846 research outputs found

    The Relationship between Food Addiction & Self-Worth

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    Disordered eating behaviors are defined as obsessive actions surrounding a person’s eating patterns, body shape, and weight (National Institute of Mental Health) and impact an estimated 21.5 million people (American Addiction Centers) in the United States. Food addiction is a phenomenon closely tied with disordered eating behaviors (Russell, 2013), where little research has examined the role of intrapsychological factors, particularly self-worth, in both the development of food addictive behaviors and the efficacy of treatment. Current research evaluates the role of self-esteem in individuals with food addiction; however, studies have found it as a less accurate portrayal of the self-concept due to the fluctuation and subjective nature of its evaluation (Neff & Vonk, 2009), with calls for a more comprehensive state of measurement (Hunter, Jason, & Keys, 2013). The purpose of the current study is to close the gap in our knowledge regarding the role that self-worth plays in both the development and treatment of disordered eating behaviors in relation to food addiction. Five female participants, all with diagnosed disordered eating behaviors, were recruited through the National Eating Disorder online research forum. They completed online measures including a demographic questionnaire, a structured interview with open-ended items asking about their perceptions of the causes of their disordered eating behavior, their therapy history and perceptions of success, and their beliefs in the role of their self-worth in their disordered eating and treatment. Analysis of interview results reveal several consistent themes: the disordered eating behavior was a body-directed form of self-punishment in response to social influences, and self-worth was seen by participants as being positively correlated to their success in treatment. Additional results are currently being analyzed. These results can inform the field of the importance of self-worth in the development of disordered eating behaviors as well as in the efficacy of treatment


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    The Role of Self-Worth in the Development, Expression, and Recovery of Disordered Eating, Including Food Addiction

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    Disordered eating behaviors are defined as obsessive actions surrounding a person’s eating patterns, body shape, and weight (National Institute of Mental Health) and impacts an estimated 21.5 million people (American Addiction Centers) in the United States. Food addiction is a phenomenon closely tied with disordered eating behaviors (Russell, 2013), where little research has examined the role of intrapsychological factors, particularly self-worth, in both the development of food addictive behaviors and the efficacy of treatment. Current research evaluates the role of self-esteem in individuals with food addiction, however studies have found it as a less accurate portrayal of the self-concept due to the fluctuation and subjective nature of its evaluation (Neff & Vonk, 2009) with calls for a more comprehensive state of measurement (Hunter, Jason, & Keys, 2013). The purpose of the current study is to close the gap in our knowledge regarding the role that self-worth plays in both the development and treatment of disordered eating behaviors as it relates to food addiction. Five female participants, all with diagnosed disordered eating behaviors, were recruited through the National Eating Disorder online research forum. They completed online measures including a demographic questionnaire; a structured interview with open-ended items asking about their perceptions of the causes of their disordered eating behavior, their therapy history and perceptions of success, and their beliefs in the role of their self-worth in their disordered eating and treatment. Analysis of interview results reveal several consistent themes: the disordered eating behavior was a body-directed form of self-punishment in response to social influences, and self-worth was seen by participants as being positively correlated to their recovery success. Participants’ emotional states before, during, and after engaging in disordered eating patterns were found to be related to particular needs that the disordered eating behaviors were fulfilling. These results can inform the field of the importance of self-worth in the development of disordered eating behaviors as well as in the recovery of these behaviors

    Comparative analysis of 2D and 3D models of turbulent natural convection and thermal surface radiation in closed areas

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    Turbulent natural convection with surface thermal radiation in air-filled enclosures has been investigated. The equations of conservation of mass, momentum and energy are solved using both finite difference and control volume methods. It should be noted that the working medium is Newtonian and heat conducting fluid, where the Boussinesq approximation is valid. The walls are supposed to be gray, diffuse emitters and reflectors of radiation. The left and right surfaces of the enclosure are isothermal walls, while other surfaces are adiabatic walls. The considered fluid flow is turbulent. The main aim of the present research is to compare the heat transfer process in 2D and 3D enclosures. Detailed results including flow profiles, temperature fields, and average Nusselt numbers have been presented

    Деятельность нефтегазодобывающих предприятий в сфере предотвращения, ликвидации аварийных ситуаций и борьбы с ними

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    В процессе работы были рассмотрены особенности природно-климатических условий района расположения промыслового трубопровода, методы локализации, сбора и ликвидация последствий аварийного разлива нефти. В результате работы был проведен расчет количества аварийных выбросов опасных веществ, участвующих в создании поражающих факторов на промысловом нефтегазосборном трубопроводе и предложены мероприятия, направленные на уменьшение риска чрезвычайных ситуаций на промысловом нефтегазосборном трубопроводе.During the work, the features of the natural and climatic conditions of the area of the field pipeline location, methods of localization, collection and elimination of the consequences of oil spill were considered. As a result of the work, the calculation of the number of emergency emissions of hazardous substances involved in the creation of damaging factors on the field oil and gas pipeline was carried out and measures aimed at reducing the risk of emergencies on the field oil and gas pipeline were proposed

    Föräldrars erfarenheter och tankar om föräldrastöd från barnhälsovården

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    När barnet har fyllt ett år blir besöken inom barnhälsovården i allmänhet färre och stödet familjen fått minskar. Syftet med studien var att beskriva föräldrars erfarenheter och tankar om barnhälsovårdens föräldrastöd samt hur de anser att föräldrastödet kan utvecklas när barnet är över ett år. Semistrukturerade intervjuer gjordes med 10 mödrar med barn i åldrarna 2-5 år och analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet visade i enlighet med andra studier att BVC uppfattades som en trygg punkt med möjlighet att följa sitt barns utveckling, inhämta ny kunskap samt knyta kontakter. Föräldrarna efterfrågade dock tätare kontroller och fortsatt föräldrastöd efter att barnet fyllt ett år. Nytillkommet i den här studien var att mödrarna efterfrågade mer av BVC-sköterskans erfarenhetsbaserade kunskap och att BVC glömdes bort i takt med att barnet blev större. Det framkom en önskan om att BVC skulle synliggöra sig mer

    Effect of Anesthesia on Microelectrode Recordings During Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery:A Narrative Review

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    Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is an effective surgical treatment for patients with various neurological and psychiatric disorders. Clinical improvements rely on careful patient selection and accurate electrode placement. A common method for target localization is intraoperative microelectrode recording (MER). To facilitate MER, DBS surgery is traditionally performed under local or regional anesthesia. However, sedation or general anesthesia is sometimes needed for patients who are unable to tolerate the procedure fully awake because of severe motor symptoms, psychological distress, pain, or other forms of discomfort. The effect of anesthetic drugs on MER is controversial but likely depends on the type and dose of a particular anesthetic agent, underlying disease, and surgical target. In this narrative review, we provide an overview of the current literature on the anesthetic drugs most often used for sedation and anesthesia during DBS surgery, with a focus on their effects on MERs