6 research outputs found

    Implementasi Liniear Congruential Generator Pada Pembangkitan Inizialization Vector Pada Kriptografi CBC Sederhana

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    In this era of increasingly advanced technology, data security is very important in maintaining the confidentiality of information, especially those containing sensitive information whose contents should only be known by the entitled party, especially if the delivery is made through a public network, if the data is not secured first. , will be very easy to be tapped and the contents of the information known by parties who do not have the authority. One way that is used for data security is to use a cryptographic system, namely by encoding or keying the information content using a data locking algorithm method. Here this author will discuss about generating IV using the LCG algorithm are combined by XORing everyption method in simple CBC cryptography where these two algorithm are combined by XORing every bit that exists with the key or block provided. Aims to produce plaintext that has been convertd into ciphertext or secret data. Keywords : data security, cryptographic algorithm lcg, xor cipher, simple cbc method

    Pengaruh recruitment sources dan job seeker’s perception terhadap job seeker’s intention to pursue the job di kompas gramedia group

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    Job seeker’s intention to pursue the job merupakan hal yang perlu diperhatikan oleh sebuah perusahaan dalam rangka menarik minat seorang pelamar kerja. Adanya keinginan seorang karyawan untuk mengejar suatu pekerjaan (job seeker’s intention to pursue the job) diduga dipengaruhi oleh mudahnya seorang pelamar kerja mendapatkan informasi lapangan pekerjaan dari berbagai media yang ada (recruitment sources). Selain itu, persepsi seorang pelamar kerja (job seeker’s perception) terhadap sebuah perusahaan juga diduga turut mempengaruhi keputusan dalam mengejar pekerjaan tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh recruitment sources dan job seeker’s perception terhadap job seeker’s intention to pursue the job di Kompas Gramedia Group. Pada penelitian ini, penyebaran kuesioner dilakukan dengan teknik non probability sampling terhadap 100 orang responden yang merupakan seorang pelamar kerja yang pernah atau sedang melamar pekerjaan di salah satu anak perusahaan Kompas Gramedia Group, serta berdomisili di daerah Tangerang. Data penelitian ini diolah menggunakan SPSS versi 20. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan melakukan penyebaran kuesioner. Sedangkan, metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kuantitatif dan deskriptif. Model penelitian pada penelitian ini diadaptasi dari penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Naveed R. Khan, Marinah Awang, Arsalan Mujahid Ghouri (2013) dan Julie Palmer (2008). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa newspaper tidak berpengaruh dan tidak signifikan terhadap job seeker’s intention to pursue the job di Kompas Gramedia Group dengan nilai sig. sebesar 0.132 dan nilai thitung ttabel yaitu sebesar 2.837 > 1.66088 dan nilai sig. sebesar 0.017 dengan nilai thitung > ttabel yaitu sebesar 2.419 > 1.66088. Selain itu, person – organization fit dan organizational culture berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap job seeker’s intention to pursue the job dengan nilai sig. sebesar 0.003 dengan nilai thitung > ttabel yaitu sebesar 3.071 > 1.66088 dan nilai sig. sebesar 0.000 dengan nilai thitung > ttabel yaitu sebesar 3.902 > 1.66088. Dan berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat diketahui bahwa recruitment sources (newspaper, internet, dan friends / relatives) serta job seeker’s perception (person – organization fit dan organizational culture) dapat menjelaskan dan mempengaruhi job seekers intention to pursue the job di Kompas Gramedia Group sebesar 46.8%

    Pengaruh Recruitment Source dan Job Seeker's Perception terhadap JOb Seeker's Intention to Pursue the Job di Kompas Gramedia Group

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    Job seeker's intention to pursue the job is to be considered by a company in order to attract a job applicant. The existence of an employee wishes to pursue a job (job seeker's intention to pursue the job) thought to be affected by a job applicant easily obtain employment information from a variety of existing media (recruitment sources). In addition, the perception of a job applicant (job seeker's perception) against a company is also thought to influence the decision to pursue such work. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of recruitment sources and job seeker's perception of job seeker's intention to pursue the job in Kompas Gramedia Group. In this study, questionnaires done by using non-probability sampling of 100 respondents who are a job applicant that have or are applying for a job at one of the subsidiaries of Kompas Gramedia Group, domiciled in Tangerang. Data collection methods used in this research by distributing questionnaires. Meanwhile, the research method used is quantitative and descriptive research methods. The results showed that the newspaper has no effect and no significant effect on job seeker's intention to pursue the job in Kompas Gramedia Group. Internet and friends / relatives have positive and significant effect on job seeker's intention to pursue the job in Kompas Gramedia Group. In addition, person - organization fit and organizational culture have positive and significant impact on the job seeker's intention to pursue the job. And based on the results of this research, it is known that the recruitment sources (newspaper, internet, and friends / relatives) as well as the job seeker's perception (person - organization fit and organizational culture) can explain and affect job seekers intention to pursue the job in Kompas Gramedia Group amounted to 46.8 %

    Pengaruh Recruitment Source dan Job Seeker's Perception terhadap JOb Seeker's Intention to Pursue the Job di Kompas Gramedia Group

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    Job seeker's intention to pursue the job is to be considered by a company in order to attract a job applicant. The existence of an employee wishes to pursue a job (job seeker's intention to pursue the job) thought to be affected by a job applicant easily obtain employment information from a variety of existing media (recruitment sources). In addition, the perception of a job applicant (job seeker's perception) against a company is also thought to influence the decision to pursue such work. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of recruitment sources and job seeker's perception of job seeker's intention to pursue the job in Kompas Gramedia Group. In this study, questionnaires done by using non-probability sampling of 100 respondents who are a job applicant that have or are applying for a job at one of the subsidiaries of Kompas Gramedia Group, domiciled in Tangerang. Data collection methods used in this research by distributing questionnaires. Meanwhile, the research method used is quantitative and descriptive research methods. The results showed that the newspaper has no effect and no significant effect on job seeker's intention to pursue the job in Kompas Gramedia Group. Internet and friends / relatives have positive and significant effect on job seeker's intention to pursue the job in Kompas Gramedia Group. In addition, person - organization fit and organizational culture have positive and significant impact on the job seeker's intention to pursue the job. And based on the results of this research, it is known that the recruitment sources (newspaper, internet, and friends / relatives) as well as the job seeker's perception (person - organization fit and organizational culture) can explain and affect job seekers intention to pursue the job in Kompas Gramedia Group amounted to 46.8 %


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    This study presents a software system which is capable of detecting and estimating the position of the object to the camera. The system will make use of 3D information obtained from a stereo reconstruction. 3D points reconstructed within the space of interest (SOI) are grouped into objects using clustering algorithm, DBSCAN and the number of points in a cluster formed. System evaluation uses one to two objects with both same and different size as well as the position of the X, Z and three different light levels. There are a total of 24 conditions used to test the system. The experimental results show that the system can detect objects well with an average position error obtained is relatively small and is under 10cm


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