8 research outputs found

    Influence of nuclear radiation and laser beams on optical fibers and components

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    The influence of nuclear radiation and particles has been the object of investigation for a long time. For new materials and systems the research should be continued. Human activities in various environments, including space, call for more detailed research. The role of fibers in contemporary communications, medicine, and industry increases. Fibers, their connections and fused optics components have one type of tasks - the transmission of information and power. The other type of tasks is reserved for fiber lasers: quantum generators and amplifiers. The third type of tasks is for fiber sensors, including high energy nuclear physics. In this paper we present some chosen topics in the mentioned areas as well as our experiments with nuclear radiation and laser beams to fiber and bulk materials of various nature (glass, polymer, metallic, etc.)

    Analitical and numerical approaches to optical systems for coherent and incoherent radiations

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    Konstrukcija optičkih sistema ima svoju dugu tradiciju, koja je zavisno od izbora nekoherentnog ili koherentnog izvora morala da pretrpi modifikacije u teoretskom i praktičnom smislu. Postoji nekoliko pravaca razvoja optičkih komponenata i sistema, kojima se bavi ovaj rad sa izborom karakterističnih elemenata, analitike, matrične optike (polarizacionih, MĆ¼llerovih, Jonesovih i dr. matrica), diferencijalnih jednačina određenog reda, sa specijalnim funkcijama, itd. Teorijska optika ima svoje numeričke prilaze i algoritme. Pored aberacija tipa Seidela i hromatskih, pojavljuju se i aberacije novog tipa vezane za kvantne generatore, pored nelinearnih efekata. U traženju optimalnih alata su odabrani programi Zemax i Matlab i njihovi prilazi komponentama za oblikovanje, transformaciju i propagaciju koherentnog snopa. Među njima su komponente za Å”irenje i razdvajanje snopova (beam expander, splitter). Na ovaj način se mogu analizirati i druge komponente i sistemi uz vrednovanje slučaja sa aberacijama (i bez), promene materijala i odabranih tipova lasera.Design of optical systems has a long tradition, which is dependent on the choice of incoherent or coherent sources; therefore, it had to undergo modifications in the theoretical and practical terms. There are several directions in the development of optical components and systems, which are engaged in this paper with a selection of characteristic features, analysis, matrix optics (polarization, MĆ¼ller, Jones' et al. matrices), differential equations of a certain order, with special functions, etc. Theoretical optics has a numerical approach and algorithms. In addition to Seidel and chromatic aberrations, there are also new types of aberrations associated with quantum generators, in addition to nonlinear effects. In searching for optimal tools ZEMAX and MATLAB programs are selected and their approaches to components design, transformation and propagation of a coherent beam. Among them are the components to expand and splitt (separate) the beams (beam expander, splitter). Based on this approaches, various (and different) components and systems can be analysed and evaluated the cases with aberrations (and without), replacement of material and selected types of lasers

    Contemporary problems of transmission and interaction of quantum generators with material

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    Savremena problematika vezana za kvantne generatore u optičkom i RF delu spektra traži kao eksperimentalnu podrŔku vrlo kompleksne i skupe sisteme i komponente. Zbog toga su računarske simulacije neizbežne u osnovi razvoja mnogih sistema. U radu se autori bave problematikom dizajna optičkih vlakana i drugih komponenata u svrhe modulacija i simulacija u makroskopskim komponentama optičkih sistema. U drugom delu rada se primenom softverskih aplikacija ocenjuju eksperimentalni rezultati interakcije sa kvantnim generatorima na odabranoj vrsti materijala.Contemporary issues related to the quantum generators in the optical and RF spectral ranges required as part of the experimental support very complex and expensive systems and components. Therefore, the simulation is basically inevitable development of many systems. The authors deal with the problem of design of optical fiber and other components for the purpose of modulation and simulation of optical components in macroscopic systems in this paper. In the second part of it the application of other software types applications evaluated experimental results of interaction for selected type of material with the quantum generators

    Simulation methods approach to designing lasers of interest in ecology

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    Prema tipu primene lasera počinje se zadatak sa odabirom pogodnog kvantnog generatora, a zatim sledi koncepcija dizajna izabrane metode. Prema kompleksnosti sistema simuacije u procesu dizajniranja i procene uspeÅ”nosti, zamiÅ”ljene koncepcije imaju veliku ulogu, poÅ”to su cene razvoja sistema često u Å”irokim granicama. U radu se razmatraju izabrani zahtevi i algoritmi, koji ih prate, kao delovi programskih paketa ili pojedinačno razvijenih sopstvenih reÅ”enja. Izabrane su problematike iz dizajna sistema primene lasera kod interferometara, neki lidarski ā€“ ekoloÅ”ki problemi, i problematika kontrole požara, koja se ostvaruje primenom lidarskih sistema.The task of the laser application start with selection of adequate quantum generator, and the second step is the design of a chosen method. The wide cost range of the system development and simulation complexity in the designing process, result in the overall evaluation of conception efficiency. The chosen demandes and according algorithms as well as software packages, or own software solutions are presented in this paper. Design problems of laser systems in interferometers, some lidar-ecology applications, and the fire detection and monitoring accomplished by lidar systems, are analysed, too

    Contemporary approach to the methods of contactless controls through contributions of modern investigations

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    Contemporary productions brings more complex elements, with narrower tolerances. Trends to miniaturization in many areas obtain the elements which are often with more deformations and contaminations. Automatizations of the production have faster works and demands to faster monitoring of quality of products. Many processes of manufacturing are in specific conditions, in vacuum environments (chambers) or in controlled conditions. For obtaining specific parameters, needed quality, etc. Contactless measuring methods and monitoring exist for great number of such problems and present good solutions. Trends in industry are to organize contactless measuring methods. In the paper will be presented considerations, which should contribute to further development of nondestructive methods and applicable to specific demands. The changes of reflectivity point to changes of optical material (objects) performances which tied tp changes of density, electrical conductivity, magnetic susceptibility. ELION techniques include devices which generate electromagnetic fields and react to the changes in them

    Neki zadaci laserske tehnike od interesa za kulturnu baŔtinu

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    Of the first laser application in the field of preservation and diagnostics of cultural heritage, many tasks in the field of physical processes have been ended to today, which include interaction and dimensioning powder structures, controlling the work environment in the process of cleaning objects, as well as the applications of holographic, tomographic, interferent and diffraction and diffraction methods Diagnosticing, memory, authentication, etc. Some of the problems will be considered in this paper, including the necessary software support. The methods of laser cleaning of plaster objects based on literature were analyzed, and in given cases assess was distribution by the dimensions of powder and aerosol particles (analytical). The data obtained are digitized with appropriate software and prepared for further software processing for the sake of the characteristic functions of the distribution. Obtaining distribution is required to assess the protection measures due to risk, which implies dimensions of particles harmful to the human health. This area is directly associated with methods to obtain powders through lasers and apply thin layers, where the optimal working regime of the applied laser is of interest.Od prvih primena lasera u području očuvanja i dijagnostike kulturne baÅ”tine, do danas je reÅ”eno mnogo zadataka iz područja fizičkih procesa koji uključuju interakciju i dimenzionisanje praÅ”kastih struktura, kontrolisanje radne sredine u procesu čiŔćenja objekata, ali i primene holografskih, tomografskih, interferentnih i difrakcionih metoda za dijagnostikovanje, memorisanje, proveru autentičnosti i td. Neki od problema će biti razmatrani u ovom radu, uključujući i potrebne softverske podrÅ”ke. Analizirane su metode laserskog čiŔćenja predmeta na bazi gipsa na osnovu literature i za date slučajeve ocenjena je distribucija po dimenzijama čestica praha i aerosola (analitički). Dobijeni podaci su digitalizovani odgovarajućim softverom i pripremljeni za dalju softversku obradu radi dobijanja karakterističnih funkcija raspodele. Dobijanje raspodele je potrebno za procenu mera zaÅ”tite usled rizika, koji podrazumeva dimenzije čestica Å”tetnih za ljudski organizam. Ova se oblast direktno povezuje sa metodama za dobijanje prahova putem lasera i nanoÅ”enje tankih slojeva, gde je od interesa optimalan radni režim primenjenog lasera

    Gamma irradiation effects in optical fibres, splitters, and connectors

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    The paper presents a brief overview of contemporary ELION techniques with stress on their use for material modification and dosimetry. In the attempt to avoid some common misjudges of irradiation effects, special attention is paid to exact definition of irradiation geometry and careful adjustment of dose rates, which enable a proper elaboration of experimental results. In particular, effects of g-rays irradiation on properties of commercial optical fibres, splitters, connectors, and fibre joints are examined, which enables monitoring of irradiation effects in complex configurations made of materials with different radiation hardness (resistance). It has been established that g-rays irradiation of the investigated elements influences, in different ways, the transmission of laser beam signals of various wavelengths, under different modulation regimes. After irradiation, the signal attenuation is noticeably larger, both in optical connectors and optical splitter, than before it, and the effect increases in time. The effects are more pronounced at the 99 % than at the 1 % Y-splitter output at both measured wavelengths, and are more pronounced at 1310 nm than at 1550 nm. [Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Grant no. III43009 and Grant no. III45012


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    During six decades of quantum electronics, a vast majority of new types of quantum generators have been developed. Although the principle of population inversion has united different ranges of electromagnetic spectra (and respective quantum generators), the existence of the title laser without the population inversion, makes that the exception had confirmed the rule, i. e. that this title deserves to be discussed further. Developing of formalisms describing the operation of quantum generators, by now have produced several approaches, which must have a quantum mechanics base. For the practical reasons, negative coefficient of absorption is acquired using classic electromagnetics as well, however for the population purposes, quantum representation must be entered.A few levels of formalisms will be set in this paper, linked to quantum generators accenting the optical portion of the spectra. The lowest level descriptions are based on lumped circuits. This could be expanded to equivalents of other physical problems, using program packages developed for the electrical engineering application purposes (Spice, etc.). Schematics are defined at the macro as well as micro equivalent levels (atomic ā€“ electronic levels). The kinetic equations with simpler approach will be considered as well as simplified laser equations based on quantum/ semi-quantum approach. The use of Fourier analysis or other appropriate transformations leads to formulating the main five laser equations which serve as the base for various working regimes of quantum generators and amplifiers (free generation regime, Q switch, synchronization, operation with filters, two modes regime, regime with losses, etc.). The Lyapunov stability theorem has to be included here, etc.For some of the chosen types of quantum generator, analytical modeling will be analyzed as well as the results of program packages developed for the lasers dynamics, regimes and parameters. The systems pumped with electronic beams (relativistic) will be considered and the nuclear physics statements discussed which must be included at the beginning, in order to consider further necessary parts of the condensed ā€“ solid state theory and laser techniques, after slowing down towards thermal energies.Existing program packages provide fast modeling and visualization of laser energy distribution, temperature, modes, etc. in active material with or without the resonator. A modeling will be performed for the specified geometries and a temperature distribution in active material will be captured during operation of a chosen laser system. Different pump geometries will be compared. Contemporary lasers with the shortest existing pulse durations demand new formalisms. Areas of nonlinear optics and quantum electrody-namics, Glauber states and similar, are areas that have to be included. Two main formalisms thermodynamical and quantum mechanical with transition probabilities using perturbation methods and secondary quantization naturally had to be complemented if the Brillouin, Raman, Compton, soliton, fiber and other lasers are included more generally