100 research outputs found

    Focus on Female Quality of Life after Pregnancy

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    Kerangka Kerja Pemilihan Free and Open Source Software (Foss) Menggunakan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process

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    Banyaknya pilihan Free Open Source Software (FOSS) dengan beraneka ragam kualitas menyulitkan kita memilih FOSS yang tepat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kita. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan suatu metode untuk membantu dalam memilih FOSS yang tepat. Paper ini bertujuan untuk mengemukakan suatu kerangka kerja (framework) yang dapat memberikan tuntunan atau bantuan dalam memilih FOSS. Kerangka kerja yang diajukan ini menggunakan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process untuk membantu proses pemilihan solusi

    Indonesian primary care physician perception towards contraception usage: a review

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    Background: Indonesian Health Profile (IHF) showed that Indonesian population reached 255.46 million people in 2015. A way to control population growth is through family planning (FP). This study aims to evaluate knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) of general practitioner in Indonesia regarding to contraception and postpartum contraception.Methods: A cross sectional descriptive study to all internship doctors in Indonesia was held between July and August 2016. There were 8, 10, 9, 6 questions focusing on characteristics demographic, knowledge, attitude, and practice towards contraception including postpartum contraception, respectively. The inclusion criteria were all general practitioners who were doing the internship in Indonesia during this study. The exclusion criteria were general practitioners who postponed the internship due to any reasons. Descriptive statistics were used for data analysis using SPSS 23.0 for Windows.Results: Most of them (56.4%) had good knowledge, 97.4% respondents pointed out positive attitude, and 72.3% of them showed positive practice towards contraception. Meanwhile, the experience of inserting IUD, implant, and performing contraceptive injection was only 58.5%, 43.6%, and 79.0%; contributively.Conclusions: Supervision training starting from contraceptive counselling to procedure of insertion on long acting and permanent methods (LAPM) should be conducted to allow quality contraceptive service in Indonesia


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    PENGATUR CATU DAYA TEGANGAN TINGGI PERANGKAT MAMMOGRAFI MX-13 BERBASIS PULSE WIDTH MODULATION (PWM).. Perangkat mammography adalah perangkat pencitraan payudara menggunakan sinar-X dosis rendah untuk mendeteksi dini kanker pada tahap yang paling memungkinkan untuk dilakukan terapi sebelum pasien merasakan adanya gejala. Perangkat mammografi MX-13 buatan PRFN memanfatkan teknik pulse width modulation (PWM) untuk mengatur catu tegangan tinggi ke tabung sinar-X. Pada perangkat mammografi konvensional, pengaturan catu daya tegangan tinggi dialkukan menggunakan autotransformer yang berdimensi besar dan berat. Dengan menggunakan teknik PWM, dimensi dan berat modul catu daya tegangan tinggi dapat dikurangi. Pulsa PWM dihasilkan oleh mikrokontroler. Pulsa PWM ini digunakan untuk mengatur tegangan pada bagian primer transformator tegangan tinggi. Hasil pengujian menunjukan bahwa PWM dapat menghasilkan tegangan proporsional terhadap duty cycle yang diberikan dan dapat digunakan untuk mengatur catu daya tegangan tinggi perangkat mammografi MX-13.


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    PENGATUR CATU DAYA TEGANGAN TINGGI PERANGKAT MAMMOGRAFI MX-13 BERBASIS PULSE WIDTH MODULATION (PWM).. Perangkat mammography adalah perangkat pencitraan payudara menggunakan sinar-X dosis rendah untuk mendeteksi dini kanker pada tahap yang paling memungkinkan untuk dilakukan terapi sebelum pasien merasakan adanya gejala. Perangkat mammografi MX-13 buatan PRFN memanfatkan teknik pulse width modulation (PWM) untuk mengatur catu tegangan tinggi ke tabung sinar-X. Pada perangkat mammografi konvensional, pengaturan catu daya tegangan tinggi dialkukan menggunakan autotransformer yang berdimensi besar dan berat. Dengan menggunakan teknik PWM, dimensi dan berat modul catu daya tegangan tinggi dapat dikurangi. Pulsa PWM dihasilkan oleh mikrokontroler. Pulsa PWM ini digunakan untuk mengatur tegangan pada bagian primer transformator tegangan tinggi. Hasil pengujian menunjukan bahwa PWM dapat menghasilkan tegangan proporsional terhadap duty cycle yang diberikan dan dapat digunakan untuk mengatur catu daya tegangan tinggi perangkat mammografi MX-13.

    Penyuluhan Pentingnya Kemandirian Pangan Dan Gizi Seimbang Dalam Rumah Tangga Melalui Pemanfaatan Pekarangan Lahan Kering Di Desa Gumantar Lombok Utara

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    Agricultural land in the Gumantar Village area is dry land with relatively low productivity and diversification of food production, which then causes low income and food availability for farming families, so that it could have an impact on unbalanced food consumption and nutrition for family members and could also threaten household food security. However, on the other hand, the average farmer household has a fairly large yard, but it has not been used optimally. Therefore, counseling was carried out to the community which aims to increase the knowledge and understanding of farmers on the understanding of balanced nutrition and at the same time use the yard around the house in realizing food independence and fulfilling the nutritional needs of the family. The extension activity was carried out in June 2021. This extension activity was considered successful, seen from the enthusiasm and perseverance of the participants in participating in the extension activity and then hoping for follow-up in the practice of using the yard. The farming community of Gumantar Village has high enthusiasm for the realization of the use of the yard as a source of nutritious food


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya perbedaan hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan metode pembelajaran KWL (Know, Want, Learn) dengan metode ceramah, oleh karena itu peneliti melakukan penelitian menggunakan metode pembelajaran KWL (Know, Want, Learn) pada kompetensi dasar menerapkan macam-macam gerbang dasar rangkaian logika di kelas X AV. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi experiment dengan rancangan “Nonrandomized Control Group Pretest-Posttest Design”. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X AV SMK Negeri 2 Surabaya, sedangkan untuk sampel diambil dari dua kelas yaitu kelas X AV 1 sebagai kelas kontrol dan kelas X AV 3 sebagai kelas eksperimen. Teknik analisis data untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar menggunakan uji-t. Dari hasil belajar siswa diperoleh nilai rata-rata kelas eksperimen sebesar 83,22 dan kelas kontrol sebesar 78,81. Sedangkan hasil uji-t diperoleh thitung sebesar 4,694 dan ttabel sebesar 1,671. Dengan demikian maka thitung > ttabel, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan metode pembelajaran KWL (Know, Want, Learn) lebih baik dibandingkan dengan hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan metode ceramah. Kata Kunci : Metode pembelajaran KWL (Know, Want, Learn), hasil belajar. Abstract The purpose of this study is determine whether there is a difference between student learning outcomes KWL (Know, Want, Learn) learning methods with lecture, therefore researches conducted studies using the learning method of KWL (Know, Want, Learn) on basic competence to apply various basic gate logic circuit in class X AV. The research method using quasi experiment with design “Nonrandomized Control Group Pretest-Posttest Design”. The research population is class X AV SMK Negeri 2 Surabaya, whereas for the samples taken from the two classes namely X AV 1 as a control class and the class as a class experiment X AV 3. Data analysis techniques to determine the difference in learning outcomes using t-test. Student learning outcomes obtained an average value of the experimental class of 83,22 and control class is 78,81. Whereas the t-test results obtained tcount equal to 4,694 and ttable of 1,671. Thus the tcount > ttable, so it can be concluded that the results of student learning using the learning metode of KWL (Know, Want, Learn) better than the learning outcomes of students who use the lecture method. Keywords : KWL (Know, Want, Learn) learning method, learning outcomes

    Role of Platelet-Rich Plasma Application on Mesh-Tissue Integration: Peran Aplikasi Platelet-Rich Plasma pada Integrasi Mesh dengan Jaringan

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    AbstractObjective: To review the advantage of PRP use on mesh-augmented surgery.Methods: Literature review of PRP application of mesh.Results: The application of PRP on mesh shows potential promising outcome.Conclusion: PRP may improve the mesh-tissue integration.Keywords: mesh-augmented surgery, pelvic organ prolapse, platelet-rich plasma, wound healing.AbstrakTujuan: Untuk menganalisa keuntungan penggunaan PRP pada pembedahan rekonstruktif dengan mesh.Metode: Kajian pustaka dari penggunaan PRP pada pembedahan rekonstruktif dengan mesh.Hasil: Aplikasi PRP pada mesh menunjukkan hasil yang positif.Kesimpulan: Aplikasi PRP dapat meningkatkan integrasi mesh dengan jaringanKata kunci: pembedahan rekonstruksi dengan mesh, penyembuhan luka, platelet-rich plasma, prolaps organ panggul

    Efektifitas Tanaman Refugia Kacang-Kacangan Menangkal Intensitas Serangan Hama Ulat Grayak (spodoptera exigua Hubner.) Pada Bawang Merah: Effectiveness of Bean Refugia to Prevent Intensity Attacks of Armyworm Pests (Spodoptera exigua Hubner.) On Shallots

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    This experimental research aims to obtain the type of legume refugia plant that is most effective in preventing invasion, colonization and intensity of attack by the Spodoptera exigua Hubner pest on shallot. The experiment was designed with a randomized block design consisting of six treatments of various refugia plants, namely shallot plants without refugia treatment (Ro), shallot plants with refugia treatment peanuts (R1), soybeans (R2), green beans (R3), red beans (R4) and cowpeas (R5), which are planted in two rows on the side of the bund at a distance of 10 cm from the outermost row of shallot plants. Observation parameters were egg population, larvae, intensity of S. exigua pest attack and weight of fresh shallot bulbs. The variety of refugia plants from the legume group influences invasion, colonization and the intensity of Spodoptera exigua Hubner pest attacks. on red onions. Peanut and cowpea refugia plants planted in two rows on the sides of the shallot mounds, are very effective in preventing invasion, colonization and the intensity of Spodoptera exigua Hubner pest attacks, so that the shallot plants experience very light disturbance with an attack intensity of 2,522% – 4,432 %, which is in the very low category. As a result, the yield of fresh shallot tubers obtained was significantly higher compared to shallot plants without refugia plants and with refugia plants of soybeans, green beans and red beans. Soybean, green bean and red bean refugia plants are not effective in preventing Spodoptera exigua Hubner pest attacks on shallots because the plants experience attack intensity from the age of 49 HST – 63 HST of 21.86% - 23.34% with the attack intensity being in the medium category

    Aplikasi Pupuk Organik Dan Benziladenin Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Tanaman Rosela (Hibiscus Sabdariffa L.)

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    This research has been conducted to study the effect of organic matter andbenziladenin aplication on the growth and yield of the roselle. Research wasconducted on Research Center at Tanjung Selamat Village, sub district sunggalwith a height of 57 m above sea level during February-June 2012, using factorialrandomized block design with two factors, they are compost (0, 200, 400g/polybag) and benziladenin (0, 100, 200, 300 cc/l). The parameters observedwere plant height, flowering age, branch number, fruit production per plant, freshweight of fruits per plant, fresh weight of petals per plant, dry weightof petals perplant and seed weight per plant. The result of the research showed that compostsignificantly increased all parameters, bensiladenin significantly increased thebranch number, and interaction of both compost and benziladenine did not showany significant effect on all parameters
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