2 research outputs found

    Exposure to Domestic and Community Violence and Subjective Well-Being in Adolescents

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    Abstract There is major exposure to domestic and community violence during adolescence, which has been negatively related to well-being. This work aimed to identify relationships between domestic and community violence and the levels of subjective well-being perceived by adolescents, considering sex and age. The participants were 426 adolescents from public schools in the south of Brazil; 62% were girls, with a mean age of 14.91 years old ( SD = 1.65), who answered one instrument about exposure to violence and another about well-being. Results indicated greater domestic violence exposure among girls and greater community exposure among boys. The age range from 16 to 18 years old was the most exposed to domestic violence. Boys reported greater well-being and less negative affect. Differences in violence exposure may be related to roles of gender in our society. Well-being promotion is highlighted as a resource for confronting violence among adolescents

    Mulher e trabalho: a história de vida de mães trabalhadoras de enfermagem Mujer y trabajo: la historia de vida de madres trabajadoras en enfermería Woman and work: the history of life of nursing professionals who are also mothers

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    Trata-se de estudo qualitativo utilizando o método de história de vida, tendo como objeto o cotidiano das mulheres-mães-trabalhadoras de enfermagem. Os objetivos foram: descrever o dia-a-dia dessas profissionais, identificar a interferência da profissão na vida dessa mulher e analisar a percepção dessa realidade tomando como base sua história de vida. A análise parcial dos dados revelou que a profissão interfere na vida da mulher, especialmente pelo tipo de atividade que realiza e, em muitas situações, provoca mudança significativa na rotina familiar. A dupla jornada, vivenciada pela grande maioria, foi apontada como uma das causas de cansaço e estresse. Pode-se concluir que, embora a mulher valorize a atividade profissional, se sente sobrecarregada com o acúmulo de funções, relevando a participação do marido compartilhando o dia-a-dia em família.<br>Se trata de un estudio cualitativo utilizando el método historia de vida, teniendo como objeto la cotidianidad de las mujeres-madres-trabajadoras en enfermería. Los objetivos fueron: describir el día a día de estas profesionales; identificar la interferencia de la profesión en la vida de esta mujer y analizar la percepción de esta realidad tomando como base su historia de vida. El análisis parcial de los datos reveló que la profesión interfiere en la vida de la mujer, especialmente por el tipo de actividad que realiza y, en muchas situaciones, provoca un cambio significativo en la rutina familiar. La doble jornada, vivida por la gran mayoría, fue señalada como una de las causas de cansancio y estrés. Puede concluirse que aunque la mujer valorice la actividad profesional, se siente sobrecargada con la acumulación de funciones resaltando la participación del marido en el día a día en familia.<br>This study focused on the life of women who are both mothers and nursing professionals, applying the method of life history. The goals were: to describe the every day life of these professionals; to identify the influence of the profession on these women and to analyze the perception of this reality based on their history of life. Data partial analysis showed that the profession interferes in women's lives, considering their type of activity, and that quite often it changes deeply the family's daily routine. Women pointed out that their extremely hard working days cause tiredness and stress. Authors concluded that although women value their career, they are overburdened with the amount of functions, pointing out the importance of the husbands' role sharing the family daily routine