26 research outputs found

    High Cefuroxime Concentrations and Long Elimination in an Orthopaedic Surgical Deadspace—A Microdialysis Porcine Study

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    Deadspace is the tissue and bony defect in a surgical wound after closure. This space is presumably poorly perfused favouring bacterial proliferation and biofilm formation. In arthroplasty surgery, an obligate deadspace surrounding the prosthesis is introduced and deadspace management, in combination with obtaining therapeutic prophylactic antibiotic concentrations, is important for limiting the risk of acquiring a periprosthetic joint infection (PJI). This study aimed to investigate cefuroxime distribution to an orthopaedic surgical deadspace in comparison with plasma and bone concentrations during two dosing intervals (8 h × 2). In a setup imitating shoulder arthroplasty surgery, but without insertion of a prosthesis, microdialysis catheters were placed for cefuroxime sampling in a deadspace in the glenohumeral joint and in cancellous bone of the scapular neck in eighteen pigs. Blood samples were collected as a reference. Cefuroxime was administered according to weight (20 mg/kg). The primary endpoint was time above the cefuroxime minimal inhibitory concentration of the free fraction of cefuroxime for Staphylococcus aureus (fT > MIC (4 μg/mL)). During the two dosing intervals, mean fT > MIC (4 μg/mL) was significantly longer in deadspace (605 min) compared with plasma (284 min) and bone (334 min). For deadspace, the mean time to reach 4 μg/mL was prolonged from the first dosing interval (8 min) to the second dosing interval (21 min), while the peak drug concentration was lower and half-life was longer in the second dosing interval. In conclusion, weight-adjusted cefuroxime fT > MIC (4 μg/mL) and elimination from the deadspace was longer in comparison to plasma and bone. Our results suggest a deadspace consolidation and a longer diffusions distance, resulting in a low cefuroxime turn-over. Based on theoretical targets, cefuroxime appears to be an appropriate prophylactic drug for the prevention of PJI

    Nonunion - consensus from the 4th annual meeting of the Danish Orthopaedic Trauma Society

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    CITATION: Schmal, H. et al. 2020. Nonunion – consensus from the 4th annual meeting of the Danish Orthopaedic Trauma Society. EFORT Open Reviews, 5:46-57, doi:10.1302/2058-5241.5.190037.The original publication is available at https://eor.bioscientifica.comNonunions are a relevant economic burden affecting about 1.9% of all fractures. Rather than specifying a certain time frame, a nonunion is better defined as a fracture that will not heal without further intervention. Successful fracture healing depends on local biology, biomechanics and a variety of systemic factors. All components can principally be decisive and determine the classification of atrophic, oligotrophic or hypertrophic nonunions. Treatment prioritizes mechanics before biology. The degree of motion between fracture parts is the key for healing and is described by strain theory. If the change of length at a given load is > 10%, fibrous tissue and not bone is formed. Therefore, simple fractures require absolute and complex fractures relative stability. The main characteristics of a nonunion are pain while weight bearing, and persistent fracture lines on X-ray. Treatment concepts such as ‘mechanobiology’ or the ‘diamond concept’ determine the applied osteosynthesis considering soft tissue, local biology and stability. Fine wire circular external fixation is considered the only form of true biologic fixation due to its ability to eliminate parasitic motions while maintaining load-dependent axial stiffness. Nailing provides intramedullary stability and biology via reaming. Plates are successful when complex fractures turn into simple nonunions demanding absolute stability. Despite available alternatives, autograft is the gold standard for providing osteoinductive and osteoconductive stimuli. The infected nonunion remains a challenge. Bacteria, especially staphylococcus species, have developed mechanisms to survive such as biofilm formation, inactive forms and internalization. Therefore, radical debridement and specific antibiotics are necessary prior to reconstruction.Publisher's versio

    Nonunion – consensus from the 4th annual meeting of the Danish Orthopaedic Trauma Society

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    CITATION: Schmal, H. et al. 2020. Nonunion – consensus from the 4th annual meeting of the Danish Orthopaedic Trauma Society. EFORT Open Reviews, 5:46-57, doi:10.1302/2058-5241.5.190037.The original publication is available at https://eor.bioscientifica.comNonunions are a relevant economic burden affecting about 1.9% of all fractures. Rather than specifying a certain time frame, a nonunion is better defined as a fracture that will not heal without further intervention. Successful fracture healing depends on local biology, biomechanics and a variety of systemic factors. All components can principally be decisive and determine the classification of atrophic, oligotrophic or hypertrophic nonunions. Treatment prioritizes mechanics before biology. The degree of motion between fracture parts is the key for healing and is described by strain theory. If the change of length at a given load is > 10%, fibrous tissue and not bone is formed. Therefore, simple fractures require absolute and complex fractures relative stability. The main characteristics of a nonunion are pain while weight bearing, and persistent fracture lines on X-ray. Treatment concepts such as ‘mechanobiology’ or the ‘diamond concept’ determine the applied osteosynthesis considering soft tissue, local biology and stability. Fine wire circular external fixation is considered the only form of true biologic fixation due to its ability to eliminate parasitic motions while maintaining load-dependent axial stiffness. Nailing provides intramedullary stability and biology via reaming. Plates are successful when complex fractures turn into simple nonunions demanding absolute stability. Despite available alternatives, autograft is the gold standard for providing osteoinductive and osteoconductive stimuli. The infected nonunion remains a challenge. Bacteria, especially staphylococcus species, have developed mechanisms to survive such as biofilm formation, inactive forms and internalization. Therefore, radical debridement and specific antibiotics are necessary prior to reconstruction.Publisher's versio

    PRP for C# : PRP-systemet implementert med C#/.NET

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    PRP for C# er en kort masteroppgave som har som mål å konvertere et eksisterende system, JavaPRP, til en ny plattform, .NET og C#. PRP er et system for å spre beregningen av en rekursiv metode til flere maskiner koblet sammen i et nettverk som har hatt flere implementasjoner opp gjennom årene. PRP for C# er den til nå siste versjonen, og bringer inn nye elementer som økt effektivitet og et betydelig enklere brukergrensesnitt. Viktige aspekter i oppgaven har vært hvilke teknologier i .NET-rammeverket som kan erstatte de Java-spesifikke teknologiene benyttet i den tidligere versjonen, hva som er de viktiste likhetene og forskjellene mellom plattformene og hvordan de yter i forhold til hverandre

    Comparison of Intravenous Microdialysis and Standard Plasma Sampling for Monitoring of Vancomycin and Meropenem Plasma Concentrations—An Experimental Porcine Study

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    Microdialysis is a catheter-based method suitable for dynamic sampling of unbound antibiotic concentrations. Intravenous antibiotic concentration sampling by microdialysis has several advantages and may be a superior alternative to standard plasma sampling. We aimed to compare concentrations obtained by continuous intravenous microdialysis sampling and by standard plasma sampling of both vancomycin and meropenem in a porcine model. Eight female pigs received 1 g of both vancomycin and meropenem, simultaneously over 100 and 10 min, respectively. Prior to drug infusion, an intravenous microdialysis catheter was placed in the subclavian vein. Microdialysates were collected for 8 h. From a central venous catheter, plasma samples were collected in the middle of every dialysate sampling interval. A higher area under the concentration/time curve and peak drug concentration were found in standard plasma samples compared to intravenous microdialysis samples, for both vancomycin and meropenem. Both vancomycin and meropenem concentrations obtained with intravenous microdialysis were generally lower than from standard plasma sampling. The differences in key pharmacokinetic parameters between the two sampling techniques underline the importance of further investigations to find the most suitable and reliable method for continuous intravenous antibiotic concentration sampling