5 research outputs found

    Investigation into the effect of season on oestrus in gilts over two years of climate adaptation

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    This study examined the changes in age at first oestrus, the weaning-to-oestrus interval (WEI), and duration of oestrus (DE) in a Yorkshire sow population during two years of adaptation from a northern (55°48′N, 9°13′W) European region to a southern (44°03′N, 23°35′W) one. The adaptation process induced a grouping effect of gilts around the mean age of the onset of puberty. Autumn and spring were characterized by the most enhanced gilt grouping effect at 201 to 210 days of age. The same effect was found for oestrus duration, which declined from a 12- to 96-hour range in the first year to an 18- to 90-hour range in the second year. The mean age of first oestrus was 0.8 days significantly lower in the second year compared with the first; the maximal lowering (1.7 days) occurred in the winter season. The WEI decreased significantly from the first to the second year in all four seasons, by a mean annual value of 0.88 days (15.9%). DE increased by 6.5 hours (significantly for all seasons) from the first year to the next. DE showed an ascending evolution from winter to spring and descending from summer to autumn, during each monitored year. Adaptation influences the oestrus in sows. The age to puberty and WEI tended to decrease, while DE tended to increase, with a simultaneous decrease in the variability of these oestrus parameters.Keywords: Age of puberty, climate conditions, length of oestrus, weaning to oestrus interva

    Funkcje i formy komunikacji zarządczej

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    This study is circumscribed to the domain of organizational communication and it is located within the specific field of managerial communication. It aims to clarify the purpose, functions and forms of managerial communication. The central approach is one of clarification and classification; in this respect, the approach is one of ontology of managerial communication (ontology includes vocabulary, terminology, classifications and typologies of a knowledge field). The research method that is used is complex and consists of a mix of meta-analytic procedures, procedures for collation, corroboration and synthesis procedures. Specialty literature is subject to a radiographic view in order to delineate ideas, opinions and theses related to the topic. Finally, our contribution consists of a) revealing, that managerial communication fulfills seven functions (information, decision transmission, influence, instruction, image, motivation, promotion) and c) in emphasizing that managerial communication is presented under seven forms (internal, external, vertical, horizontal, diagonal, linear, bipolar, and network communication).Badanie to ograniczone jest do dziedziny komunikacji organizacyjnej i usytuowane jest w konkretnym obszarze komunikacji zarządczej. Ma ono na celu wyjaśnienie celów, funkcji i formy komunikacji zarządczej. Główne podejście jest jednym z wyjaśnień i klasyfikacji; w tym zakresie, podejście jest jedną z ontologii komunikacji zarządczej (ontologia obejmuje słownictwo, terminologię, klasyfikacje i typologie pola wiedzy). Użyta metoda badania jest złożona i składa się z kombinacji meta-procedur analitycznych, procedur porównywania, potwierdzania i syntezy. Literatura specjalności jest przedmiotem radiograficznego widzenia w celu wytyczenia pomysłów, opinii i tez związanych z tematem. Ostatecznie nasz wkład składa się z: ujawnienia, że komunikacja zarządcza spełnia siedem funkcji (informacyjną, przekazywania decyzji, wpływu, nauki, obrazu, motywacji, promocji) oraz podkreślenia, że komunikacja zarządcza prezentowana jest w siedmiu postaciach (wewnętrzna, zewnętrzna, pionowa, pozioma, ukośna, liniowa, bipolarna i komunikacja sieciowa)