23 research outputs found

    Productivity Comparison Between Boer and Kacang Goat Dam

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    A study to evaluate the productivity of Boer and Kacang goats dam was carried out for 2 years atResearch Institute for Goat Production, Sungei Putih-North Sumatera. The materials used were goatsowned by the institute. The parameters observed were total birth and weaning weights of kid, litter size,parity of dam, pre-weaning mortality and kidding interval. The rate of reproduction and productivity ofthe dam were estimated using Amir and Knipscheer methods and were statistically analyzed usingGeneral Linear Model. The results showed that the total birth and weaning weight of Boer goats werehigher (P<0.05) than that of Kacang goats, while litter size of Boer goats were higher (P<0.05) than thatof Kacang goats. The pre-weaning mortality of Boer goat 15.1 ± 6.02% was lower than that ofKacang. The kidding interval of Boer goats was higher (P<0.05) than that of Kacang. Parity of dam hadsignificant effect on all production traits (P<0.05) except for pre-weaning mortality. Dam reproductionrate of Boer (1.81) was higher than that of Kacang (1.78), while productivity of Boer goat (37.12kg/head/year) was higher than that of Kacang (18.12). It can be concluded that the reproductivity ofBoer and Kacang goats were similar, however the productivity of Boer goat had better than Kacang

    Growth Performance on Sapudi Ewe’s Birth Typein Sapudi Island, Madura, East Java, Indonesia

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    This study aimed to compare the growth performance of Sapudi ewe based on birth type. A total of 60 ewes consisting of 35 single-birth type ewes and 25 prolific-birth type ewes were observed for data collection. The data for growth performance comprised of body length (BL), chest circumference (CC), wither height (WH) and udder circumference (UC). The results indicated that birth type significantly affected BL, CC, and WH (P &lt; 0.05). The single-birth type showed greater BL, CC and WH values compared to prolific-birth type. However, no evidence suggested that UC (P = 0.262) are affected by birth type. The results can be useful for selecting Sapudi ewe based on the birth type and growth traits to improve the genetic performance in Sapudi Island, Indonesia. Keywords: birth type, BL, CC, growth performance, sapudi ewe, UC, W

    Qualitative Assessment of Batur Sheeps Kept by Smallholder Farmers in Banjarnegara, Indonesia

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    Batur sheep is one of Indonesian’s local sheep species with the original geographical distribution in the Batur District and surrounding areas. This study was conducted to determine the suitability of the Batur sheep that were kept by smallholder farmers. The study was conducted in Batur Village, Banjarnegara Regency, Indonesia in February 2020 by identifying the qualitative traits of Batur sheeps (64 males and 129 females) compared to other sheep breeds. Qualitative data were then transformed into dummy data and given scores in each category. Data were analyzed descriptively using Chi-square analysis and Independent Sample T-Test. The Chi-square analysis findings determined (P&lt;0.05) the qualitative characteristics, which included the face profile, the face wool coat density, and the suitability score of the male and female of the Batur sheep breed. The total of 98.6% male and 74.4% female sheep had suitable qualitative characteristics to the Batur sheep breed with suitability scores of 91.72 and 81.90, respectively. In conclusion, the male and female Batur sheep on Batur Village, Banjarnegara Regency, Indonesia, was still suitable to Batur sheep breed based on the assessment of the body’s phenotypic assessment. Keywords: Body characteristics, Exterior traits, Local sheep, Phenotypic assessment, Suitability valu

    Kinerja Induk Kambing Peranakan Etawah dan Bligon Masa Laktasi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja induk kambing Peranakan Etawah dan Bligon masa laktasi. Penelitian menggunakan 14 ekor induk kambing yang terdiri dari tujuh ekor kambing Peranakan Etawah dan tujuh ekor kambing Bligon. Parameter yang diamati adalah litter size, bobot lahir, mortalitas prasapih, konsumsi susu, perubahan bobot badan harian induk, body condition score (BCS), bobot sapih, post partum estrus (PPE), post partum mating (PPM), dan konsumsi pakan. Data dianalisis menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap pola searah ANOVA. Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa PPE dan PPM induk kambing Bligon berbeda nyata (P<0,05) berturut-turut yaitu (83,28±9,65 vs 93,71±7,69 ; 101,57±9,55 vs 112,42±7,32) hari, sedangkan litter size, bobot lahir, mortalitas prasapih, konsumsi susu, perubahan bobot badan harian, BCS, konsumsi pakan induk kambing PE dan Bligon tidak berbeda nyata. Disimpulkan bahwa PPE dan PPM kambing Bligon lebih baik daripada kambing PE, tetapi kedua bangsa kambing tersebut memiliki kinerja induk yang relatif sama

    Artificial Insemination on the Etawah Grade Goats Using Frozen Semen of Gembrong Goat

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    One of the efforts to conserve Gembrong Goats is through a crossbreeding with Etawah Grade Goats uses the artificial insemination (AI). This aim of the study was to find the result of AI using the frozen semen of Gembrong Goat on the Etawa Grade does. Eight heads selected Etawah Grade does age above 4 yr, weighted 32 kg to 57 kg and BCS 3–4 were estrous synchronized using 0.5 mL pgf2α hormone (lutelyze®) injected in intramuscular. The estrous observation was done during 60 h after synchronized by the histology epithelial cells of the vagina and the visual sign of estrous. AI was conducted after the onset of estrous through intravaginal. Gestation determined by transrectal ultrasonography (USG) on 50 d after AI. Descriptive analysis was applied inthe study. Sperm quality of the frozen semen shows that a good condition with motility and viability is 80 % and 85 %. All Etawah Grade does show the onset of estrous based visual signs, such as agitated, flicked the tail, the vulva was swelling, reddish and slimy. The observations of epithelial cells of the vagina to the characterized phase of estrous cycles. The result of the AI was not showed gestation after USG test, maybe caused byinseminator skills. Keywords: Artificial insemination, Estrous synchronization, Etawah grade goat, Frozen semen, Gembrong goat


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    The objectives of this research were to determine efect of material and fermentation time on qualityand digestibility of fermented complete feed, average daily gain (ADG) of Bligon goats and farmer’sincome. The research was conducted during twelve weeks in the housing of goat farmers atPurwomanunggal farmers’ group, Panggang, Gunung Kidul district. Fifteen Bligon male goats, 8 monthsof age and 12 to 15 kg of body weight, were randomly divided into three treatments, each groupsconsisted of five goats. The treatments were: control feed (R0 ), one week fermented complete feed (R1),and two weeks fermented complete feed (R2). Data were analyzed with ANOVA based on one waycompletely randomized design and continued with Duncan's multiple range tests for significantdifferences. Result showed that complete feed fermented for two weeks had darker color and strongerodors compared with one week fermentation. Both fermented complete feed (one and two weeks) hadsoft textures, no fungi with pH ranged from 4.5 to 5.0. Total digestible nutrient (TDN) intake wassignificantly affected by the treatment. The treatment had no significant effect on acid detergent fiber(ADF) and neutral detergent fiber(NDF) digestibility, average daily gain, and farmer’s income