2 research outputs found

    Institutional Arrangements For Articulating Land And Water Management In Peri-urban Catchment: Example Of The Metropolitan Region Of São Paulo, Brazil

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    The development of mega-cities exerts an increasing pressure on water resources in their peri-urban areas. Rapid changes in land use in these areas, characterised by the specific hydrologic functions they provide for the city, has resulted in increased pressures on water availability and quality. In the past, the traditional dual (urban/rural) focus of the institutions, their preference for sectorial legislation, and end-to-pipe technological responses have not been able to deal with these tensions in the metropolitan region of São Paulo, in the context of high social inequalities, uncoordinated metropolitan sectorial policies, and insufficient monitoring and control. New institutional arrangements based on democratic and territorial management of water resources are promoting a new vision on planning, and better integration on land and water management. Their efficient implementation may require a better definition of specific instruments to sustain economical compatible activities, facilitate metropolitan coordination and support the participation of the marginalised communities living on the edge of the city. 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Alternativa para a Proteção Dos Manancias?, pp. 1-216. , Tese de Mestrado, FAU, PUC, Campinas, SP, BrazilVlachos, E., Braga, B., The challenge of urban water management (2001) Frontiers in Urban Water Management: Dreadlock or Hope, pp. 1-36. , Malsimovic, C. and Tejada-Guibert, J.A. (Eds.): IWA Publishing, Londo

    Tipo de conhecimento sobre inclusão produzido pelas pesquisas Type of knowledge about inclusion produced by research

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    As pesquisas brasileiras sobre produção de conhecimento no campo da Educação Especial iniciaram-se há mais de 15 anos. No presente objetivou-se analisar o tipo de conhecimento produzido nessa área frente à metodologia empregada nas dissertações e teses financiadas pelo Programa de Apoio a Educação Especial. Os trabalhos de conclusão de curso analisados referiam-se àqueles projetos aprovados pelo Proesp no âmbito do Estado de São Paulo. O período de análise ficou compreendido entre 2004 e 2008. Vinte e sete estudos foram localizados. A análise dos estudos foi realizada por meio de cinco categorias: 1) pesquisas que apresentaram generalização e aplicação imediata dos resultados; 2) pesquisas que apresentaram resultados imediatos para um grupo específico de participantes; 3) pesquisas descritivas com achados inovadores; 4) pesquisas de intervenção com achados inovadores; 5) pesquisas descritivas que corroboraram outras pesquisas. Foi possível concluir que os estudos avançaram nos conhecimentos sobre a inclusão e que o uso de metodologias pouco utilizadas no campo da educação serviu de subsídio para obter os resultados.<br>The Brazilian research on knowledge production in the field of Special Education began more than 15 years ago. The objective was to analyze the type of knowledge produced in the area before the methodology used in dissertations funded by the "Programa de Apoio a Educação Especial - PROESP". The final paper analyzed referred to those projects approved by PROESP within the State of São Paulo. The analysis period was between 2004 and 2008. Twenty-seven studies were found. The review was conducted through five categories: 1) studies that showed generalization and immediate application of the results, 2) research that showed immediate results for a specific group of participants, 3) descriptive research with innovative findings, 4) intervention research with innovative findings and 5) descriptive research that corroborated other studies. It was concluded that the studies advance in knowledge on inclusion and the use of some infrequent methodologies in education served as a subsidy to get the results