10 research outputs found

    Pola Penyakit Penyebab Kematian Bayi: Survai Kesehatan Rumah Tangga 1986

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    Infant mortality data had been collected through a National Household Health Survey in 7 provin­ces, which was conducted in August 1985 through May 1986. Retrospectively, the sampled population were interviewed about the occurence of births and deaths in the last one year period. Diagnosis for causes of deaths were made by medical doctors, based on verbal "autopsy". In the survey, 7951 live births and 571 infant deaths were recorded, and the infant mortality rate was 71.8 per 1000 live births. Comparing to 1980 Health Survey, the infant mortality rate was 99.7 per 1000 live births. Immunizable diseases were the underlying cause of 1926.0 infant deaths per 100,000 live births, i.e. covering 28.0% infant deaths. Within this group, tetanus was the most prevalent, it killed 1383.5 infants per 100,000 live births, i.e. 19.4% infant deaths. Diarrheal diseases were the underlying cause of 1119.8 infant deaths per 100,000 live births, i.e. 15.5% infant deaths. While diarrhea associated infant deaths were found in 18.7% cases. Respiratory infections, as an underlying cause, killed 867.8 infants per 100,000 live births, i.e. 12.1% infant deaths. Respiratory infection associated deaths were found in 1798.5. infants per 100,000 live births. Perinatal disorders frequently occurred during the neonatal periode (less than 1 month), and it kil­led 1433.8 infants per 100 000 live births

    Dampak Pemberian Tablet Zat Besi (Fe) pada Ibu Hamil terhadap Kejadian Bayi dengan Berat Badan Lahir Rendah (Analisis Lanjut Sdki 1994)

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    The prevalence of low birth weight (LBW) in Indonesia varied between 2.1 - 17.2%. At the end of Five years Development Plan V (Repelita V) it was 15.0%, and is expected to decrease to 10.0% by the end of Repelita VI. Low Birth Weight infant (less than 2500 grm) is an important issue, because of its relationship with the survival and health status of the infant in the future. The prevalence of anemia in pregnant women is 63.5%. The cause of anemia is mostly iron deficiency. The need of iron in pregnant women is quite high which is an average of 800 mg during pregnancy. Daily food contains 10 - 20 mg iron but the human body can absorb only less than 10.0%. To overcome the problem, iron pills distribution program is implemented. The iron pills contain 200 mg ferro sulfate and 0.25 mg folic acid, and are given to all pregnant women who visit Community Health Centres (Puskesmas) and Integrated Health Service Posts (Posyandu). Each pregnant women is expected to have at least 90 iron pills during the pregnancy. The objective of further analysis of the Demographic and Health Survey 1994 is to obtain information on the impact of iron pills on low birth weight. Among the 1689 weighted children born in 1994, there were 6.7% (112 children) with low birth weight. The percentage of low birth weight (10.6%) in the mothers who did not take the iron pills is the highest, followed by mothers who took less than 90 pills (6.0%) and the lowest percentage of low birth weight is found among mothers who took the least iron pills (5.9%), and statistically the difference is significant at p=0.0271. Among mothers who weighted their new born children, 14.6% did not take iron pills during pregnancy, only 26.1% mothers who took at least 90 iron pills during pregnancy. There is variation among the number of iron pills taken. Iron pill is useful for pregnant women. Based on the pills consumed by the pregnant women, the risk for having low birth weight infant for mother who did not take pills compared with those who take at least 90 pills is 3.5 times (95% CI: 1.41 - 9.09) in Java Bali, 10.3 times (95% CI: 1.11-14.29) for mothers with education Junior High School and 2.7 times (95% CI: 1.11 - 6.66) for mothers who give birth for the first child.Based on the number of pills taken by pregnant women, risk for Low Birth Weight in urban and rural area is not different, in Java Bali and as outer Java Bali. To reduce the Low Birth Weght, it is important to intensify monitoring, educating, informating on the importance of iron pills with balanced nutrition through health attendant and community key person and involvement of private company through mass media. It is important to have examination of women before she get pregnant and give proper treatment to the diseases which can worsen the anemia during pregnancy. It is also important to do special research on the high risk of anemia by considerating factors which determine low birth weight in the effort of promoting the health of pregnant women and the infants, so that specific and or appropriate methods of intervention can be developed and applied

    Faktor Determinan yang Mempengaruhi Pilihan Penolong Persalinan: Analisis Lanjut Sdki 1994

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    Since the first five years development plan, the coverage as well as the quality of maternal health services have been improved considerably, however the maternal mortality ratio has not shown any sign to decline so far. The Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) has shown high coverage of ante natal care in 1991 as well as in 1994, but more than fifty percent of deliveries are still assisted by the Traditional Birth Attendant (TBA). This further analysis using secondary data of IDHS 1994, covering ever-married women aged 15-49 years who has children born in the last 5 years period prior to the survey. The purpose of this analysis is to identify determining factors which affected the choice of pregnant women to deliver assisted by TBA. The potential determinant factors were analyzed consisted of: demographic, socio-economic and biomedical characteristic. The analysis was using descriptive and inferential statistics (bivariat). The result showed that 20449 children were born in the last 5 years period prior the survey, and 8084 children were born to mothers with more than 3 times ante natal care, but 71 percent of their deliveries were assisted by TBA. Traditional Birth Attendant still played an important role to assist deliveries, in Java-Bali region 79 percent and in Outer Java-Bali 59 percent of deliveries were assisted by TBA. Deliveries in the rural area (77 percent) are more likely to be assisted by TBA than in urban areas (51 percent). The statistical analyses showed that children born to parents with lower educational levels, living in rural areas, and who are less exposed to information media, are more likely to be assisted by TBA. From this analysis it is recommended a) to intensify health education; pregnancy health care and save delivery through social activities and information media, b) to improve TBAs' knowledge to identify early signs of high risk pregnancy and delivery and c) to improve the utilization and coverage of village midwives to assist deliveries

    Faktor Determinan Pemberian Air Susu Ibu Tidak Eksklusif (Analisis Lanjut Sdki 1994)

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    The Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) showed that the prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding among infants age under 4 month was 53.7 percent in 1991 and 47.3 percent in 1994. In the Outer Jawa Bali region 56.2 percent infants and in Jawa Bali region 41.4 percent infant were not exclusively breastfed (OR =1.81 CI 1.35-2.44). In the rural areas 54.2 percent infants and in urban area 48.2percent infants were not exclusively breastfed (OR=1.27 CI 0.96-1.69). The other potential factors: mothers education and occupation, social activities, infant care and exposure to mass media especially printed media — showed non significant influence on mothers practice for exclusive breasfeeding. Non exclusive breastfeeding was most prevalent among mothers not exposed to electronic media (radio or TV) (57.9 percent) than mothers exposed to electronic media (50.8 percent) (OR=1.32 CI 1.00-1.78)

    Pengetahuan Ibu Tentang AIDS, Sdki 1994

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    In the Indonesia Demographic Health Survey 1994 ever married women age 15-49 years were asked whether they have ever heard of AIDS and if so their sources of information concerning prevention and treatment of the disease, and their personal perception about the risk of getting the disease. Half of the women age 20-34 years have ever heard about AIDS and among the older women less than half of them have ever heard about it. This analysis describes information about the relationship between knowledge of ever married women 15-49 years about AIDS with various background characteristics - age, education, occupation, exposure to mass media, area, and regions. This information is required to improve the existing health education campaign about AIDS. The results indicate that women with less than secondary education or married to husband with less than secondary education or women who do not work or working as farmers are less likely to have ever heard about AIDS. Women who are not exposed to any type of mass media or exposed to only one media are less likely to have ever heard about AIDS than those who are exposed to two or more media. The proportion of women who have ever heard about AIDS in outer Java Bali region is lower than in Java Bali region, likewise in the rural areas it is lower than in urban areas. There are significant associations between area, region, women\u27 education, husbands\u27 education, occupation, exposure to mass media and having ever heart about AIDS. The major source of information about AIDS are from TV and second are newspapers and radio. To control the transmission of HIV/ AIDS the role of mass media is very important and therefore it is necessary to improve the coverage and acceptability of the information considering mothers\u27 education, region/area, and occupation. The information material should be simple and easily understood by the various social levels of community


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    Telah dilakukan analisa dan ulasan dari beberapa makalah dan laporan hasil penelitian yang berkait­an dengan kematian bayi dan anak Balita (1 -4 tahun). Survai Kesehatan Rumah Tangga 1980, mendapatkan angka kematian anak di bawah umur 5 tahun adalah 24.1 per 1000 anak. Pola penyakit penyebab kematian yang prevalen adalah diare yang menca­kup 1500.1 kematian bayi per 100.000 bayi lahir hidup dan pada anak 1—4 tahun adalah 416.6 per 100.000 anak. Tetanus didapati pada 1296.7 kematian per 100.000 bayi lahir hidup dan pada anak 14 tahun, adalah 321.5 per 100.000 anak. Anak-anak di bawah umur 5 tahun yang sakit dalam waktu 1 bu­lan adalah 186.0 per 1000 anak, diantaranya 53.1 per 1000 anak menderita penyakit infeksi dan parasit. Penelitian secara prospektif tentang kelahiran dan kematian bayi dan anak 1—4 tahun di Sukabumi, pada tahun 1982/1983, menghasilkan pola penyakit penyebab utama kematian bayi dan anak. Pertama adalah penyakit yang dapat dicegah dengan immunisasi, kedua adalah penyakit diare yang prevalen pada bayi. Berat badan lahir rendah didapati pada 11.1% dari seluruh bayi lahir hidup. Penelitian Morbiditas, Mortalitas perinatal dan berat badan waktu lahir telah dilakukan di Kabupa­ten Bandung dan R.S. Hasan Sadikin pada tahun 1978—1980. Angka lahir mati adalah 13.7 dan kemati­an neonatal dini 34.2 per 1000 kelahiran hidup di Ujung Berung. Berat badan rendah meliputi 14.7% dari seluruh bayi yang dilahirkan. Kematian perinatal didapati dua kali lebih tinggi pada kelompok bayi yang dilahirkan dengan berat badan kurang dari 2500 gm, dibandingkan dengan kelompok bayi yang dilahirkan dengan berat badan 3000-3999 gm. Umur ibu waktu melahirkan mempengaruhi berat badan waktu lahir, di Ujung Berung pada ibu golongan umur dibawah 20 tahun didapati 22.2% bayi dengan berat badan lahir rendah, dan di R.S. Hasan Sadikin didapati 27.9% bayi dengan berat badan lahir ren­dah. Pada 12 rumah sakit rujukan dan pendidikan, telah dilakukan monitoring ibu hamil, 1978—1980. Kematian perinatal didapati rendah (3.5-3.9%) pada kelompok bayi dengan berat badan waktu lahir 3000—3999 gm, sedangkan pada kelompok bayi dengan berat badan waktu lahir kurang dari 2500 gm, kematian perinatal meliputi 30.0%. Pendidikan ibu, pemeriksaan pada waktu hamil dan kesehatan ibu mempengaruhi kematian perinatal

    Pengetahuan Ibu Tentang AIDS, Sdki 1994

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    In the Indonesia Demographic Health Survey 1994 ever married women age 15-49 years were asked whether they have ever heard of AIDS and if so their sources of information concerning prevention and treatment of the disease, and their personal perception about the risk of getting the disease. Half of the women age 20-34 years have ever heard about AIDS and among the older women less than half of them have ever heard about it. This analysis describes information about the relationship between knowledge of ever married women 15-49 years about AIDS with various background characteristics - age, education, occupation, exposure to mass media, area, and regions. This information is required to improve the existing health education campaign about AIDS. The results indicate that women with less than secondary education or married to husband with less than secondary education or women who do not work or working as farmers are less likely to have ever heard about AIDS. Women who are not exposed to any type of mass media or exposed to only one media are less likely to have ever heard about AIDS than those who are exposed to two or more media. The proportion of women who have ever heard about AIDS in outer Java Bali region is lower than in Java Bali region, likewise in the rural areas it is lower than in urban areas. There are significant associations between area, region, women education, husbands education, occupation, exposure to mass media and having ever heart about AIDS. The major source of information about AIDS are from TV and second are newspapers and radio. To control the transmission of HIV/ AIDS the role of mass media is very important and therefore it is necessary to improve the coverage and acceptability of the information considering mothers education, region/area, and occupation. The information material should be simple and easily understood by the various social levels of community