5 research outputs found
Informe sobre el 4th International Martial Arts and Combat Sports Scientific Society (IMACSSS) Symposium
[ES] Este informe resume el simposio de la International Martial Arts and Combat Sports Scientific Society (IMACSSS), celebrado como sección de la 10th International Conference on Kinanthropology, en la Universidad de Masaryk. El simposio fue organizado por el Departamento de Gimnástica y Sistemas de Combate de la Facultad de Estudios en Deporte de la Universidad de Masaryk, Brno, República Checa. El simposio contó con 20 asistentes, que aportaron sus conocimientos y experiencia, fomentando la cooperación internacional para la difusión y el desarrollo de experiencias sobre entrenamiento en artes marciales y deportes de combate. Los asistentes al simposio discutieron nuevos enfoques y conocimientos sobre artes marciales, deportes de combate, autodefensa y la educación en el campo de la seguridad. Los temas que se expusieron mostraron el progreso y el continuo desarrollo que existe a nivel científico en el campo de las artes marciales y los deportes de combate.[EN] The report deals with the symposium of the International Martial Arts and Combat Sports Scientific Society (IMACSSS) which was held as a part of the 10th International Conference on Kinanthropology at Masaryk University. The symposium was organised by the Department of Gymnastics and Combatives of Faculty of Sports Studies, Masaryk University, Brno, the Czech Republic. The symposium was attended by 20 members who contributed their knowledge and experience, which provoked the international cooperation aimed at spreading and developing experience with training in martial arts and combat sports. The members of the symposium discussed new approaches and knowledge in martial arts, combat sports, self‐defence and education in security field. Presented topics showed the progress and continuous development in the field of martial arts and combat sports at the scientific level.[PT] O presente artigo diz respeito ao simpósio da comunidade científica internacional das artes marciais e desportos de combate, que integra a 10.a conferência de Kinantropologia da Universidade de Marsaryk. O simpósio foi organizado pelo Departamento de Ginástica e de Combates da Faculdade de Estudos do Desporto, da Universidade Masaryk, Brno, da República Checa. Este evento contou com a participação de 20 membros, tendo contribuído para a partilha de experiências e de conhecimentos, favorecendo a cooperação internacional no domínio das artes marciais e dos desportos de combate. Os membros deste simpósio discutiram novas aproximações sobre o treino nas artes marciais e desportos de combate, a autodefesa e a educação no campo da segurança. As conclusões mostraram a existência de progressos e de desenvolvimento continuo no campo científico sobre as artes marciais e os desportos de combate
Predictors of children´s successful defence against adult attacker
Background & Study Aim The paper is based on the presumption that the probability of successful defence of a child against an adult attacker is influenced by diversity of variables with different predictive values. The aim of the study is to find the best predictors and determine their impact on children’s chance to defend themselves. Material & Methods The research sample consisted of n=48 students (n=40 female, n=8 male) from three secondary schools. The average age was 16.6 years. Six self-defence experts performed ex-post evaluation of each video recorded scenario. Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, Classification trees C&RT and Logistic regression were used for analysis. Results Correlation between increasing personal score obtained by evaluation of selected criteria and the probability of a successful defence was confirmed by the high correlation rs=0.735 significance level of p < 0,050. Active defence, Escape and Technical means respectively, were found the best predictors out of the total number of six evaluation criteria. Communication and Safe distance keeping varied in the fifth position depending on the selected statistical method. Guard position was found the weakest predictor. Conclusions There are 13.88 times higher odds of successful defence when children are dealing with an adult attacker actively. The activity should be aimed at looking for an escape route as there are 7.69 times higher odds of successful defence when the child is trying to escape. Finally, there are 3.75 times higher odds of successful defence when the child uses appropriate technical means to distract attacker’s attention
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Kinanthropology
Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Sport and Quality of Life 2019 gatheres submissions of participants of the conference. Every submission is the result of positive evaluation by reviewers from the corresponding field. Conference is divided into sections – Analysis of human movement; Sport training, nutrition and regeneration; Sport and social sciences; Active ageing and sarcopenia; Strength and conditioning training; section for PhD students
Report on the 4th International Martial Arts and Combat Sports Scientific Society (IMACSSS) Symposium
The report deals with the symposium of the International Martial Arts and Combat Sports Scientific Society (IMACSSS) which was held as a part of the 10th International Conference on Kinanthropology at Masaryk University. The symposium was organised by the Department of Gymnastics and Combatives of Faculty of Sports Studies, Masaryk University, Brno, the Czech Republic. The symposium was attended by 20 members who contributed their knowledge and experience, which provoked the international cooperation aimed at spreading and developing experience with training in martial arts and combat sports. The members of the symposium discussed new approaches and knowledge in martial arts, combat sports, self-defence and education in security field. Presented topics showed the progress and continuous development in the field of martial arts and combat sports at the scientific level
Long-Term Changes in Dwarf Pine (Pinus mugo Turra) Cover and Growth in the Orava Beskid Mountains, Slovakia
Dwarf pine (Pinus mugo Turra) thickets are a substantial land cover in high-elevation mountain ecosystems in Europe, where they fulfill important functions in soil conservation and as wildlife habitat. In many areas across Europe these thickets have rapidly expanded over the past decades because of changing climate and land use, highlighting the need to better understand how species spread relates to growth traits and changing environmental conditions. We quantified changes in dwarf pine cover by elevation on 2 mountains in the Western Carpathians (Central Europe) over 64 years (Babia hora) and 40 years (Pilsko), and we linked them to species growth responses to climate using archival photogrammetry and stem length measurements. We correlated mean growth chronologies with mean monthly temperature and precipitation to assess the main climatic factors driving growth. The total expansion of dwarf pine cover was substantial (28.6% in Babia hora and 57.1% in Pilsko), but the rate of expansion varied with elevation, site, and intra- and interspecific competition. The largest expansion occurred in the open stands of the high elevations (1550–1650 m). Statistically significant positive correlations between growth and temperature were recorded for the most recent growing season and for the preceding growing season. However, despite rising temperatures over time, mean species growth during the last 20 years decreased slightly. The correlation of growth with precipitation was mostly positive but not statistically significant. Thus, the impact of changing climate appeared too weak to overcome other influential factors (eg decline in grazing and intra- and interspecific competition)