101 research outputs found


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    This research is aimed to know about the factors that influence to change of farming function in Demak Regency. This issue is important sice farming was the main sector and had important role for economic and also employment . On this research the independent variables are the number of population, the number of industries, and also domestic income (PDRB) The research is analized with regression by ordinary least square method and using semilog model for this estimation. Hence, the change of farming function is analized by graphical method. The result of this research shows that all the independent variables has positive relationship to the change of farming function. But only two variables are his significane, that are number of population and number industries. From the grapichal method analysis we know that the number of change of farming function is increase from year to year. Most of the phenomenom is used to housing and industrial need


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    The corn production in Grobogan District has reached 708.013 tons. At one of the village, at Geyer, Grobogan District which is Jambangan Village has become researcher concern because that place has a big potential with a corn production. According to input number and production, we can know the effects of the production factors in the research location. This research purpose to knowing the effects of production factors to the corn production. Also to figure out the conditions of return to scale Usahatani Jagung at the Jambangan Village, Geyer, Grobogan District. These kinds of the data are primary and secondary. The primary data obtained from questionnaire technique of the interview with the corn farmer at the research location. The method that used is the analysis return to scale, analysis of Cobb-Douglass production function using regression estimation. The result of this research is showing the production factor of the land area, seed, organic fertilizer and ZA fertilizer real affected to the corn production, while the production factor of the work experience, the number of workers and pesticide doesn’t real affected. The Value of return to scale Usahatani Jagung at the research location is at the conditionincreasing return to scale, and so Usahatani Jagung is deserve to develop


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    Great Mosque of Semarang attractions chosen because attraction is one of the attractions in the city of Semarang, who has the lowest number of visitors compared to the Great Mosque of Demak attraction but it has economic value. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the cost of a trip to the Grand Mosque of Semarang attractions, travel to other attractions (Demak), individual income, distance, time, age, amenities and beauty affect the number of requests to the attraction of the Great Mosque of Semarang, Semarang city, to analyze the effect of the cost of a trip to the Grand Mosque of Semarang attractions, travel to other attractions (Demak), individual income, distance, time employment, age and previous experience of visiting the attractions of the number of visits to the Great Mosque of Semarang. The analytical tool used in this study is multiple linear regression with the number of visits as the dependent variable and eight independent variables are variable cost of travel to the Grand Mosque of Semarang, the variable cost of a trip to the Grand Mosque of Demak, variable average individual income per month (Rp), variable trip length, variable time, variable life, variable and variable beauty facilities using OLS and Surplus Value to calculate the total economic value of the Great Mosque of Semarang object. The results showed five variables affect the total demand of tourism to the Grand Mosque of Semarang is the cost of travel to get to the Grand Mosque of Semarang, distance, time, facilities and beauty. Variable distance regression coefficient produced a value of 0.093, this means an increase in distance will result in the number of requests under the assumption that the cost of a trip to the Grand Mosque wiata object Semarang, the cost of trips to other attractions (Great Mosque of Demak), individual income, time, age and previous experience of visiting the objec fixed (constant). It was concluded that the higher the previous visit experience, the higher the number of requests to the attraction of the Great Mosque of Semarang. The existence of the experience of total travel demand Mosque of Semarang attraction because attraction and beauty facilities costs incurred to get to these attractions make the visitors who've come before and was satisfied would have the intention to re-visit it

    ANALISIS FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI PRODUKSI JAGUNG (Studi Kasus: di Kecamatan Mranggen Kabupaten Demak)

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    This study aims to identify the factors that influence the production of corn crops and to analyze technical efficiency of cultivation of corn crops in Kecamatan Mranggen Kabupaten Demak. This study also aims to identify the returns to scale. The study was held in Kecamatan Mranggen that has been known as one of the best of the producers of corn in Kabupaten Demak. The data used are cross section. The respondents becoming samples in this stuy consist of 88 farmers as owners and operators. The Cobb-Douglas production function with multiple linear approach was employed to answer the objective posed by study. The estimation results indicate that the factors that affect the production is the area of land, capital, seeds, fertilizer and labor. The value of the land input efficiency of -0.04111; -0.19480 capital; 1.55431 seed; 0.04923 fertilizers; and labor 0.58471. Means the variable land, capital, seeds, fertilizer and labor have efficiency values less than one (< 1). This means that for a variable land, capital, fertilizer, labor and inefficient price that must be reduced. The variable seed price efficiency value more than one (> 1). It shows that for the variables have not been efficient in the price, advisable for farmers to increase the number of seeds used. The returns to scale, production in research area has been decreasing return to scale (DRS) in the production of 0.9689 but, relatively small or approximately constant. The proportion of addition of production factors have a greater value than the value of production obtained

    KAJIAN PUPUK BERSUBSIDI DI PEKALONGAN (Studi Kasus di Kecamatan Kesesi)

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    This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the fertilizer subsidy policy to support rice production, analyzing the large proportion of expenditure on fertilizers by farmers and analyze farmers' net income earned in each growing season. This study took a case study on Kesesi District Pekalongan. The sampling method using purposive sampling where the selection of respondents based on consideration of the research supporting data. The research sample is the entire village in the district by the number of respondents Kesesi 100 farmers. Determination of the number of respondents is based on calculations using formulas Slovin. The analytical method used is quantitative methods. To measure the effectiveness of the fertilizer subsidy policy used two main indicators, namely the right price and the right amount. Results of this study showed that the fertilizer subsidy policy is considered not effective based on the price of subsidized fertilizer level retailers, the results showed 72.19 percent of farmers buy fertilizer at a price above the prevailing HET. Later than HET in terms of the use of fertilizers by farmers are also not in accordance with the recommendations of balanced fertilization. Penelititan results showed 62 percent of farmers use fertilizer farmers are still under the recommendation and 12 percent above the recommended recommendations. From these results we can conclude bersubisi fertilizer policies have not been effective. It can affect farmers' expenditure, in which case the proportion of research expenditure in the amount of fertilizer farmers 11 percent. These expenses are the second largest expense after labor expenses, it will indirectly affect the income of farmers. Amount of expenditure will reduce the amount of revenue that would diiterima farmers. Based on our research the average net income once the growing season of 100 respondents with an average of 3350.1 m² of land amounting to Rp 3,899,58


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    Sugar importing policy done by Indonesian government affected the price of domestic sugar, therefore also affected the industrial of domestic sugar, include industrial of tumbu sugar in Dawe District of Kudus Regency. The purposes of this research are to know the cost, revenue, profit, and feasibility of tumbu sugar farming in Dawe District of Kudus Regency for a year. Basic method in this research is analitic descriptive with survey method. Data analysis method that used is income analysis, Break Even Point (BEP) analysis, and R/C ratio analysis in tumbu sugar farming. The data that used is primary data which obtained from direct observation and interview. Secondary dataare obtained from books and other literatures. The research result indicating that the total cost of tumbu sugar farming in a year is Rp 1.233.823.142,60, which consist of fixed cost is Rp 32.494.392,60 and variable cost is Rp 1.201.328.750,00. Revenue of tumbu sugar farming in a year is Rp 1.335.470.617,28 and the profit of tumbu sugar farming in a year is Rp 101.647.474,68. BEP value of production volume is 190,3 tons and BEP value of price is Rp 5.989.432,73/ton, indicating that tumbu sugar production doesn’t got any profit and doesn’t got any loss in production level of 190,3 tons and in selling price of Rp 5.989.432,73/ton. R/C ratio value of tumbu sugar farming is 1,08 which is R/C > 1. Based on income analysis, BEP calculation, R/C ratio, it can told that tumbu sugar farming in Dawe District of Kudus Regency is profitable and feasibly to be carried ou

    ANALISIS PROFITABILITAS USAHATANI POLA PERTANIAN ORGANIK (Kasus: Pertanian Sayuran Kecamatan Getasan, Kabupaten Semarang)

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    Getasan Subdistrict was the highest vegetable producer in Semarang Subdistrict.The purpose of this research was to analyze the transition pattern from anorganic to organic agriculture and agriculture farm profitability. Data analysis method used in this research is the analysis of profitability, and analysis of R/C Ratio. The data used in this study are primary and secondary data. Samples were taken by purposive sampling method. Respondents in this study were vegetable farmers in Sub Getasan many as 56 people. Interview method used to interview the key person of the environment academia, government, and society. Interview results showed that the pattern of land ownership of farmers own 82% owned by the area between 1.000-14.000 m2. Cropping pattern applied Getasan farmers are cropping intercropping plant species in accordance with market demand so that there is no definite pattern of cropping. The results showed profit received by farmers every year is Rp37.0268 million and R / C Ratio of organic farming is 5.47
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