15 research outputs found

    Emerging Solutions to Return Nature to the Urban Ocean

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    Urban and periurban ocean developments impact 1.5% of the global exclusive economic zones, and the demand for ocean space and resources is increasing. As we strive for a more sustainable future, it is imperative that we better design, manage, and conserve urban ocean spaces for both humans and nature. We identify three key objectives for more sustainable urban oceans: reduction of urban pressures, protection and restoration of ocean ecosystems, and support of critical ecosystem services. We describe an array of emerging evidence-based approaches, including greening grayinfrastructure, restoring habitats, and developing biotechnologies. We then explore new economic instruments and incentives for supporting these new approaches and evaluate their feasibility in delivering these objectives. Several of these tools have the potential to help bring nature back to the urban ocean while also addressing some of the critical needs of urban societies, such as climate adaptation, seafood production, clean water, and recreation, providing both human and environmental benefits in some of our most impacted ocean spaces. </jats:p

    Assessing the ecological impacts of invasive species based on their functional responses and abundances

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    Invasive species management requires allocation of limited resources towards the proactive mitigation of those species that could elicit the highest ecological impacts. However, we lack predictive capacity with respect to the identities and degree of ecological impacts of invasive species. Here, we combine the relative per capita effects and relative field abundances of invader as compared to native species into a new metric, “Relative Impact Potential” (RIP), and test whether this metric can reliably predict high impact invaders. This metric tests the impact of invaders relative to the baseline impacts of natives on the broader ecological community. We first derived the functional responses (i.e. per capita effects) of two ecologically damaging invasive fish species in Europe, the Ponto-Caspian round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) and Asian topmouth gudgeon (Pseudorasbora parva), and their native trophic analogues, the bullhead (Cottus gobio; also C. bairdi) and bitterling (Rhodeus amarus), towards several prey species. This establishes the existence and relative strengths of the predator-prey relationships. Then, we derived ecologically comparable field abundance estimates of the invader and native fish from surveys and literature. This establishes the multipliers for the above per capita effects. Despite both predators having known severe detrimental field impacts, their functional responses alone were of modest predictive power in this regard; however, incorporation of their abundances relative to natives into the RIP metric gave high predictive power. We present invader/native RIP biplots that provide an intuitive visualisation of comparisons among the invasive and native species, reflecting the known broad ecological impacts of the invaders. Thus, we provide a mechanistic understanding of invasive species impacts and a predictive tool for use by practitioners, for example, in risk assessments

    Artificial structures alter kelp functioning across an urbanised estuary

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    Assessments of human impacts on natural habitats often focus on the abundance of component species, yet physiological and/or sub-lethal effects of stressors on functional attributes may be equally important to consider. Here we evaluated how artificial structures, an integral part of urbanisation in the marine environment, affects key functional properties of the habitat-forming kelp Ecklonia radiata. Given that stressors rarely occur in isolation, we assessed the effects of infrastructure across an urbanised estuary. Estuaries are ideal for studying how multiple anthropogenic and natural stressors influence potential impacts of infrastructure on habitat-forming species because these habitats usually face a wide range and levels of stressors. Here, we compared the abundance of habitat-forming macro-algae as well as the growth, erosion and photosynthetic activity of kelp in artificial and natural habitats across one of the largest urbanised estuaries in the word - Sydney Harbour. We predicted that effects of artificial structures on functional attributes of kelps would be stronger in the inner area of the Harbour, characterised by higher levels of human impacts and low flushing. Contrary to our predictions, we found that effects of infrastructure were consistent across the estuary, regardless of the ecological footprint caused by human activities or natural environmental gradients. When differences were observed between areas of the estuary, they mostly occurred independently of impacts of substrate type. Importantly, we found lower erosion rates of kelp on pilings than on reefs, likely resulting in lower production of detritus in estuaries where natural reefs are degraded or lost and pilings added. Such impacts have important implications for the connectivity among coastal habitats and secondary productivity in adjacent and remote habitats, which are highly dependent on the exportation of kelp detritus. Our study is the first to assess potential functional consequences of urbanisation through physiological and/or biomechanical effects on habitat-formers, an often overlooked mechanism of environmental impact on ecosystem functioning

    Learning from nature to enhance Blue engineering of marine infrastructure

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    The global sprawl of urban centres is replacing complex natural habitats with relatively flat and featureless infrastructure that supports low biodiversity. In a growing countermovement, artificial microhabitats are increasingly incorporated into designs for “Green” and “Blue” infrastructure. In order to maximise the ecological value of such interventions, we need to inform the designs with observations from natural systems and existing Green and Blue infrastructure. Here, we focussed on water retaining features mimicking intertidal rock pools, as this is a widely used intervention in coastal ecosystems. Using a meta-analysis and a qualitative literature review, we compiled information on diversity and function of rock pools on natural rocky shores and built structures to assess the potential ecological benefits of water retaining microhabitats and the design metrics of rock pools that affect diversity and function. Our meta-analysis showed higher species richness in rock pools compared to emergent surfaces on built structures, but this was variable among locations. The qualitative review revealed that rock pools on both natural and artificial shores generally hosted species that were not present on emergent rock and can also host non-indigenous species, suggesting that the addition of these features can sometimes have unwanted consequences and local ecological knowledge is essential to implement successful interventions. Relationships between species richness and design metrics, such as height on shore, volume, surface area and depth of pool were taxa-specific. For example, results from the meta-analysis suggest that building larger, deeper pools could increase diversity of fish, but not benthic organisms. Finally, this study highlights major gaps in our understanding of how the addition of rock pools and design metrics influence diversity and the variables affecting the ecological functioning of rock pools. Based on the knowledge gathered so far, recommendations for managers are made and the need for future studies to add knowledge to expand these recommendations is discussed

    A novel framework for the use of remote sensing for monitoring catchments at continental scales

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    Historical ecology can teach us valuable lessons on the processes and drivers of environmental change that can inform future monitoring priorities and management strategies. Environmental data to study environmental history, however, is often absent or of low quality. Even when studying changes occurring during the last few decades, monitoring efforts are scarce due to logistical and cost limitations, leaving large areas unassessed. The aim of this study is to evaluate the use of estuarine water colour as an indicator of historical environmental change in catchments. Water colour change was assessed in estuaries in Australia from 1987 to 2015 using satellite remote sensing. Random points were selected for each estuary and applied to the Australian Geoscience Data Cube (based on Landsat images) to obtain reflectance data through time. We propose a framework where (i) water colour is used to detect historical changes in catchments using generalised additive models, (ii) possible stressors and pressures driving those changes are evaluated using other available historical data, and (iii) lessons learned inform appropriate monitoring and management actions. This framework represents a novel approach to generate historical data for large-scale assessments of environmental change at catchment level, even in poorly studied areas

    Building ‘blue’: An eco-engineering framework for foreshore developments

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    Urbanisation in terrestrial systems has driven architects, planners, ecologists and engineers to collaborate on the design and creation of more sustainable structures. Examples include the development of ‘green infrastructure’ and the introduction of wildlife corridors that mitigate urban stressors and provide positive ecological outcomes. In contrast, efforts to minimise the impacts of urban developments in marine environments have been far more restricted in their extent and scope, and have often overlooked the ecological role of the built environment as potential habitat. Urban foreshore developments, i.e. those built on the interface of intertidal and/or subtidal zones, have the potential to incorporate clear multi-functional outcomes, by supporting novel ecosystems. We present a step-by-step eco-engineering framework for ‘building blue’ that will allow coastal managers to facilitate planning and construction of sustainable foreshore developments. Adopting such an approach will incorporate ecological principles, thereby mitigating some of the environmental impacts, creating more resilient urban infrastructure and environments, and maximising benefits to the multiple stakeholders and users of marine urban waterfronts

    Sediment bacterial communities associated with environmental factors in Intermittently Closed and Open Lakes and Lagoons (ICOLLs)

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    © 2019 Elsevier B.V. Intermittently Closed and Open Lakes and Lagoons (ICOLLS) are important coastal systems that are periodically separated from the ocean by a sand barrier or a berm. In urban ICOLLs, continuous inputs of organic material and nutrients into coastal lagoons are contributing to eutrophic conditions that, together with natural environmental factors have implications for the resident sediment bacterial communities. We used molecular tools to investigate the ecological communities of four ICOLLs; Narrabeen, Dee Why, Curl Curl and Manly in Sydney, Australia, which have been subjected to increasing pressure from anthropogenic activities over the last century. We used targeted gene sequencing of the prokaryotic 16S ribosomal RNA gene to describe the bacterial diversity and community structure and discuss differences with respect to environmental factors at the ICOLL scale (e.g. size, shape, normalised N loading) and site scale (e.g. water and sediment quality) within each lagoon. Due to differences in hydrological patterns, we expected that sediment bacterial communities would be more heterogenous in displacement-dominated lagoons (Curl Curl and Manly) than the mixing-dominated lagoons (Narrabeen and Dee Why). Interestingly, we did not find strong relationships between the main bacterial groups and distance from the lagoon entrance (used as a proxy for salinity and silt) in the displacement-dominated lagoons. Moreover, we found that α diversity was highest in Narrabeen and Manly lagoons despite differences in lagoon size and shape. Furthermore, while bacterial community structure was similar in Curl Curl and Dee Why, communities in Manly and Narrabeen differed along temperature/TOC and salinity/silt gradients respectively. In Manly lagoon, we found relatively more anaerobic bacteria such as Epsilonbactereota which is involved in the oxidation and reduction of sulfur compounds. Moreover, we identified several bacterial taxa (including sulfur metabolising Chlorobiaceae) related to increasing TOC that could be investigated further as potential indicators of excess enrichment

    Current and projected global extent of marine built structures

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    The sprawl of marine construction is one of the most extreme human modifications to global seascapes. Nevertheless, its global extent remains largely unquantified compared to that on land. We synthesized disparate information from a diversity of sources to provide a global assessment of the extent of existing and projected marine construction and its effects on the seascape. Here we estimated that the physical footprint of built structures was at least 32,000 km2 worldwide as of 2018, and is expected to cover 39,400 km2 by 2028. The area of seascape modified around structures was 1.0–3.4 × 106 km2 in 2018 and was projected to increase by 50–70% for power and aquaculture infrastructure, cables and tunnels by 2028. In 2018, marine construction affected 1.5% (0.7–2.4%) of global Exclusive Economic Zones, comparable to the global extent of urban land estimated at 0.02–1.7%. This study provides a critical baseline for tracking future marine human development

    Identifying the consequences of ocean sprawl for sedimentary habitats

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    Extensive development and construction in marine and coastal systems is driving a phenomenon known as “ocean sprawl”. Ocean sprawl removes or transforms marine habitats through the addition of artificial structures and some of the most significant impacts are occurring in sedimentary environments. Marine sediments have substantial social, ecological, and economic value, as they are rich in biodiversity, crucial to fisheries productivity, and major sites of nutrient transformation. Yet the impact of ocean sprawl on sedimentary environments has largely been ignored. Here we review current knowledge of the impacts to sedimentary ecosystems arising from artificial structures. Artificial structures alter the composition and abundance of a wide variety of sediment-dependent taxa, including microbes, invertebrates, and benthic-feeding fishes. The effects vary by structure design and configuration, as well as the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of the environment in which structures are placed. The mechanisms driving effects from artificial structures include placement loss, habitat degradation, modification of sound and light conditions, hydrodynamic changes, organic enrichment and material fluxes, contamination, and altered biotic interactions. Most studies have inferred mechanism based on descriptive work, comparing biological and physical processes at various distances from structures. Further experimental studies are needed to identify the relative importance of multiple mechanisms and to demonstrate causal relationships. Additionally, past studies have focused on impacts at a relatively small scale, and independently of other development that is occurring. There is need to quantify large-scale and cumulative effects on sedimentary ecosystems as artificial structures proliferate. We highlight the importance for comprehensive monitoring using robust survey designs and outline research strategies needed to understand, value, and protect marine sedimentary ecosystems in the face of a rapidly changing environment