25 research outputs found

    Application of PV modules on noise barriers

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    The aim of this research is to consider possibilities for improving the street lighting on the E75 highway, which passes through Serbia, using renewable sources of energy. In this paper, we analyzed the possibilities for installing sound barriers along the highway and integrating photovoltaic (PV) modules, which would generate electrical energy to power the lighting on the section of the highway running through Belgrade. Sound barriers are necessary along the highway running through populated areas, and they are identified as elements on which PV modules for power generation can be installed. The illumination of the highway powered by conventional sources of electricity is very expensive and has negative environmental impact, which is the reason why this paper investigates the connection between sound barriers and electricity generation from renewable energy sources.The paper seeks to show the hybridity of using sustainable technologies in solving environmental issues. This structure solves the problem of noise in populated areas and provides the electricity from renewable source

    Evaluation of wall thermal performance for vegetation wall

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    Application of vegetation walls is not a new concept in the realization of facade layer. The integration of vegetation in architectural objects can be a viable approach for the implementation of the facade of new and existing facilities. The vegetation walls are one of the more innovative and developed concepts of green building technology. This fact is based on the original scale buildings with vegetation walls that contribute in improving the overall design performance of buildings and become a significant factor in the process of improving the thermal characteristics of the buildings. This paper explored the potential of new technologies in the realization of vegetation walls in architectural buildings, their thermal characteristics and design potential of the building envelope in the climatic conditions of Belgrade. Research has shown that the application of the proposed design principles vegetation walls may be successful project solutions applied to the building envelope in the climatic conditions of Belgrade. The thesis provides an overview of technical innovations that can be applied in the design process to minimize thermal effects on objects. The study confirmed the possibility of improving the thermal facility by using vegetation wall as the building envelope

    The Application of Photovoltaic Systems in Sacred Buildings for the Purpose of Electric Power Production: The Case Study of the Cathedral of St. Michael the Archangel in Belgrade

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    In light of climate changes, technological development and the use of renewable energy sources are considered very important nowadays, both in newly designed structures and reconstructed historic buildings, resulting in the reduction in the commercial energy consumption and CO2 environmental emissions. This paper explores the possibilities of improving the energy efficiency of sacred heritage buildings by utilizing photovoltaic systems. As an exceptionally significant cultural good, the Cathedral of St. Michael the Archangel in Belgrade shall serve as a case study, with the aim of examining the methods of mounting photovoltaic (PV) panels, taking into account the fact that the authenticity and the aesthetic value of this cultural monument must remain intact. A comparative analysis of the two options for installing PV panels on the southwestern roof of the church was performed using simulations in PVgis and PVsist V6.84 software, with the aim of establishing the most efficient option in terms of power generation. The simulation results show that photovoltaic panels can produce 151,650 kWh (Option 1) and 150,894 kWh (Option 2) per year, while the required amount of energy is 42,726 kWh. The electricity produced exceeds the electricity requirements for the decorative lighting of the Cathedral Church, so it can be used for other purposes in the sacred complex.This article belongs to the Special Issue Preventive Conservation and Energy Efficiency of Heritage Building

    Experimental study on reducing temperature using modular system for vegetation walls made of perlite concrete

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    The aim of this research is to examine and analyse the thermal characteristics of the facade modular element. The possibility of optimization of the facade coating with vegetation is examined experimentally in this research, with the aim of improving the thermal characteristics of the facade wall. This element is made of perlite concrete in which the greenery is implanted. The scope of the research is experimental and theoretical testing the possibility for optimizing the facade coating with vegetation. The energy specificities of modular vegetation elements and their contribution to the improvement of the thermal properties of the facade wall are analysed in the experimental part of the research, the elements of vegetation are treated as the elements which influence the decrease in surface temperature of the facade coating. The modular elements in this research are placed on a reference wall surface facing the South. The methodology presented in this paper is based on the study of climate characteristics in city of Belgrade, experimental measurements of test models, and comparative analysis with the reference wall. During the experiment, the data on the external climate parameters and the coefficient of heat transfer through the wall were continuously measured. Conducted measurements and analyses show the vegetation influence on the reduction in surface temperature of the outer wall and the heat passage through the facade coating. The experiment used a modular model and several plant species. It is noticeable that vegetative walls with green areas covered by plant shells play an important role in the harmonization of the parameters of the microclimate in relation to the local environment

    Potentials for improving energy performance of multifamily housing blocks connected to the district heating system

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    Developments conceived following the principles of Athens Charter were typical form of urban answer to the post-war housing shortage and during the decades of intense construction activity that followed. In city of Belgrade, multifamily housing in open city blocks built between 1961 and 1990 account for about 40% of current housing stock. The current ownership and operation of these housing blocks derive from their socialist legacy: home-owners rights relate only to the buildings, excluding any open spaces, even the ones immediately along the building's perimeter. On the other hand, heating is supplied by district heating system. Management of open spaces as well as provision of district heating are subordinates to local municipality (the city of Belgrade). Energy efficiency related refurbishment options for these developments that would engage both the home-owners and the public companies may be the key for bringing ever-needed modernization, prolonged lifespan and a sustainable way of using this portion of housing stock. By applying simple architectural measures, energy demand for heating of these buildings can be reduced by 30-78%, which opens a pathway for effective use of renewable energy sources. Unlike solar energy, which can be managed at building level, geothermal energy can be exploited only at the district level due to the ownership rights. The presented research explores the effectiveness of using geothermal energy at a district level coupled with systematic approach to building refurbishment, taking the advantage of the repetitive use of the same building design and the formal and practical relations with local authorities

    The use of renewable energy sources in urban protected cultural–historical ambiences

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    The aim of this study is a consideration of the possibilities for improving of energy efficiency in protected cultural and historical environments of Belgrade, by using renewable energy sources. The study analyzes the possibilities of integration of photovoltaic (PV) modules within the protected area of the Belgrade Fortress, which is a protected historical whole and cultural good of great importance. The work shows the possibilities of application of PV models, in order to provide the necessary electricity for the needs of the public lighting of Belgrade Fortress and the reduction of consumption of conventional energy sources. This paper aims to show the possibilities of the use of sustainable technologies in solving the problems of public lighting and environmental protection in the protected cultural-historical entities. The application of PV structures solves the problem of lighting in protected areas and provides energy from renewable sources. Systems for the use of renewable energy sources are becoming important architectural elements which have specific designed influences on the layout and form of the facility within which are implemented. The study included the specifics of the design and programmatic interventions in protected urban ambiences, through an analysis of shaped influences of photovoltaic panels to the protected objects and their contribution in the use of renewable energy sources

    Thermal extras of vegetation walls in Belgrade climatic conditions

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    The goal of this research is to analyse the possibility of using vegetation walls in order to improve the thermal characteristics of office buildings in Belgrade's climatic conditions. The study analyses the possibility of integrating vegetation modules into the fa ades of office buildings. The paper shows the potential of vegetation technologies in the realisation offacade coverings of architectural buildings with a goal to reduce heat gained during summer time. The use of vegetation walls in architecture has opened up new planning possibilities and created planning conditions for reducing the energy necessary for cooling office buildings. Considering that interaction between the outer environment and inner solving the dependency between comfort, outer look and building's energy balance. This paper is presenting the possibility of using sustainable technologies for solving the problem of overheating in Belgrade's climatic conditions. The research considers the possibilities of using vertically greening systems in planning facade coverings, with an analysis of their thermal characteristics for climatic conditions in Belgrade

    Утицај вегетационих модуларних елемената за зидове омотача на енергетски биланс зграде

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja je optimizacija fasadnog omotača, arhitektonskog objekta, integracijom vegetacionih modularnih elemenata. U radu se istražuju potencijali vegetacionih zidova u smanjenja utroška energije potrebne za hlađenje objekta u letnjem periodu. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo analizu energetskih specifičnosti vegetacionih zidova i njihovu programsku integrakciju u urbanim gradskim ambijentima. Korišćenje elemenata vegetacionih zidova u arhitekturi otvorilo je nove projektantske mogućnosti i stvorilo izazove za projektante sa ciljem povećanja energetske efikasnosti objekata. U radu se vegetacioni zidovi tretiraju kao elementi zaštite arhitektonskih objekata od toplotnog pregrevanja. Analize su pokazale da vegetacija smanjuje kontaktnu temperaturu površina strukturalnih zidova objekta, dok isparavanje obezbeđuje pasivno hlađenje. Cilj istraživanja je da se ispitaju metode i tehnike, kojima se obezbeđuje široka primena vegetacionih zidova u arhitekturi postojećih i novih objekata kroz ispitivanja i pronalaženja preporuka za unapređenjem termičkih karakteristika fasadnih omotača objekta

    Using straw-bales for energy saving

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    Savremeno društvo se suočava sa novim i drugačijim izazovima. Obnovljivih resursa je sve manje. Životna sredina je zagađena. Potrebe savremenog čoveka su sve veće i njihovo zadovoljenje zahteva sve više energije i materijalnih resursa. Proizvodnja materijala koji se koriste za izgradnju objekata zahteva prirodne resurse i veliku količinu energije. U eksploataciji objekata postoji potreba za grejanjem i hlađenjem, za šta je takođe neophodna energija. Moguće rešenje je upotreba prirodnih materijala koji su tradicionalno bili primenjivani vekovima, a koji su potisnuti razvojem industrije i širokom primenom betona i čelika. Slama, kao materijal, postoji više od 2000 godina i predstavlja nusproizvod pri uzgajanju pšenice, raži, pirinča. Proizvodnja slame ne zahteva primarnu energiju. Karakteristike balirane slame su takve da nije potrebna dodatna termička i zvučna izolacija. Primenom balirane slame moguće je materijalom, koji je gotovo besplatan, postići značajne uštede energije i pomoći u očuvanju životne sredine.Modern society is faced with new challenges. Renewable resources are disappearing. The environment is polluted. The production of materials for construction requires natural resources and a great amount of energy. In the exploitation of buildings a lot of energy is used for heating and cooling. Possible solution lies in the application of natural materials that were traditionally used for centuries and were suppressed by the industry’s development and the extended use of concrete and steel. Straw, as a material, exists for more than 2000 years. It is a by-product in the growing of wheat, rye, and rice. The production of straw doesn’t need primary energy. The characteristics of straw-bales are such that no additional thermal and sound insulation is needed. With the application of straw-bales, a material that is almost free, it is possible to achieve significant savings in energy and to help preserve the environment

    Microclimatic Effects on the Preservation of Finds in the Visitor Centre of the Archaeological Site 1a Imperial Palace Sirmium

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    When an archaeological site is roofed over for the better display of the finds and more comfortable experience of the audience, the intervention undoubtedly changes the microclimatic conditions in the site. Although sudden changes in microclimatic factors are known to damage and/or destroy archaeological finds, their impact and its analysis are neglected in Serbia. There is no continuous monitoring and control of microclimatic conditions or their impact on architectural remains in archaeological sites. Accordingly, the values of microclimatic parameters of temperature and relative humidity and their daily oscillations are examined in this paper through microclimatic monitoring in the Visitor Center of the Archaeological Site 1a Imperial Palace Sirmium, which is a cultural asset of exceptional importance. Moreover, microbiological analyses determine the degree of contamination of architectural findings. The aim of this paper is to determine whether the microclimatic regime in the Visitor Center of the Archaeological Site 1a Imperial Palace Sirmium is in accordance with European standards and recommendations on optimal micro-climatic conditions for the presentation and preservation of cultural heritage collections. The findings showed that during the phase of microclimatic monitoring (February–April 2021), air humidity was almost constantly above the levels set by standards and recommendations for mu-seum collections (>60%). The highest levels of air humidity, amounting to 93%, were recorded in February, with daily oscillations of up to 30%; the lowest recorded temperature was 0.3 °C, with the maximum daily oscillations of 6 °C. Microbiological analysis revealed great diversity in the deterioration level of the finds, which can be attributed to the time lapse between the last conservation and the present. The comparative analysis of the results of microclimatic monitoring and microbiological analysis identified high levels of relative air humidity as the dominant factor in the increased microbiological contamination of the finds. It is also concluded that the continuous monitoring of the microclimatic parameters of temperature and relative humidity during the usage of the facility is necessary so as to enable sustainable presentation and preservation of findings