832 research outputs found

    Hubungan Koordinasi Mata Tangan, Kekuatan Lengan dan Motivasi Berprestasi dengan Ketepatan Forehand dalam Tenis Meja

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    [Title: Relationship of Hand Eye Coordination, Arm Strength and Achievement Motivation with Forehand Accuracy in Table Tennis] This study aims to determine the relationship between: 1) hand eye coordination with precision forehand; 2) arm strength with forehand precision; 3) achievement motivation with precision forehand; 4) hand eye coordination, arm strength, and achievement motivation together with forehand precision. This research uses quantitative approach, survey method and correlation technique. Research subjects are athletes at pandusiwi club in dompu district as many as 30 athletes. Data analysis using correlation and regression with SPSS 20. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between: 1) hand eye coordination with precision forehand; 2) arm strength with forehand precision; 3) achievement motivation with precision forehand; 4) hand eye coordination, arm strength, and achievement motivation together with forehand precision

    Analisis Yuridis terhadap Kawin Batambuah yang Dilakukan oleh Masyarakat Adat Minangkabau di Kabupaten Agam Sumatera Barat

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    Adat (customary) law in Indonesia generally recognizes polygamy system among the adat sovereignties and peers in several regions. In Minangkabau, this system is known as ‘kawin batambuah'(making more wives) since adat and religion permit a man to get married with 4 women so that some people consider it as a token of pride and fame. The research was conducted in Agam District, West Sumatera, where ‘kawin batambuah' still exists. The samples consisted of 3 subdistricts: Ampek Angkek Subdistrict, Kamang Magek Subdistrict, and Canduang Subdistrict in Agam District, taken by using random sampling technique. The result of the research shows that the implementation of ‘kawin batabuah' is only performed in religious manner which has the impact on the children, the wives, and the joint property. The impact on the children is that they are only the children of their mother without the responsibility of the father. The impact on the wives is that they do not get any fairness since the husbands tend to love their younger wives than the old ones. The impact on the joint property is that it will belong to the wives since their husbands are only ‘sumando'/visitors to their ‘rumah gadang' so that it is difficult to contribute the property since the marriage is based on religion. In Islam, polygamy is permitted on condition that the wives are not more than 4 although in Agam District some men have more than 4 wives

    Pengembangan Tata Kelola TI Untuk Menunjang Kegiatan Bisnis Pada Universitas (Studi Kasus Universitas Merdeka Madiun)

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    . Development of IT Governance to Support Business Activities on University (Case Study: Merdeka Madiun University). Currently, the use of information technology (it) has become one of the supporting organization\u27s success, but if your organization does not have good control of it, it will only burden or new problems in the organization. Therefore, we need good governance to overcome the gap between the description of the recommended system with the necessary description for the actual system implementation. And to measure the extent to which IT alignment with business activities and measure the extent to which maturity level an organization can be done by using the COBIT framework. Therefore we need a IT unit for Merdeka Madiun University, and always to check the degree of IT alignment with business activities to add value for more competitive organization. Â

    Implementasi Pendekatan Ctl (Contextual Teaching and Learning) Dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar

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    Hasil belajar merupakan tujuan utama dari setiap penyelenggara pendidikan, dengan demikian untuk mendapatkan hasil belajar yang lebih baik, maka setiap guru harus dapat menguasai berbagai konsep dan metode dalam pembelajaran di sekolah. Salah satu metode yang paling popular pada saat ini adalah dengan adanya implementasi pendekatan metode contextual teaching and learning, yang mana di dalam pendekatan ini guru harus dapat mengkolaborasikan berbagai keterampilannya untuk dapat memotivasi dan memberikan inovasi belajar sehingga pembelajaran yang dilakukan dapat berjalan secara aktif, kreatif, epektif, dan menyenangkan, konsep contextual teaching and learning dalam belajar belajar dapat membantu guru dalam mengkaitkan antara materi yang dipelajarinya dengan situasi dunia nyata siswa dan mendorong siswa membuat hubungan antara pengetahuan yang dimilikinya dengan penerapannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, sehingga hasil belajar dapat ditingkatkan sesuai dengan harapan bersama

    Manajemen Bandwidth Simple Queue dan Queue Tree pada PT. Endorsindo Makmur Selaras

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      The purpose of this study is to analyze and optimize the bandwidth management at PT. Endorsindo Makmur Selaras, with the expectation that the distribution of bandwidth can be evenly distributed to each employee so that the employee can improve performance and quality of the company. Research methods used include analysis methods (survey and interview system that runs directly on the user) and to optimize bandwidth management method to configure the proxy using the Queue Tree. The result of the research is the optimal management of available bandwidth so that the distribution of bandwidth can fit the needs of each employee. The conclusion of this study is the bandwidth comparisons using simple queue with queue tree, then the distribution of bandwidth to each user according to his needs so that access to the internet is not hampered.   Keyword :bandwidth management, mikrotik, simple queue, queue tree.   &nbsp

    Pelaksanaan Perlindungan Satwa Langka Berdasarkan Undang-undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1990 Tentang Konservasi Sumberdaya Alam Hayati Dan Ekosistemnya (Studi Di Seksi Konservasi Wilayah I Surakarta Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam Jawa Tengah)

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    Illegal wildlife trade is a serious threat to the conservation of wildlife in Indonesia. Wildlife illegally traded based on the facts found in the field are mostly caught from the wild, instead of breeding. Natural Resources Conservation Center as an institution that has an important role in rescue efforts are strategic and Endangered species protection of law number 5 of 1990 on Conservation of Biological Resources and Ecosystems This study to determine how the efforts of the Conservation Section of Region I Surakarta Agency conservation of natural resources in Central Java in the protection of endangered species in the region and the challenges faced every obstacle In overall role of the Natural Resources Conservation Center has been running well but there is still a shortage of human resources and lack of infrastructure to support the performance. Key words: The implementation, Conservation, endangered species protection, Perdagangan satwa liar secara ilegal menjadi ancaman serius bagi kelestarian satwa liar di Indonesia. Satwa liar yang diperdagangkan secara ilegal berdasarkan berbagai fakta yang ditemukan dilapangan kebanyakan adalah hasil tangkapan dari alam, bukan dari penangkaran. Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam sebagai lembaga yang mempunyai peranan penting yang strategis dalam upaya penyelamatan dan perlindungan Satwa langka berdasarkan Undang-Undang No.5 Tahun 1990 Tentang Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam Hayati Dan Ekosistemnya. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana upaya-upaya yang dilakukan oleh Seksi Konservasi Wilayah I Surakarta Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam Jawa Tengah dalam melindungi satwa langka di kawasannya serta kendala kendala apa saja yang dihadapi. Secara Keseluruhan peran Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam sudah berjalan dengan baik namun masih ada kekurangan berupa terbatasnya Sumber Daya Manusia dan infrastruktur untuk menunjang kinerja
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