26 research outputs found

    Identifikasi potensi bahaya, resiko dan pencegahan kecelakaan kerja pada pembibitan kambing Peranakan Ettawa di Taman Ternak Kaligesing

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    Manajemen kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja penting untuk mencegah terjadinya hal yang tidak diinginkan seperti kecelakaan besar yang diiringi dengan kenaikan produksi, penyimpanan dan penggunaan bahan berbahaya. Tujuan penelitian untuk memberikan arahan pengaturan administrasi, hukum dan sistem teknis dalam pengendalian instalasi beresiko tinggi yang dilakukan dengan memberikan perlindungan kepada pekerja, masyarakat dan lingkungan dengan mencegah terjadinya kecelakaan besar yang mungkin terjadi dan meminimalisir dampak dari kecelakaan tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam studi kasus ini adalah metode survei dengan melakukan observasi langsung di lapangan, mengikuti kegiatan pembibitan dan budidaya ternak kambing PE, melakukan wawancara dengan pegawai, mempelajari penerapan K3L di Taman Ternak Kaligesing dan mengumpulkan data primer dan data sekunder. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa penerapan kesehatan, keamanan, keselamatan kerja dan lingkungan belum sepenuhnya diterapkan di Taman Ternak Kaligesing. Keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja secara maksimal, terbukti masih ada pekerja yang tidak memakai APD dengan lengkap, instalasi listrik yang kurang tertata dengan baik, penggunaan chopper yang tidak ada pembatas keamanannya dan lain-lain. Selain itu potensi bahaya, resiko dan pencegahan dalam keselamatan kerja harus dipahami dengan baik oleh semua pekerja sehingga dapat melakukan pencegahan untuk meminimalisir kecelakaan kerja, bahaya kesehatan ataupun bahaya lainnya yang dapat merugikan banyak pihak khususnya di Taman Ternak Kaligesing.Kata kunci: Potensi bahaya, resiko, pencegahan, Taman Kaligesin

    Life cycle assessment of local and crossbred cattle production systems in Central Java, Indonesia

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    Indonesia is a prominent example where crossbreeding with European breeds has been promoted to intensify beef production. It is implemented throughout the country regardless of the different agro-ecological conditions, of which the available feed resources are the main element. Crossbreeding at farm level in Central Java showed that crossbreeding has not changed the farming systems or motivations for keeping cattle. These results lead to our hypothesis that we expect no differences in global warming potential (GWP) of local and crossbred cattle production systems in Central Java. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is acknowledged method to assess the contribution of livestock production to GWP. Expressed per kg live weight, GWP of local and crossbred cattle was 29.1 kg CO2 and 32.1 kg CO2. These results were higher compared to the GWP of beef cattle production systems in European countries. Future LCA’s of smallholder systems should pay more attention to the multi-functional aspects of a production system, because the GWP’s mitigation depending on the multi-functions included

    Goat-based aid programme in Central Java: An effective intervention for the poor and vulnerable?

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    This study evaluated a goat-based aid programme developed to facilitate the recovery of vulnerable people in an earthquake affected area in Central Java, Indonesia. Farmers, organised in farmers’ groups, received a package of one male and four female goats. In total, 72 farmers from 6 farmers’ groups participated in this study. Farmers’ groups could be categorised as ‘successful’ or ‘failed’, based on the ability of members of farmers’ groups to repay their credit and to continue their goat keeping, and the continuation of the farmers’ group. Individual interviews and focus group discussions were used to explore factors affecting success and failure of the programme. Goat performances were determined by monitoring (re) production of 246 does over a period of 1.5 years. All farmers agreed that the goat-based aid programme was useful and, for the majority, it improved their economic situation. Being well prepared, experience in keeping animals, and the management practised were main internal factors for success of the programme. External factors were government support, land availability, and management of the farmers group. Animal factors were adaptability of the goats, low mortality rates and numbers of animals distributed to one farmer. All doe production performances parameters were significantly different between does kept by successful farmers group members and does kept by members of failed farmers groups. Successful farmers group members had 2.5 times higher value added from goats in the period that the credit was not yet settled and 1.4 times higher value added when the credit was settled than failed farmers group members. The goats based aid programme made a valuable contribution to the livelihoods of the majority of farmers in the disaster attacked area, in terms of economic results and social status. The initial assessment of the beneficiaries by the local government should have considered prior experience with livestock. The goats distributed were thoroughly screened by the donor. Nevertheless, the local government could have increased the commitment of the beneficiaries by giving them the opportunity to select the goats themselves, and by sanctioning farmers who failed to repay their goat credit

    Livestock and sustainable development: From Research to Innovation

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    The Effect of Ruminally Undegradable Protein Using Formaldehyde on the Nitrogen Balance and Productivity of Kacang Goat

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    Kacang goat is one of indigenous breed in Indonesia that has low in productivity. Many researchs have been tried to increase the productivity. Soybean Meal (SBM) was palatable for Kacang goat; however the protein of SBM was highly degraded in the rume. Formaldehydehas been used to increase rumen undegradable protein in ruminant to increase the productivity. The purpose of this study was to increase the productivity of Kacang goat using SBM protected with 1% of formaldehyde. Fifteen heads of yearling Kacang buck, 17.53+/1.19 kg were arranged with a completely randomized design in 3 different treatments; SBM:untreated SBM (control); SBM50 : 50% untreated SBM + 50% formaldehyde - protected SBM; SBM100: 100% formaldehyde-protected SBM. The rations consisted of 30% Pennisetum purpureum, 30% gliricidia leaves, 19.2% cassava waste product, 13.8% wheat bran, 7% SBM, 1% mineral mix and were formulated containing 14-15% of crude protein (CP). The average daily gain (ADG) was calculated using linear regression of 10 weekly ody weights. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance using the SPSS statistics software version 19. The ADG of SBM control group (90.54 +/ 16.22 g) was similar to those of SBM100 (63.71+/12.92 g), but it was higher (P<0.01) than those of SBM50 (36.22+/24.79 g). However, the ADG of SBM50 was the same as those of SBM100. These trends was similar to the DMI, N intake, digestible N, and retention N. The N intake of untreated SBM was higher (18.47+/3.30 g) compared to those of SBM50 (12.65+/1.60 g), but the N intake of SBM50 was similar to those of SBM100. It can be concluded that the N retention and production of Kacang goats fed untreated SBM was better than those of goat fed treated SBM. These conditions were mainly reflected by the differences in DMI. Keywords: ADG, Digested N, Kacang goat, Retained N

    Dynamics of small ruminant production. A case study of Central Java, Indonesia

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    Indonesia is a country where small ruminants play an important role in the livelihoods of rural people and in the population's religious festivities. This paper presents driving forces for small ruminant development in Central Java, from both historical and current perspectives. Agro-ecological conditions and the intensification of land use have had a major impact on the type of small ruminants kept and on the management of animals. Conditions in the household, household members and time available are major factors determining whether or not farmers keep small ruminants. The prospects for small ruminants, in particular goats, are most promising in the uplands

    Opportunities for change in small ruminant systems in Central Java-Indonesia

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    This study evaluated sheep fattening and goat breeding innovation scenarios for small ruminant systems in Central Java. In sheep fattening scenario 1, farmers were proposed to fatten 5 male sheep two times a year, in sheep fattening scenario 2, farmers were proposed to fatten sheep in one round of 9 months up to the age of one year. In sheep fattening scenario 3, farmers were proposed to fatten male sheep in two periods, one round with 5 animals as in scenario 1, and another round with 5 animals sold at one year of age for Idul Adha. Goat breeding scenarios were based on a breeding unit with 3 does and involved reductions of kidding intervals from 278 (middle zone) and 273 (uplands) days to 240 and 220 days. The sheep fattening scenarios indicated that if farmers could start specialising in sheep fattening, the technical and economic results could be improved compared to the present sheep production system. Sheep fattening scenario 3 showed the highest net live-weight production in kg and the highest value added. When the opportunity labour costs were included in the calculations, fattening of sheep still produced a positive net return to the farmers. A goat breeding unit with 3 does produced 2.2 and 1.7 times more kids than in the real situation in the middle zone and uplands, respectively. Reducing kidding intervals resulted in an increase of kids sold by 1.2 and 1.3 respectively for kidding intervals 240 and 220 days in the middle zone; while in the uplands this was 1.1 and 1.3 times respectively. The breeding scenario calculations indicated that goat breeding could make a positive contribution to the livelihood of goat farmers, if the management of goats was improved