416 research outputs found

    Some Problems on the Sectoral Structure, GDP Growth and Sustainability of Vietnam

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    The Vietnam development has been enjoying a great deal of rapid economic growth in the last decades, which thank to the opening of market-oriented economy system. However, the economic growth is slowly recent years and the increase of environmental issues. The reason for this situation is that misallocation of resource, the sectoral development policies as well as the development orientation of the government. In order to find the solution, this research applies the input output model to analysis the sectoral structure and economic growth as well as the sustainability of economic growth and the effect of economics on the environment. Then, this research recommends the better sectoral structure for Vietnam in order to allocate resources efficiently and forward to the sustainable development.The purpose of this study was to point out the instability of Vietnam, not only for the environment but also for the whole economy. Research shows that VN is not only the face of environmental pollution, but also uncertainty about macroeconomic. It also pointed out the need to change the economic structure for economic development that the environment in a sustainable way. This research based on Leontief and Ghosh system

    Description of Hoplolaimus bachlongviensis sp. n. (Nematoda : Hoplolaimidae) from banana soil in Vietnam

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    Background The genus Hoplolaimus Daday, 1905 belongs to the subfamily Hoplolaimine Filipiev, 1934 of family Hoplolaimidae Filipiev, 1934 (Krall 1990). Daday established this genus on a single female of H. tylenchiformis recovered from a mud hole on Banco Island, Paraguay in 1905 (Sher 1963, Krall 1990). Hoplolaimus species are distributed worldwide and cause damage on numerous agricultural crops (Luc et al. 1990Robbins et al. 1998). In 1992, Handoo and Golden reviewed 29 valid species of genus Hoplolaimus Dayday, 1905 (Handoo and Golden 1992). Siddiqi (2000) recognised three subgenera in Hoplolaimus: Hoplolaimus (Hoplolaimus) with ten species, is characterized by lateral field distinct, with four incisures, excretory pore behind hemizonid; Hoplolaimus (Basirolaimus) with 18 species, is characterized by lateral field with one to three incisures, obliterated, excretory pore anterior to hemizonid, dorsal oesophageal gland quadrinucleate; and Hoplolaimus (Ethiolaimus) with four species is characterized by lateral field with one to three incisures, obliterated; excretory pore anterior to hemizonid, dorsal oesophageal gland uninucleate (Siddiqi 2000). Since then, Hoplolaimus puriensis Ali, Shaheen & Pervez, 2009 has been described (Ali et al. 2009). Up to now, there have been two species of genus Hoplolaimus reported in Vietnam, viz H. seinhorsti and H. chambus (Nguyen and Nguyen 2000). New information Hoplolaimus bachlongviensis sp. n. was isolated from banana soil in Bach Long Vi Island, Vietnam. The female of this species is described and illustrated below. Some diagnostic characters of this species include body slightly curved ventrally, offset lip region exhibiting three to four annules, lateral field reduced, pharyngeal glands with six nuclei, excretory pore anterior to hemizonid, epiptygma absent, intestine not overlapping rectum and male was not found

    Economic performance of Vietnam, 1976-2000: New evidence from input-output model

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    This study provides a concise introduction to the economic history of Vietnam from 1976 to present. We identify different phases of the development of the Vietnamese economy, from its unification after a Vietnam war to the current phases of the transition (1989-2000) and propose a specific pattern of transition in the case of Vietnam. This research is the first attempt to make a synthesis quantitative analysis of socio-economic aggregate data during different phases of the Vietnamese economy in 1986-2000, in which different national input-output tables (1989, 1996 and 2000) in constant prices have been employed. The economic performances are investigated from three aspects: (i) evolution of domestic final demand; (ii) evolution of international trade structure and (iii) the technological change. The analysis shows economic history of Vietnam from 1986 up to present as a continuous evolutionary process and integration in to the international market is inevitable. Government programmes only played a vital role of accommodator to the economic changes of the Vietnamese economy.Input-output analysis, Vietnamese economy, Economic history, Transition economy, Macro-economic policy

    Simulation-based investigation of microwave treatments for printed circuit boards: exemplified by coating cures

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    Coatings are usually used to protect printed circuit boards (PCB) from harsh environment. It is difficult to cure thick coatings from exterior to interior as the heat curing. In this case, curing by the means of microwave irradiation can be taken into account. With the participation of metallic structures, there will be some challenges such as inhomogeneous field distributions or high risk of high field strengths. So with the help of numerical simulations, this study is carried out for finding how PCB structures react with the microwave radiation to support homogeneous coating cures