saigon

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    This thesis gave an overview of networking phenomenon and focused on building proposal for networking practices for the commissioner – Wellspring International Bilingual School Saigon. As international networking becomes more and more important to the development of business and education in the globalization era, Wellspring Saigon also recognized the need to international network with other education organisations and schools around the world. These future partnerships were expected to bring countless advantages to the school regarding the improvement of education programs, teachers quality and students performance. After the theory and practices of networking were studied, the final aim of the thesis was the proposal for international networking. The proposal will be used to solve current issues of decision making and suggest immediate practical applications for Wellspring Saigon. Because of the nature of the topic, qualitative method was used to provide in depth understanding of the networking phenomenon. Data collected through participant observation of the researcher during her training at Wellspring Saigon and in-depth interview with professionals and employees of Kymenlaakso University of Applied Sciences, Wellspring Saigon and Wellspring Hanoi

    The Effects of Technology-Assisted Listening Practice on Moodle on English-Majored Freshmen’s Motivation for Learning Listening at a University in The Mekong Delta

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    Purpose: This study was to investigate the effects of technology-assisted listening practice on MOODLE on English-majored freshmen's motivation for learning English listening at a university in the Mekong Delta. Approach/Methodology/Design: Two groups of sixty-four mixed-gender freshmen majoring in English language studies participated in this quasi-experimental study. To collect data, a pre-questionnaire, a post-questionnaire, and interviews were employed. Findings: The findings indicated that technology-assisted listening practice on MOODLE improved English-majored freshmen's listening motivation in specific areas for learning listening; however, this was a variance development. Practical Implications: This study was aimed to help language teachers and students benefit from technology-assisted listening teaching and learning. Originality/value: This study innovates by applying the MOODLE system to increase students’ listening motivation at a university in the Mekong Delta

    Assessment and Simulation of Impacts of Climate Change on Erosion and Water Flow by Using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool and GIS: Case Study in Upper Cau River basin in Vietnam

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    The Upper Cau river basin which plays an important role in socio-economic developments the North of Vietnam is sensitive to changes of climate influencing flows, erosion, and water resources. The main objective of this study is to assess and simulate impacts of climate change on erosion and water flow in the basin. Using a GIS database and Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model, the water flow and soil loss were assessed with data in period 1980-1999 called the based period, then simulated until 2100 considering the medium emission scenario (B2). The simulation result showed that the total annual runoff and soil loss tends to increase compared to the base period. For flow, the change rate of the simulation period is higher than the base period; the water flow rate will increase by 0.22% (2020-2039) and up to 1.37% (2080-2100). The total annual soil loss of the simulation period at Gia Bay station tends to increase steadily compared to the baseline, namely by 6.2% (2020-2039) and 25.5% (2080-2100). Overall, the result in this study shows that effects of climate changes on the basin are severe enough under the scenario B2 which is useful for authorities for basin management.ReferencesAli R., McFarlane D., Varma S., Dawes W., Emelyanova I., Hodgson G., Charles S., 2012. Potential climate change impacts on groundwater resources of south-western Australia. Journal of Hydrology, 475, 456-472. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2012.04.043 Arnell N. W., 2004. Climate change and global water resources: SRES emissions and socio-economic scenarios. Global Environmental Change, 14(1), 31- 52. doi:10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2003.10.006 Arnold J. G., Fohrer N., 2005. SWAT2000: Current capabilities and research opportunities in applied watershed modeling. Hydrol. Proc., 19(3), 563-572. 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    Convolution for the transform induced by Fourier integral transform and its inverse

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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart