11 research outputs found


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    Medical Rehabilitation Unit in Hospital X in Batang, Central Java, was to support in increasing efficiency and effectiveness of Hosiptal Financial Management by applying cost analysis each medical service. This analysis was based on per-unit calculation. It may apply to a hospital in assessing performances as a base for formulating annual budget and subcidiary, and used as a guideline for revising new hospital tarrifs as well as covering affordable price for communities. This research was case study with quantitative descriptive approach to analyse the costs of Medical Rehabilitation Units in Hospital X, Batang, Central Java in 2014. The research used secondary data to determine the cost of investments, including fixed costs, variable. Data was collected in May 2015. The calculation showed Rp 126,563.75 for normative unit cost and Rp.119,622.64 for actual unit cost. Meanwhile, to calculate the tarriffs was Rp. 145,548.32 (assuming a 15% gain). In addition, to achieve Break Even Point (BEP) by tarrifs Rp 126.000, the medical units have to care as much as 17.978 patients with Cost Recovery Rate (CRR) amounted to 21.74%. According to the calculation of unit cost, new tarrifs have to be adjusted as the current has not reached 100% from CRR yet. Cost analysis is required to calculate cost based on real cost per care. Thus, real tarriffs calculation will achieve BEP and expected recovery rate. ABSTRAK Poli Rehabilitasi Medis yang merupakan salah satu unit kerja Rumah Sakit X, di Kabupaten Batang, Jawa Tengah, diharapkan dapat mendukung peningkatan efisiensi dan efektivitas manajemen keuangan RS dengan menerapkan analisis biaya dalam setiap pelayanan. Analisis biaya melalui perhitungan biaya per unit ini (unit cost) dapat dipergunakan rumah sakit sebagai dasar pengukuran kinerja, sebagai dasar penyusunan anggaran dan subsidi, dan dapat pula dijadikan acuan dalam mengusulkan tarif pelayanan rumah sakit yang baru dan terjangkau masyarakat. Penelitian ini merupakan studi kasus analisis biaya di Poli Rehabilitasi Medis RS X, Batang, Jawa Tengah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif menggunakan data sekunder untuk mengetahui biaya investasi, biaya tetap, dan biaya variabel di Poli Rehabilitasi Medis RS X, Batang, Jawa Tengah pada tahun 2014.Pengambilan data dalam penelitian   ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei tahun 2015. Hasil perhitungan analisis biaya didapatkan bahwa UC normatif sebesar Rp 126.563,75,- dan UC actual Rp. 119.622,64,-. Sedangkan untuk perhitungan tarif didapatkan angka sebesar 145.548,32 (asumsi keuntungan 15%).Untuk mencapai BEP unit dengan menggunakan tarif Rp 126.000 maka poli ini harus melakukan pelayanan sebanyak 17.978 pasien. CRR sebesar 21,74%. Dari perhitungan unit cost maka dapat dinyatakan bahwa perlu dilakukan penyesuaian atau penerapan tarif baru, karena tarif yang berlaku saat ini belum dapat mencapai 100% tingkat pemulihan (CRR) yang diharapkan. Perlu dilakukan analisis biaya menggunakan metode perhitungan biaya berdasarkan kebutuhan nyata biaya per unit pelayanan sehingga didapatkan perhitungan tarif secara aktual yang dapat memberikan titik impas dan tingkat pemulihan yang diharapkan


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    Status gizi merupakan faktor penting bagi pertumbuhan balita yang berpengaruh terhadap tingkat kecerdasan. Namun, etnis Molo di Desa Fatumnasi, Timur Tengah Selatan (TTS), masih menjalankan adat taskon yang berpotensi menurunkan tingkat kesehatan ibu dan anak. Adat taskon merupakan serangkaian kegiatan bertujuan merawat ibu selama masa nifas yaitu pantangan terhadap makanan selama 40 hari dengan hanya memakan jagung bose, yang mempengaruhi pemenuhan gizi ibu dan anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan memahami mengapa dan bagaimana masyarakat etnis Molo melaksanakan taskon dan menyusun model intervensi peningkatan status gizi ibu dan anak Etnis Molo. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan wawancara mendalam terhadap ibu nifas, tokoh agama dan tokoh masyarakat etnis Molo pada April-Oktober 2017. Hasil menunjukkan taskon masih banyak dilakukan Marga Oematan, walaupun kini hanya dilakukan 4-8 hari pertama kelahiran. Adat ini turun temurun masih dilakukan karena masyarakat takut jika melanggar bisa mengalami sakit bahkan mengakibatkan kematian. Hasil observasi menggambarkan kondisi vegetasi Desa Fatumnasi dataran tinggi subur tetapi sedikit penduduk yang memanfaatkan potensi tersebut. Akses transportasi dan infrastruktur kurang mendukung dalam memasarkan hasil perkebunan. Mengatasi gizi buruk tidak bisa dilakukan sektor kesehatan sendiri, tetapi sektor lain yang terkait yaitu pertanian, peternakan dan kesehatan hewan. Model intervensi multisektor diharapkan bisa menekan kasus gizi buruk


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    Adolescent reproductive health were influence by health service, nutrient, family environment, education information economics social  and cultural conditions. This study used one group pretest-post test design to interview adolescent reproductive health model. This study were done in Surakarta city (Health Center Gajahan, Ngoresan and Banyuanyar) and Semarang city (in Health Center Poncol, Tambak Aji and Morota) in Jawa Tengah province. This study showed that health education on adolescent reproductive health conducted by school teachers during class session and health education by health provider for Karang Taruna could improve adolescent reproductive health knowledge. The attitude toward reproductive health after 6 month of intervention was not changed. It is recommended to implement this model at wider areas by focusing for Secondary school student. Health service for adolescent, particularly counseling would be better conducted at school during health provider visit to school also. It is necessary to develop adolescent reproductive health material for school teacher, and manual for adolescent peer educators.   Key words: model, development, adolescent reproductive healt


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    Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) constitute of internal marketing, interactive and external communications. This research only addresses Interactive marketing communications. The specialized Dental Clinic (Integrated VIP Specialist) has been under utilized. The problem exists presumably due to lack of interactive communications. The objective of this research is to formulate an IMC improvement effort for the Specialized Dental Clinic.This was an observational study conducted at the Specialized Dental Clinic from February up to Desember 2003. Observed variables were patient and organization of the clinic. Customers who visited the Specialized Dental Clinic were observed from the initial services the exit interview using questionnaire was collected by researche. The respondens were providers and customers (patients)The result showed that the variable of customer service center and servicescapes were not well organized while personal selling relatively good.It is suggested that market survey should be done by the Specialized Dental Clinic, to actuate interactive marketing communication and to establish the utilization targets

    Pesantren dan Upaya Pendidikan Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja (Pesantren and Adolescent Reproductive Health Education Effort)

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    Background: Although there was Pesantren Health Post, but the promotion and education of reproductive health did notproceed well. Students at the Pesantren are mostly teenagers, therefore sexuality and reproduction problems in pesantrenhad become potential threats. This study described there productive health education in pesantren, that focused on theeducation system, material, and factors supporting and inhibiting reproductive health education efforts. Methods: This was a qualitative study. The data were collected by means of purposive sampling. The study was conducted at two pesantrens in Sampang, Balikpapan and West Lombok regencies. Data were collected by indepth interviews to managers, teachers and students. Results: This study indicated that reproductive education was not something new to the pesantren. The Classic Buku Kuning had been the reference of reproductive education among santri. The kyai used bandongan teaching methods which tend to be monologue. Further more this method did not employ evaluation system. The large number of santri, the high commitment and responsibility of the manager of pesantren, and the availibility of 24 hours assistance were factors that supported reproductive health education in pesantren. The inhibiting factors were limited understanding of reproductive health issues, lack of transparency of the pesantren community regarding issues that were considered taboo, and limitations of supporting infrastructure. Another aspect was the lack of external support that were relevance to the issue of adolescent reproductive health services. Recomendations: It is recommended to enrich the materials on reproductive health education in pesantren


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    Family planning is dealing with many matters and focusing on birth planning. The access on information and qualified family planning service are needed to accelerate the decrease of mother and infant mortalities. The research is to determine access on information and qualified family planning services in public health centers and General hospitals. This Research was use"purposive sampling". It was conducted in Bali at sub-province Buleleng and Klungkung. Institution selected were public health centers, general hospitals, public health services, Badan Koordinasi Keluarga Berencana Daerah (BKKBD) or Family planning Coordination and couples on fertility ages and adolescents related four too conditions (too many bearinga child, too near having birlh, too young has a child, too old has a child). Data were collected by interview, structured interview, observation, and secondary data. Data were analyzed descriptively. Results indicated that providers who provide information about family planning so that the information is acceptable, and attractive were very few. Acceptors aged below ferlility age couples and adolescents to avoid pregnancy related the four too conditions were 15-36% for age group below 35 years child and too near having a child, 6-58% for older group having children, 50-100% for having many children.Providers having understanding about family planning methods showed mostly having enough or low score and on about Informed Choices and Client screaning. Delivery family planning for Gakin by "BKKB, Kependudukan dan Catalan sipil(Dukcapil)" is provided in public health centers based on the regulation of public health services. The condition is available to poor families by the support from the family health insurance until the family planning appliances for poor family could be provided by public health centers according to need. Meanwhile for non poor family the needs are provided by APBD. Key words: accesses information, family planning service, four very condition

    Up dating Islamic Boarding School Santri and Reproductive Health Information

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    Background: Islamic boarding school system has long story in indonesia, they covered as much 14.798 student whoare teenager between 9–15 year old. Problems encountered with adolescent sexuality and reproductive health. Methods:An explorative research implemented in 3 provinces ie East Java, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB), East Kalimantan and sixIslamic boarding schools. Data were collected through questionnaires about reproductive health. Results: It showed 48,5%of respondents didn’t have enough knowledge, attitudes and behavior about reproductive health, 40% of respondents knewvery little about puberty, menstruation and wet dream, 71% of respondents had little knowledge about the risk of pregnancy;49% of respondents had not enough knowledge about sexually transmited diseases. 88% respondents said that they hadfall in love, 76% of respondents had positive courtship behavior. Conclusion: The information about reproductive healthin islamic boarding school for adolescents is still in adequate and only refer to yellow book. Health worker did not provideadequqte information. We still found student who have sex while when they were engaged still datting. Suggestion: Theneed of additional and up to date reproductive health information and the risks of sexual intercourse marriage it maybedelivery on interesting media, such as one social networking. A health reproductive modules consist of scientic materialand some knowledge has to be developed and should be delivery health worker. Reproductive health syllabus and trainingfor trainers for teachers of boarding school is needed.Background: Islamic boarding school system has long story in indonesia, they covered as much 14.798 student whoare teenager between 9–15 year old. Problems encountered with adolescent sexuality and reproductive health. Methods:An explorative research implemented in 3 provinces ie East Java, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB), East Kalimantan and sixIslamic boarding schools. Data were collected through questionnaires about reproductive health. Results: It showed 48,5%of respondents didn’t have enough knowledge, attitudes and behavior about reproductive health, 40% of respondents knewvery little about puberty, menstruation and wet dream, 71% of respondents had little knowledge about the risk of pregnancy;49% of respondents had not enough knowledge about sexually transmited diseases. 88% respondents said that they hadfall in love, 76% of respondents had positive courtship behavior. Conclusion: The information about reproductive healthin islamic boarding school for adolescents is still in adequate and only refer to yellow book. Health worker did not provideadequqte information. We still found student who have sex while when they were engaged still datting. Suggestion: Theneed of additional and up to date reproductive health information and the risks of sexual intercourse marriage it maybedelivery on interesting media, such as one social networking. A health reproductive modules consist of scientic materialand some knowledge has to be developed and should be delivery health worker. Reproductive health syllabus and trainingfor trainers for teachers of boarding school is needed


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    Background: Efforts have been made tackling the HIV/AIDS in Indonesia but have not obtained satisfactory results, prevention efforts conducted through community education and counseling on risk population that was easily spread the disease. Transmission and spread of HIV/AIDS was associated with risk behavior, because of the need to consider the factors that affect behavior. Behavior is influenced by factors of knowledge and attitudes that influenced the obtaining and the characteristics and shelter. Methods: The data were cross sectional, with the amount, and the large sample according Riskesdas rule in 2007. Results of analysis were presented in the form of a cross-tabulation and analyzed using statistical techniques and descriptive kualiatif.  Results: Results show that respondents’ characteristics (gender, education, employment), the region has significant relationship to the level of knowledge about HIV/AIDS. Level of knowledge also have a meaningful relationship with the attitudes of respondents. Key words: knowledge, attitude, HIV/AID