6 research outputs found
Artifacts in magnetic resonance imaging: how it can really affect diagnostic image quality and confuse clinical diagnosis?
Different kinds of artifacts can occur during a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans due to hardware or software related problems, human physiologic phenomenon or physical restrictions. Some of them can seriously affecting diagnostic image quality, while others may simulate or be confused with different pathology. On another word artifact as an artificial feature appearing in an image that is not present in the original investigative object. It is important to recognize these artifacts according to a basic understanding of their origin, especially those mimicking pathology, as they can lead to incorrect diagnosis and cause serious after-effects on patient’s health and outcomes. We presented an overview of the most common MRI artifacts and methods to fix or rectify them. We also provide the original artifacts images and statistics from the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Kaunas Clinical Hospital, Dept of Radiology, mainly obtained from image databases and some images from data base of other Lithuanian hospitals
Artifacts in computer tomography imaging: how it can really affect diagnostic image quality and confuse clinical diagnosis?
Different kinds of artifacts can occur during a computer tomography (CT) scans due to hardware or software related problems, human physiologic phenomenon or physical restrictions. Some of them can seriously affecting diagnostic image quality, while others may simulate or be confused with different pathology. On another words artifact is an artificial feature appearing in an image that is not present in the original investigative object. It is important to recognize these artifacts according to a basic understanding of their origin, especially those mimicking pathology, as they can lead to incorrect diagnosis and cause serious after-effects on patient’s health. We presented an overview of the most common CT artifacts and methods to fix or rectify them. We also provide the original artifacts images and statistics from the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Kaunas Clinical Hospital obtained from image databases
Artifacts in magnetic resonance imaging: how it can really affect diagnostic image quality and confuse clinical diagnosis?
Different kinds of artifacts can occur during a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans due to hardware or software related problems, human physiologic phenomenon or physical restrictions. Some of them can seriously affecting diagnostic image quality, while others may simulate or be confused with different pathology. On another word artifact as an artificial feature appearing in an image that is not present in the original investigative object. It is important to recognize these artifacts according to a basic understanding of their origin, especially those mimicking pathology, as they can lead to incorrect diagnosis and cause serious after-effects on patient’s health and outcomes. We presented an overview of the most common MRI artifacts and methods to fix or rectify them. We also provide the original artifacts images and statistics from the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Kaunas Clinical Hospital, Dept of Radiology, mainly obtained from image databases and some images from data base of other Lithuanian hospitals
Artifacts in computer tomography imaging: how it can really affect diagnostic image quality and confuse clinical diagnosis?
Different kinds of artifacts can occur during a computer tomography (CT) scans due to hardware or software related problems, human physiologic phenomenon or physical restrictions. Some of them can seriously affecting diagnostic image quality, while others may simulate or be confused with different pathology. On another words artifact is an artificial feature appearing in an image that is not present in the original investigative object. It is important to recognize these artifacts according to a basic understanding of their origin, especially those mimicking pathology, as they can lead to incorrect diagnosis and cause serious after-effects on patient’s health. We presented an overview of the most common CT artifacts and methods to fix or rectify them. We also provide the original artifacts images and statistics from the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Kaunas Clinical Hospital obtained from image databases
Keturių tarkšlių rūšių (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Oedipodinae) paplitimas Lietuvoje
Pateikiami Lietuvos entomologų draugijos akcijos “Metų vabzdys 2008” rezultatai. Šios akcijos objektu buvo pasirinktos keturios šalyje aptinkamos tarkšlių rūšys. Surinkti nauji duomenys apie šių rūšių paplitimą Lietuvoje. Plačiausiai paplitęs ir tinkamose smėlynų buveinėse gana gausus yra mėlynsparnis tarkšlys (Oedipoda caerulescens), kuris neaptiktas tik šiaurinėje Lietuvos dalyje. Raudonsparnis tarkšlys (Psophus stridulus) paplitęs tik pietrytinėje Lietuvos dalyje. Kopinio tarkšlio (Sphingonotus caerulans) populiacijos gyvena Kuršių nerijos Naglių rezervato pilkosiose kopose ir pietryčių Lietuvos smilpievėse ant kontinentinių kopų bei Pabradės ir Rūdininkų karinių poligonų dykvietėse. Svarbiausias akcijos rezultatas yra visoje Šiaurės ir Centrinėje Europoje nykstančio, Latvijoje ir Lenkijoje laikomo išnykusiu, margojo tarkšlio (Bryodemella tuberculata) populiacijos pakartotinis suradimas Pabradės kariniame poligone. Rekomenduojama šią rūšį įtraukti į Lietuvos raudonąją knygą (1 kategorija) ir imtis tokių apsaugos priemonių, kaip tinkamos buveinės palaikymas populiacijos gyvenamoje teritorijoje bei rūšies veisimas nelaisvėje ir įveisimas kitose tinkamose jai gyventi vietose, kaip antai Rūdininkų karinis poligonas ir Musteikos apylinkės (buvęs Pariečės karinis poligonas)Vilniaus universitetasVilniaus universiteto Ekologijos institutasVilniaus universiteto Ekologijos institutas, [email protected] universiteto Ekologijos institutas, [email protected] Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij