96 research outputs found

    Factorial structure and psychometric properties of the spanish version of the Pittsburgh sleep quality index in non-professional caregivers

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    Although sleep issues are among the symptoms commonly experienced by the nonprofessional caregiver population, and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) is the most widely used instrument for the assessment of sleep quality, this has not been validated specifically for this population. The objective of this study was to analyze the factorial structure and psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the PSQI in a sample of Spanish non-professional caregivers. Trained clinical psychologists assessed sleep quality using the PSQI, as well as caregiver burden and psychological distress in 201 non-professional caregivers (87.1% female, Mage = 56.2 years). The internal consistency of the PSQI was 0.75. The two-factor model (Sleep quality and Disturbances) had an acceptable fit to the data, was found to be superior to the one-factor model, and more parsimonious than the three-factor model. There was a significant correlation between the PSQI and caregiver burden, as well as between the PSQI and psychological distress (p < 0.001 in all cases). A total score 9 allowed the identification of caregivers with possible anxiety and depression disorders (sensitivity 70.5%, specificity 71.9%). The results show that the PSQI is a reliable and valid instrument for the assessment of sleep quality in caregiversThis research was funded by a Spin-off of the University of Santiago de Compostela (Santiago de Compostela, Spain) “Xuntos. Psychological and Psychiatric Care” (2019-CE081-6)S

    Modelos de redes neuronales para identificar entidades en documentos.

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    Este trabajo surge a raíz de un periodo de prácticas realizado en la empresa NTT DATA. Concre- tamente en el departamento de AI Assest Development Center en el equipo de Dolffia. Dolffia es una plataforma de procesamiento de documentos basada en IA, que extrae y clasifica información de ma- nera rápida y precisa. El objetivo del trabajo es crear una herramienta capaz de identificar las distintas entidades estructurales de un documento. Para ello tuve que aprender sobre NLP (Natural Language Processing) y descubrir los diferentes algoritmos usados en el machine learning.El propósito del trabajo es conseguir un modelo capaz de resolver la tarea mencionada de manera eficaz. Para llegar a ese modelo primero hay que entender unos fundamentos teóricos y el problema que hemos de resolver.En el primer capítulo del trabajo se hace una aproximación al mundo de la Inteligencia Artificial, más concretamente al aprendizaje automático. Diferenciando entre aprendizaje supervisado y no supervisado, se explican algoritmos como la regresión lineal, el gradiente descendiente o la detección de anomalías. A continuación se desarrolla en detalle la definición y conceptos básicos de una red neuronal. Finalmente se hace breve inciso en los modelos habitualmente usados en el NLP, es decir, en el procesamiento del lenguaje natural.En el segundo capítulo se introduce el problema de identificación de entidades en documentos. Pri- mero se explican sus bases y se comentan dificultades que nos van a surgir al resolverlo. Seguidamente se analizan métodos tradicionales para resolverlo, cómo son los métodos lingüísticos, los métodos basados en diccionarios y los métodos basados en aprendizaje automático. Por último, y de manera extendida, se explica cómo se puede resolver el problema usando redes neuronales convolucionales y la novedosa arquitectura conocida como Transformers.En el tercer capítulo comienza la parte realmente práctica del trabajo. En primer lugar se explica la forma elegida de resolver el problema: vamos a hacer un fine-tuning de un modelo de la biblioteca Transformers 1 de Hugging Face 2. El modelo elegido es LayoutLMv2. En la primera sección se explica en detalle y se compara con su predecesor. En la siguiente sección se hace una explicación exhaustiva de DocLayNet, el conjunto de datos elegido para hacer el fine-tuning, y cómo lo hemos preprocesado.Finalmente, en el cuarto y último capítulo se explica cómo se ha realizado el entrenamiento del modelo LayoutLMv2 con el dataset DocLayNet, a continuación se analizan los resultados obtenidos. Para acabar se comentan brevemente posibles mejoras a realizar sobre nuestro modelo en un futuro.<br /

    Effect of scapular fixation on lateral movement and scapular rotation during glenohumeral lateral distraction mobilisation

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    Background: Glenohumeral lateral distraction mobilisation (GLDM) is used in patients with shoulder mobility dysfunction. No one has examined the effect of scapular fixation during GLDM. The aim was to measure and compare the lateral movement of the humeral head and the rotational movement of the scapula when three different magnitudes of forces were applied during GLDM, with and without scapular fixation. Methods: Seventeen volunteers were recruited (n = 25 shoulders). Three magnitudes of GLDM force (low, medium, and high) were applied under fixation and non-fixation scapular conditions in the open-packed position. Lateral movement of the humeral head was assessed with ultrasound, and a universal goniometer assessed scapular rotation. Results: The most significant increase in the distance between the coracoid and the humeral head occurred in the scapular fixation condition at all three high-force magnitudes (3.72 mm; p &lt; 0.001). More significant scapular rotation was observed in the non-scapular fixation condition (12.71°). A difference in scapula rotation (10.1°) was observed between scapular fixation and non-scapular fixation during high-force application. Conclusions: Scapular fixation resulted in more significant lateral movement of the humeral head than in the non-scapular fixation condition during three intensities of GLDM forces. The scapular position did not change during GLDM with the scapular fixation condition

    Changes over time in the strain on the inferior iliofemoral ligament during a sustained 5-minute high-force long-axis distraction mobilization: a cadaveric study

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    Objective To analyze the changes over time in the strain on the inferior iliofemoral (IIF) ligament when a constant high-force long-axis distraction mobilization (LADM) was applied over 5 minutes. Design A cross-sectional laboratory cadaveric study. Setting Anatomy laboratory. Participants Thirteen hip joints from 9 fresh-frozen cadavers (mean age, 75.6±7.8 years; N=13). Interventions High-force LADM in open-packed position was sustained for a period of 5 minutes. Main Outcome Measure(s) Strain on IFF ligament was measured over time with a microminiature differential variable reluctance transducer. Strain measurements were taken at every 15 seconds for the first 3 minutes and every 30 seconds for the next 2 minutes. Results Major changes in strain occurred in the first minute of high-force LADM application. The greatest increase in strain on the IFF ligament occurred at the first 15 seconds (7.3±7.2%). At 30 seconds, the increase in strain was 10.1±9.6%, the half of the total increase at the end of the 5-minute high-force LADM (20.2±8.5%). Significant changes in strain measures were shown to occur at 45 seconds of high-force LADM (F=18.11; P<.001). Conclusions When a 5-minute high-force LADM was applied, the major changes in the strain on IIF ligament occurred in the first minute of the mobilization. A high-force LADM mobilization should be sustained at least 45 seconds to produce a significant change in the strain of capsular–ligament tissue

    Short-Term Effects of Three Types of Hamstring Stretching on Length, Neurodynamic Response, and Perceived Sense of Effort—A Randomised Cross-Over Trial

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    Background: Stretching techniques for hamstring muscles have been described both to increase muscle length and to evaluate nerve mechanosensitivity. Aim: We sought to evaluate the short-term effects of three types of hamstring stretching on hamstring length and report the type of response (neural or muscular) produced by ankle dorsiflexion and perceived sense of effort in asymptomatic subjects. Methods: A randomised cross-over clinical trial was conducted. A total of 35 subjects were recruited (15 women, 20 men; mean age 24.60 ± 6.49 years). Straight leg raises (SLR), passive knee extensions (PKE), and maximal hip flexion (MHF) were performed on dominant and non-dominant limbs. In addition, the intensity of the applied force, the type and location of the response to structural differentiation, and the perceived sensation of effort were assessed. Results: All stretching techniques increased hamstring length with no differences between limbs in the time*stretch interaction (p &lt; 0.05). The perceived sensation of effort was similar between all types of stretching except MHF between limbs (p = 0.047). The type of response was mostly musculoskeletal for MHF and the area of more neural response was the posterior knee with SLR stretch. Conclusions: All stretching techniques increased hamstring length. The highest percentage of neural responses was observed in the SLR stretching, which produced a greater increase in overall flexibility

    Does Upper Cervical Manual Therapy Provide Additional Benefit in Disability and Mobility over a Physiotherapy Primary Care Program for Chronic Cervicalgia? A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Introduction: Neck pain is a condition with a high incidence in primary care. Patients with chronic neck pain often experience reduction in neck mobility. However, no study to date has investigated the effects of manual mobilization of the upper cervical spine in patients with chronic mechanical neck pain and restricted upper cervical rotation. Objective: To evaluate the effect of adding an upper cervical translatoric mobilization or an inhibitory suboccipital technique to a conventional physical therapy protocol in patients with chronic neck pain test on disability and cervical range of motion. Design: Randomized controlled trial. Methods: Seventy-eight patients with chronic neck pain and restricted upper cervical rotation were randomized in three groups: Upper cervical translatoric mobilization group, inhibitory suboccipital technique group, or control group. The neck disability index, active cervical mobility, and the flexion–rotation test were assessed at baseline (T0), after the treatment (T1), and at three-month follow-up (T2). Results: There were no statistically significant differences between groups in neck disability index. The upper cervical translatoric mobilization group showed a significant increase in the flexion–rotation test to the more restricted side at T1 (F = 5.992; p < 0.004) and T2 (F = 5.212; p < 0.007) compared to the control group. The inhibitory suboccipital technique group showed a significant increase in the flexion–rotation test to the less restricted side at T1 (F = 3.590; p < 0.027). All groups presented high percentages of negative flexion–rotation tests. (T1: 69.2% upper neck translator mobilization group; 38.5% suboccipital inhibition technique group, 19.2% control group; at T2: 80.8%; 46.2% and 26.9% respectively). No significant differences in the active cervical mobility were found between groups. Conclusion: Adding manual therapy to a conventional physical therapy protocol for the upper cervical spine increased the flexion–rotation test in the short- and mid-term in patients with chronic neck pain. No changes were found in the neck disability index and the global active cervical range of motion

    El valor de la recerca formativa per a la innovació docent i el desenvolupament competencial

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    2012PID-UB/117El projecte ha consistit en la introducció d’innovacions docents en dues assignatures del Grau de Pedagogia de la Facultat de Pedagogia ('Informàtica aplicada a la recerca educativa' i 'Orientació i Gènere') i una assignatura del Grau de Mestre en Educació Infantil de la Facultat de Formació del Professorat ('Observació i Innovació a l'aula) promovent la investigació formativa com a eina pedagògica. Conscients que la configuració de l'Espai Europeu d'Educació Superior planteja un gran repte per a l'aprofundiment de la investigació en el nou marc formatiu universitari, aquest projecte ha volgut validar mètodes d'ensenyament per al desenvolupament competencial (De Miguel, et al., 2006) que operativitzen la investigació formativa: l'Aprenentatge Basat en Problemes, l'Aprenentatge orientat a Projectes i l'ús de les narratives digitals (Rodríguez i Londoño, 2009) per fomentar l'autoaprenentatge i l'autogestió del coneixement. Els resultats obtinguts evidencien el valor d'aquestes estratègies pedagògiques instrumentalitzades per la investigació formativa per a l'assoliment de tres competències transversals comunes a la Universitat de Barcelona (Vicerrectorat de Política Docent, 2008): el compromís ètic, la capacitat d'aprenentatge i responsabilitat, i la capacitat comunicativa. A més també animen a avançar en el treball interdisciplinari per a l'avaluació de les mateixes, mitjançant l'elaboració de rúbriques específiques coherents amb les innovacions docents en les assignatures implicades.CONVOCATÒRIA D’AJUTS PER AL DESENVOLUPAMENT DE PROJECTES D’INNOVACIÓ DOCENT A LA UB. 2012PID-UB/11

    Estudio sobre el inicio de la suplementación con ácido fólico en gestantes

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    Objetivo: Conocer el momento en que se inicia la suplementación con ácido fólico en las mujeres gestantes y las que acuden a una visita preconcepcional. Sujetos y método: Estudio descriptivo y transversal de gestantes que acuden a su primera visita con la matrona para el seguimiento de su embarazo. Resultados: En el periodo de estudio se realizaron 567 primeras visitas de mujeres embarazadas. Se seleccionaron para el estudio 183 mujeres (32,3%). La primera visita con la matrona se realizó alrededor de la octava semana de gestación (desviación estándar [DE] ± 3). El 38,7% de las mujeres (n= 71) no habían iniciado la suplementación con ácido fólico en el momento de la primera visita. La cuarta semana de gestación es el promedio de inicio de toma de ácido fólico (DE ± 6,37). Un 26,8% (n= 49) de las mujeres inició la ingesta de ácido fólico durante el periodo recomendado. La fuente principal de información fue la matrona en un 51,3% (n= 94) de los casos; en el 42% (n= 77) de los casos la primera visita de embarazo con la matrona coincidió con el momento de información y el inicio de la suplementación con ácido fólico. Ninguna mujer había realizado visita preconcepcional. Conclusiones: La tasa de ingesta correcta de ácido fólico durante el embarazo en las mujeres de este estudio fue baja, aunque superior a la de otros estudios de prevalencia; la ingesta se inició como promedio en la cuarta semana de gestación. La principal fuente de información de consumo de ácido fólico era la matrona (51,3%), pero la primera visita se realizó alrededor de la octava semana de gestación, lo que retrasaba con frecuencia el inicio de la toma del suplemento

    Measurement of the cosmic ray spectrum above 4×10184{\times}10^{18} eV using inclined events detected with the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    A measurement of the cosmic-ray spectrum for energies exceeding 4×10184{\times}10^{18} eV is presented, which is based on the analysis of showers with zenith angles greater than 6060^{\circ} detected with the Pierre Auger Observatory between 1 January 2004 and 31 December 2013. The measured spectrum confirms a flux suppression at the highest energies. Above 5.3×10185.3{\times}10^{18} eV, the "ankle", the flux can be described by a power law EγE^{-\gamma} with index γ=2.70±0.02(stat)±0.1(sys)\gamma=2.70 \pm 0.02 \,\text{(stat)} \pm 0.1\,\text{(sys)} followed by a smooth suppression region. For the energy (EsE_\text{s}) at which the spectral flux has fallen to one-half of its extrapolated value in the absence of suppression, we find Es=(5.12±0.25(stat)1.2+1.0(sys))×1019E_\text{s}=(5.12\pm0.25\,\text{(stat)}^{+1.0}_{-1.2}\,\text{(sys)}){\times}10^{19} eV.Comment: Replaced with published version. Added journal reference and DO