2,905 research outputs found

    Mechanism of the Enzymic Reduction of N_2: The Binding of Adenosine 5'-Triphosphate and Cyanide to the N_2-reducing System

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    The in vitro reduction of N_2 is a complex process involving at least six different reactants: two proteins [1,2] for which the names azoferredoxin (AzoFd) and molybdoferredoxin (MoFd) have been proposed[3], an electron source, the electron acceptor, ATP[4], and Mg2+[5-7]. One of the goals of research in this area is to define the orderly and quantitative participation of these reactants leading to the reduction of the electron acceptor with concomitant breakdown of ATP to ADP and inorganic phosphate[7]. The work described in this paper shows that (1) AzoFd reversibly binds both ATP, a reactant in N2 reduction, and ADP, a specific inhibitor of N2 reduction, and (2) MoFd reversibly binds cyanide, which is also reduced by the N_2-reducing system. It is suggested that the binding of ATP and of cyanide are partial reactions of the N_2-reducing system

    Ice nucleation and cloud microphysical properties in tropical tropopause layer cirrus

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    In past modeling studies, it has generally been assumed that the predominant mechanism for nucleation of ice in the uppermost troposphere is homogeneous freezing of aqueous aerosols. However, recent in situ and remote-sensing measurements of the properties of cirrus clouds at very low temperatures in the tropical tropopause layer (TTL) are broadly inconsistent with theoretial predictions based on the homogeneous freezing assumption. The nearly ubiquitous occurence of gravity waves in the TTL makes the predictions from homogeneous nucleation theory particularly difficult to reconcile with measurements. These measured properties include ice number concentrations, which are much lower than theory predicts; ice crystal size distributions, which are much broader than theory predicts; and cloud extinctions, which are much lower than theory predicts. Although other explanations are possible, one way to limit ice concentrations is to have on the order of 50 L<sup>−1</sup> effective ice nuclei (IN) that could nucleate ice at relatively low supersaturations. We suggest that ammonium sulfate particles, which would be dry much of the time in the cold TTL, are a potential IN candidate for TTL cirrus. However, this mechanism remains to be fully quantified for the size distribution of ammonium sulfate (possibly internally mixed with organics) actually present in the upper troposphere. Possible implications of the observed cloud microphysical properties for ice sedimentation, dehydration, and cloud persistence are also discussed

    Molecular mechanisms responsible for hydrate anti-agglomerant performance

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    Steered and equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations were employed to study the coalescence of a sI hydrate particle and a water droplet within a hydrocarbon mixture. The size of both the hydrate particle and the water droplet is comparable to that of the aqueous core in reverse micelles. The simulations were repeated in the presence of various quaternary ammonium chloride surfactants. We investigated the effects due to different groups on the quaternary head group (e.g. methyl vs. butyl groups), as well as different hydrophobic tail lengths (e.g. n-hexadecyl vs. n-dodecyl tails) on the surfactants' ability to prevent coalescence. Visual inspection of sequences of simulation snapshots indicates that when the water droplet is not covered by surfactants it is more likely to approach the hydrate particle, penetrate the protective surfactant film, reach the hydrate surface, and coalesce with the hydrate than when surfactants are present on both surfaces. Force-distance profiles obtained from steered molecular dynamics simulations and free energy profiles obtained from umbrella sampling suggest that surfactants with butyl tripods on the quaternary head group and hydrophobic tails with size similar to the solvent molecules can act as effective anti-agglomerants. These results qualitatively agree with macroscopic experimental observations. The simulation results provide additional insights, which could be useful in flow assurance applications: the butyl tripod provides adhesion between surfactants and hydrates; when the length of the surfactant tail is compatible with that of the hydrocarbon in the liquid phase a protective film can form on the hydrate; however, once a molecularly thin chain of water molecules forms through the anti-agglomerant film, connecting the water droplet and the hydrate, water flows to the hydrate and coalescence is inevitable

    Comprehensive design and whole-cavity simulation of a multi-beam inductive output tube using a 3rd harmonic drive on the grid

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    In this paper, we discuss the design and whole-cavity simulation of a Multi-Beam Inductive Output Tube (MBIOT) that uses a 3rd harmonic component to the drive voltage on the grid. High-efficiency inductive output tubes (IOTs) are typically characterized by efficiencies up to 70 - 75%. However, the achievement of efficiencies greater than 80% would substantially reduce the operating costs of next-generation accelerators. To achieve this goal, we consider the addition of a 3rd harmonic component to the drive signal on the grid. We anticipate that the MBIOT will be used to provide the rf power to drive RF linacs. We discuss and model an 8-beam MBIOT with a 700 MHz resonant cavity using beams with a voltage of 35 kV and an average current of 7.25 A yielding a perveance of about 1.1 microP. We simulate this MBIOT using the NEMESIS simulation code which has been extended using a three-dimensional Poisson solver based upon the Petsc package from Argonne National Laboratory. The effect of the 3rd harmonic on the efficiency is greatest when the phase of the 3rd harmonic is shifted by pi radians with respect to the fundamental drive signal and with 3rd harmonic powers greater than about 50% of the fundamental drive power. For the present example, we show that efficiencies approaching 82% are possible. Designs for the MBIOT input coupler, grids and output cavity have been developed based on these simulations and will be discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 30 figure

    Analysis of a jet stream induced gravity wave associated with an observed ice cloud over Greenland

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    International audienceA polar stratospheric ice cloud (PSC type II) was observed by airborne lidar above Greenland on 14 January 2000. Is was the unique observation of an ice cloud over Greenland during the SOLVE/THESEO 2000 campaign. Mesoscale simulations with the hydrostatic HRM model are presented which, in contrast to global analyses, are capable to produce a vertically propagating gravity wave that induces the low temperatures at the level of the PSC afforded for the ice formation. The simulated minimum temperature is ~8 K below the driving analyses and ~3 K below the frost point, exactly coinciding with the location of the observed ice cloud. Despite the high elevations of the Greenland orography the simulated gravity wave is not a mountain wave. Analyses of the horizontal wind divergence, of the background wind profiles, of backward gravity wave ray-tracing trajectories, of HRM experiments with reduced Greenland topography and of several instability diagnostics near the tropopause level provide consistent evidence that the wave is emitted by the geostrophic adjustment of a jet instability associated with an intense, rapidly evolving, anticyclonically curved jet stream. In order to evaluate the potential frequency of such non-orographic polar stratospheric cloud events, an approximate jet instability diagnostic is performed for the winter 1999/2000. It indicates that ice-PSCs are only occasionally generated by gravity waves emanating from an unstable jet

    Identifying QTLs Associated and Marker-Assisted Selection for Salinity Tolerance at the Seedling, Vegetative and Reproductive Stages in Rice (Oryza Sativa L.)

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    Salinity affects rice growth in all growth stages, with the seedling and reproductive stages being the most sensitive. Genetically improving salt tolerance of rice is an important objective of rice breeding programs. Hence, mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) will be useful for marker-assisted selection in rice breeding programs. An advanced backcross population (BC2F2) was developed with the parents included OM5629 as a donor of salt tolerance and OM7347 as a recurrent parent with good quality traits and drought tolerance. Molecular markers associated with both qualitative and quantitative trait loci (QTL) salt tolerance were identified by using 416 polymorphic SSR markers. QTLs, associated with stress tolerance at EC = 15 dS/m at seedling stage, detected from the BC2F2 population of OM7347/OM5629, were located on chromosomes 1 and 3. Three QTLs were identified at the intervals of RM3252-S1-1 - RM10694, RM3740-RM5336 and RM11125-RM9 with genetic distance of 4.4, 4.5 and 18 cM on chromosome 1, respectively. Two QTLs at the intervals of RM3867-RM6959 and RM6876-RM4425 with genetic distance of 4.5 and 18.0 cM on chromosome 3, respectively. One QTL on chromosome 5 was detected at the interval of RM874 - RM10359, it was associated with salt stress tolerance under EC = 8dS/m at vegetative stage. Three QTLs at the regions of RM1324-RM2412, RM1185-RM24, and RM1282-RM2560 on chromosome 1, and one QTL of RM453-RM511 on chromosome 12, were related to salt tolerance under EC = 8dS/m at reproductive stage. Two tightly linked markers as RM3252-S1-1 and RM3867, were exhibited their effectiveness in identification of salt tolerance genotypes in BC3F6 population of OMCS2000/ Pokkali. The identification of new QTLs associated with salt tolerance will provide important information for the functional analysis of rice salinity stress

    Seismic Assessment of Rammed Earth Walls Using Pushover Tests

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    AbstractRammed earth (RE) construction is attracting renewed interest throughout the world thanks to its sustainable characteristics: a very low embodied energy, an advantageous living comfort due to a substantial thermal inertia, good natural moisture buffering, and an attractive appearance. This is why several studies have been carried out recently to investigate RE. However, there have not yet been sufficient studies on the seismic performance of RE buildings.This paper presents an experimental study on the static nonlinear pushover method and its application on the seismic performance of RE structures. Several walls with two height/length ratios were built and tested to obtain the nonlinear “shear force–displacement” curves. By transposing to the “acceleration-displacement” system and by using the standard spectra presented in Eurocode 8, the performance points could be determined which enabled to assess the seismic performance of the studied walls in different conditions (seismicity zones and soil types)

    UIT-Saviors at MEDVQA-GI 2023: Improving Multimodal Learning with Image Enhancement for Gastrointestinal Visual Question Answering

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    In recent years, artificial intelligence has played an important role in medicine and disease diagnosis, with many applications to be mentioned, one of which is Medical Visual Question Answering (MedVQA). By combining computer vision and natural language processing, MedVQA systems can assist experts in extracting relevant information from medical image based on a given question and providing precise diagnostic answers. The ImageCLEFmed-MEDVQA-GI-2023 challenge carried out visual question answering task in the gastrointestinal domain, which includes gastroscopy and colonoscopy images. Our team approached Task 1 of the challenge by proposing a multimodal learning method with image enhancement to improve the VQA performance on gastrointestinal images. The multimodal architecture is set up with BERT encoder and different pre-trained vision models based on convolutional neural network (CNN) and Transformer architecture for features extraction from question and endoscopy image. The result of this study highlights the dominance of Transformer-based vision models over the CNNs and demonstrates the effectiveness of the image enhancement process, with six out of the eight vision models achieving better F1-Score. Our best method, which takes advantages of BERT+BEiT fusion and image enhancement, achieves up to 87.25% accuracy and 91.85% F1-Score on the development test set, while also producing good result on the private test set with accuracy of 82.01%.Comment: ImageCLEF2023 published version: https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3497/paper-129.pd

    Cultural evolution in Vietnam’s early 20th century: a Bayesian networks analysis of Franco-Chinese house designs

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    The study of cultural evolution has taken on an increasingly interdisciplinary and diverse approach in explicating phenomena of cultural transmission and adoptions. Inspired by this computational movement, this study uses Bayesian networks analysis, combining both the frequentist and the Hamiltonian Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) approach, to investigate the highly representative elements in the cultural evolution of a Vietnamese city’s architecture in the early 20th century. With a focus on the façade design of 68 old houses in Hanoi’s Old Quarter (based on 78 data lines extracted from 248 photos), the study argues that it is plausible to look at the aesthetics, architecture, and designs of the house façade to find traces of cultural evolution in Vietnam, which went through more than six decades of French colonization and centuries of sociocultural influence from China. The in-depth technical analysis, though refuting the presumed model on the probabilistic dependency among the variables, yields several results, the most notable of which is the strong influence of Buddhism over the decorations of the house façade. Particularly, in the top 5 networks with the best Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) scores and p\u3c0.05, the variable for decorations (DC) always has a direct probabilistic dependency on the variable B for Buddhism. The paper then checks the robustness of these models using Hamiltonian MCMC method and find the posterior distributions of the models’ coefficients all satisfy the technical requirement. Finally, this study suggests integrating Bayesian statistics in the social sciences in general and for the study of cultural evolution and architectural transformation in particular
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