24 research outputs found

    On conformal reflections in compactified phase space

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    Some results from arguments of research dealt with R. Raczka are exposed and extended. In particular new arguments are brought in favor of the conjecture, formulated with him, that both space-time and momentum may be conformally compactified, building up a compact phase space of automorphism for the conformal group, where conformal reflections determine a convolution between space-time and momentum space which may have consequences of interest for both classical and quantum physics.Comment: 13 pages, no figures, requires JHEP.cl

    A Spinorial Formulation of the Maximum Clique Problem of a Graph

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    We present a new formulation of the maximum clique problem of a graph in complex space. We start observing that the adjacency matrix A of a graph can always be written in the form A = B B where B is a complex, symmetric matrix formed by vectors of zero length (null vectors) and the maximum clique problem can be transformed in a geometrical problem for these vectors. This problem, in turn, is translated in spinorial language and we show that each graph uniquely identifies a set of pure spinors, that is vectors of the endomorphism space of Clifford algebras, and the maximum clique problem is formalized in this setting so that, this much studied problem, may take advantage from recent progresses of pure spinor geometry

    From the Geometry of Pure Spinors with their Division Algebras to Fermion's Physics

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    The Cartan's equations definig simple spinors (renamed pure by C. Chevalley) are interpreted as equations of motion in momentum spaces, in a constructive approach in which at each step the dimesions of spinor space are doubled while those momentum space increased by two. The construction is possible only in the frame of geometry of simple or pure spinors, which imposes contraint equations on spinors with more than four components, and the momentum spaces result compact, isomorphic toinvariant-mass-spheres imbedded in each other, since the signatures appear to be unambiguously defined and result steadily lorentzian; up to dimension ten with Clifford algebra Cl(1,9), where the construction naturally ends. The equations of motion met in the construction are most of those traditionally postulated ad hoc for multicomponent fermions. The 3 division algebras: complex numbers, quaternions and octonions appear to be strictly correlated with this spinor geometry, from which they appear to gradually emerge in the construction, where they play a basic role for the physical interpretation. In fact they seem then to be at the origin of electroweak and strong charges, of the 3 families and of the groups of the standard model. In this approach there seems to be no need of higher dimensional (>4) space-time, here generated merely by Poincare translations, and dimensional reduction from Cl(1,9) to Cl(1,3) is equivalent to decoupling of the equations of motion.Comment: 42 pages Late

    The role of prejudice in science

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    On Fermions in Compact momentum Spaces Bilinearly Constructed with Pure Spinors

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    It is shown how the old Cartan's conjecture on the fundamental role of the geometry of simple (or pure) spinors, as bilinearly underlying euclidean geometry, may be extended also to quantum mechanics of fermions (in first quantization), however in compact momentum spaces, bilinearly constructed with spinors, with signatures unambiguously resulting from the construction, up to sixteen component Majorana-Weyl spinors associated with the real Clifford algebra \Cl(1,9), where, because of the known periodicity theorem, the construction naturally ends. \Cl(1,9) may be formulated in terms of the octonion division algebra, at the origin of SU(3) internal symmetry. In this approach the extra dimensions beyond 4 appear as interaction terms in the equations of motion of the fermion multiplet; more precisely the directions from 5th^{th} to 8th^{th} correspond to electric, weak and isospin interactions (SU(2)⊗U(1))(SU(2) \otimes U(1)), while those from 8th^{th} to 10th^{th} to strong ones SU(3). There seems to be no need of extra dimension in configuration-space. Only four dimensional space-time is needed - for the equations of motion and for the local fields - and also naturally generated by four-momenta as Poincar\'e translations. This spinor approach could be compatible with string theories and even explain their origin, since also strings may be bilinearly obtained from simple (or pure) spinors through sums; that is integrals of null vectors.Comment: 55 pages Late

    From Pure Spinors to Quantum Physics and to Some Classical Field Equations Like Maxwell's and Gravitational

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    In a previous paper [1] we proposed a purely mathematical way to quantum mechanics based on Cartan's simple spinors in their most elementary form of 2 component spinors. Here we proceed along that path proposing, this time, a symmetric tensor, quadrilinear in simple spinors, as a candidate for the symmetric tensor of general relativity. This is allowed now, after the discovery of the electro-weak model and its introduction in the Standard Model with SU(2)_L. The procedure resembles closely that in which one builds bilinearly from simple spinors an antisymmetric "electromagnetic tensor", from which easily descend Maxwell's equations and the photon can be seen as a bilinear combination of neutrinos. Here Lorentzian spaces result compact, building up spheres, where hopefully some of the problems of the Standard Model could be solved as pointed out in the conclusions.Comment: Slight changes mainly in abstract and conclusions; 11 pages, 10 reference

    The role of mathematics in physical sciences: interdisciplinary and philosophical aspects

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    Even though mathematics and physics have been related for centuries and this relation appears to be unproblematic, there are many questions still open: Is mathematics really necessary for physics, or could physics exist without mathematics? Should we think physically and then add the mathematics apt to formalise our physical intuition, or should we think mathematically and then interpret physically the obtained results? Do we get mathematical objects by abstraction from real objects, or vice versa? Why is mathematics effective into physics? These are all relevant questions, whose answers are necessary to fully understand the status of physics, particularly of contemporary physics. The aim of this book is to offer plausible answers to such questions through both historical analyses of relevant cases, and philosophical analyses of the relations between mathematics and physics